So Resistnet started a thread about the Israel raid on the Gaza-bound aid ship, which was started by our old friend Dee Admin II. The thread became a giant clusterfrak, and has gone on for pages and pages (41 so far) and the posters are divided into three camps: 1- People who support Israel because that means we get to shoot more dark people/Muslims/terrorists. 2- People who support Israel because that means Jesus will return and kill everyone who isn’t keen on Jesus. 3- People who think there is a giant Zionist Conspiracy and Jews and Rothschilds and the NWO control everything. Naturally, the people in group 3 have a huge fight with the people in groups 1 and 2. If you are wondering if there is any sane discussion, there is only one guy who has an opinion that isn’t dumb. He is quickly attacked by groups 1 and 2 for not blindly supporting Israel.
Torpedo all boats that even get near the middle east!
But wait! It is Jewish Conspiracy Time!
Click on More to read many many many more crazy posts!
A rare thoughtful post. He’s quickly attacked by both pro-Israel factions and lumped in with the Zionist Conspiracy group
I am tired of people causing their own problems screaming about being oppressed. I say so on this website filled with morons who vote for Republicans who scream about being repressed
Someone saw Jaws this weekend
The argument continues
A Code Pink member on Resistnet???
This thread gave us more misspellings than Resistnet has seen in months.
Remember, you aren’t supposed to directly attack people on Resistnet…unless they disagree with the site Admins!
God’s Hand must be late or something
Slingshots???? Nuke ’em!
Steven A. Walker fancies himself Admiral Thrawn
Let’s throw out the 9-11 conspiracy links!
Insult so nice he said it thrice
david hutzler is a the conspiracy in the conspiracy
How dare you read a book not written by Glenn Beck!
Why you should not eat lead paint:
robert berry can’t capitalize his name, but he capitalized everything else!
You’re an idiot who went to college! Ha!
Palestinians are doing terrorism just to get Welfare!
At least another crazy Zionist Conspiracy Nut is on Resistnet!
Why would your education have to be from exactly 1836?
Bart Simpson and Dennis the Menace are Palestinian terrorists!
Leave Britney Alone!!!!
Canadians shouldn’t be discussing what happens in Israel, only Americans!!!
O-hole – A poem
satin is seriously the most evil fabric in the universe
I’ll try once more to add some rational discussion here…
You see, Israel is Goliath now! What the Philistines should have done was torpedo David
I think shirley williams just advised everyone to become hobos…
Let’s interrupt this Israel discussion to mention how I don’t have health insurance, but I do own a gun!
Roberta Hamlin, rogue pedophile accuser! (this is actually a completely different paranoid conspiracy theory that deserves its own article)
Screw your logic, the people in the video looked dark-skinned, so they must be terrorists!!! I welcome Israel killing Americans, as a guy who in my username is declaring I will kill American government agents if I lose a few more elections!
Alfalfa is a terrorist.
OMG sooooo Zionist Conspriacy!!!
Jesus, King of the Jews, not a Jew!
Now going to a University doesn’t make you Liberal, it makes you a legitimate Bible critic!
Thomas Whyte is planning to shoot all Liberals after the Republicans take over Congress.
A self-hating JINO
Don Vondran is suicidal and wants to nuke the world because he doesn’t care anymore. That is the face of the Patriotic Resistance
Oh, al Qaeda is going to nuke us, I totally didn’t just make that up.
Just when you thought we were all out of Zionist Conspiracy Posters, a new one shows up!
Israel should nuke everyone, and we should nuke Israel. Thanks, Resistnet, you have killed them all!
More anti-Israel stuff
Zombies attacking the Middle East, China building walls…someone is reading World War Z again!
Revelations better not happen this weekend, I got plans!
Ah, the Rothschilds. Here we go down the Conspiracy Loony Bin!
Either you back Israel 100% so Revelations can happen, or you are an Anti-Semite. Nach Shon lays it out pure as gold here
Disagree with Nach Shon, and you will burn in hell!
The Bible PREDICTED Israel attacking an aid ship to Gaza. It was in the Book of MadeUp, Chapter 3 Verse 4
Linda Juanita Smith has a sex fantasy and its name is Armageddon!
Another anti-Israel poster emerges
Nach Shon’s logic has now removed everyone from America except the American Indians. Good job, Nach Shon!
Even the local Jewish Guy is upset over Linda Juanita Smith’s everyone dies fetish
So God caused the oil leak because we’re trying to have peace in the Middle East.
Muslims aren’t people
It’s a battle of the Jesus people!
Bill Bissell’s drift is he is a cannibal!
Everyone on Resistnet works for Satan. Or Satin.
I have failed to convert you, so off to Hell for you!
Wait a minute, why is this guy throwing bricks at elephants? I hate this guy!
Are Lucerferian people like Rastafarian people?
Obama is not human, only an animal, and I have a gorilla for an avatar. What could it mean???
So let’s arrest all purple and scarlet 1260 year old men! AntiChrist problem solved!
Blue can’t be stolen! Avatars and Smurfs are the holiest creatures!
And the Mark of the Beast is going to Church. Lady, the Book of Revelations isn’t Calvinball, you can’t just make up the rules as you go!
The Jews are everywhere! There are Jews in my fridge! It is a conspiracy!
I am a holy person, that is why I totally want to call you all sorts of names, but instead I will only say I was going to call you names, but it would just get me banned. That proves I am a good Christian! You fucking whore!!! Oops!
41 pages later, the battle is still going on. But no longer on Politisink, because we’ve wasted enough time on this crap!