Tea Party Express’s Mark Williams goes nuts

Tea Party Express bigwig Mark Williams took the Teabagger/NAACP spat a bit further…to the INSANO ZONE! He upped this “letter” on his webpage! It is a fake letter from a black guy to President Lincoln.

Dear Mr. Lincoln
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’.

The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Colored People to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us Colored People! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.

And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Colored People we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions and if you do not agree than there is not enough Colored in your People, as we labeled Ken Gladney [source]
The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target Colored People. That means we Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.

Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?

Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.

Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Head Colored Person

I would just like to point out that Resistnet is best buddies with the Tea Party Express. The rest of this letter…I’ll just let it speak for itself.

Lots of good commentary about this here.

Also this ad on his site is hilarious:

7 thoughts on “Tea Party Express’s Mark Williams goes nuts

  1. Pingback: Resistnet vs the NAACP | Politisink

  2. Wow, I went to Mark William’s website today to try and find this post but HE TOOK IT DOWN because he’s a chickenshit coward.

    What a tool, writing an incredibly racist screed, getting everyone to talk about it, and then erasing his “parody letter” and replacing it with something more cordial in order to get him attention (and to duck any future charges of racism because HAI GUYZ IT WAS PARIODY!)

  3. He replaced it with this:

    Letter to Lincoln
    A personal note from Mark Williams:
    I learned this morning that Ben Jealous, author of the NAACP anti-tea party resolution has offered something of an olive branch and wants to open discussions with tea partiers regarding dialing down the unproductive shots going back and forth. After being told of Mr. Jealous’ offer I contacted his office via email and provided him with all of my contact information, including my private telephone number in order to speak man to man with him and find common ground for progress. I do hope that he follows through and calls. The first round of beers at our ’summit’ will be on me.
    Following what I believe to be a sincere move by Mr. Jealous I recognize that I have a responsibility to act in kind (just as I did in response to the NAACP’s anti-tea party resolution and what was said about us) and that the continued controversy over this post can only dectract from the discussions. Furthermore, I applaud Mr. Jealous and welcome his willingness to help move us past talking points and personalities. This nation has real problems and we are in real danger. That is no time for Mark Williams and Ben Jealous to get into a battle of egos and personalities.
    Point made now we move forward.
    To that end and as a reciprocal gesture I have removed the parody letter you came here to read and urge you to fight those who seek to divide us by race, no matter the color of the racist. Our fight is against tyranny and for liberty and to see that this nation continues the lofty goal of equality for all set for us by our founders. Make no mistake though, there are those for whom peace and progress is poison and they will continue to circulate the several versions of my article (Yes, there were several versions. As reasonable people pointed out to me wording that I agreed was indeed objectionable it was removed or changed by me personally.)
    Now that Mr. Jealous and others realize their error and seek to mend fences it becomes my job to not offend rational people who disagree with me on the relevant issues while not sacrificing the truth. I heard too from many very sober and thoughtful people who counseled me that my comments were an obstacle to progress and that I missed my intended target. The day that I cannot learn something new will be the one following the coroner’s signature on my death certificate and this is not that day. So, with that I reiterate what I and every tea partier have said repeatedly: We denounce racists of any color and all those who seek to divide the American People along any lines.
    I would suggest to those offended by the term “Colored People” (the phrase that made my article so controversial) please contact the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and join me in calling for an end to their use of the racial slur and that Mr. Jealous take me up on my offer to travel with me on the next Tea Party Express so that he may meet all of you in person. His contact information is below.
    Mark Williams
    NAACP Telephone: (410) 580-5777 or (877) NAACP-98
    More NAACP contact information and email form here: http://www.naacp.org/page/s/contact

    But he can’t be serious without attacking the NAACP some more. What a douche-nozzle. And let’s not forget this wonderful appearance on TV –

    HALL: Do we move forward by either side calling out extremism in their party? […]

    WILLIAMS: It’s impossible — it’s impossible for there to be a racist element in the tea party, you don’t get it! The tea party is about human rights, it’s about the United States constitution. The United States constitution mankind’s foremost human rights document.

    HALL: What about the signs of the president as an African with a bone in his nose? What is that? Is that about the constitution?

    WILLIAMS: Those signs were brought by Crash the Tea party, the coalition of anti-tea party groups, google crashed the tea party. You will find it all there. … Buy my book!

    Impossible. IMPOSSIBLE!! Buy my book! Buy my book!

  4. That’s just what this world needs, more hatred and ignorance. I’m flabbergasted that someone would have the audacity to make such a statement. Most people don’t want to hear this, but if we don’t start working together as americans and move forward as a nation we are doomed. People are people, and like it or not, we are in this together. Stop pointing fingers and blaming others. We all have to unite and do the right thing, let nothing divide us. Unity is strength. May love reign supreme and lead us forward. May hatred and ignorance be left behind, along with those consumed by it.

  5. Pingback: Tea Party Express/Mark Williams supposedly booted from National Tea Party Federation | Politisink

  6. Pingback: Mark Williams returns | Politisink

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