Mark Williams returns

In the past few weeks some stories have slipped by due to work leaving me solo, so here we’re catching up on one and using it as an excuse to post more Resistnet caps. Remember Tea Party Express racist Mark Williams? He wrote a fake letter to the NAACP by a “slave” that was denounced by pretty much everyone with a nanogram of common sense. Then the Tea Party Express kicked him out. He disappeared…for a few weeks, and is now back hyping up the new Citizens Reclaiming Constitutional Liberties PAC. So that’s the new scam! Donate today, Mark Williams needs some new white sheets!

As Williams revealed his new plans he also took a swipe at the Tea Party movement for not being able to move beyond “the cheerleading stage.”

Williams revealed, first to CNN, that he is helping to form a political action committee that will channel “Tea Party passion” into electing conservative candidates.

Williams said the effort will be called the “Citizens Reclaiming Constitutional Liberties PAC.” He told CNN that paperwork is currently being filed to establish the group and that it should be up and running by August 16. From there, the PAC will proceed in raising seed money and finding candidates it deems conservative enough, Williams said.

“We’ll be looking for…conservative young people who have something to offer, something to say and don’t identify, in some cases, with either party,” Williams told CNN in an exclusive interview.

Below the fold is some Resistnet screencaps of all their Tea Party Express mentions, because, why not?

These are Tea Party Express/Resistnet posts

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