Be back tomorrow. Until then…

Ψ Ω ALL AMERICAN ALL BEEF TONTO Ω Ψ [☭ Liberal-Islamo Long-Legged Mac-Daddy Grand Slap-Master & Uncle Tom-Tom ☭]

★God Bless America★
……☢☠ ☭ SAVE IT FROM THE CZARS ☭ ☠☢……

Drain Clogs – 08-04-2010

If you’ve read The Wrecking Crew by Thomas Frank you will be familiar with the vast direct mail fundraising apparatus the Right has. Now, the modern Web 2.0 version has been operation for years, and Salon has exposed that like before most of the money goes to the firms and not the candidates.

Thousands of grassroots conservative donors around the country who believe they are contributing to the fight to reclaim Congress in the fall have actually poured millions of dollars into a group of political action committees whose primary function appears to be enriching a notorious Washington direct mail fundraising firm, Salon’s review of the groups’ FEC filings shows.

The PACs — Freedom’s Defense Fund, the Black Republican PAC, Veterans for Victory, and the Republican Member Senate Fund — are all based out of post office boxes in Washington and all have a treasurer in common: Scott Mackenzie, a campaign finance consultant at Base Connect, the direct mail firm. Formerly known as BMW Direct, Base Connect has long been controversial for its practice of raising large sums of money for long-shot conservative candidates, who in turn pay Base Connect as much as 80 or 90 percent of the money raised for its services.

This is just the Free Market in action, baby! Also the new Politisink Concerned Americans for an American America Patriot Freedom Eagle PAC is now seeking donations, we promise that we may eventually get around to giving money to a candidate.

Speaking of Right Wing nuts, the Washington Post has a neat article up about how Colonial Williamsburg has become sort of a Mecca for Wingnuts wanting to hear the founding fathers give rousing speeches. The Founding Fathers are played by actors, many of which aren’t into the crazy wingnut beat and are shooting down Glenn Beck talking points while in character. It rules.

Women are all about porn, and only church groups can save them!

The Iowa GOP wants to join the ranks of the other crazy state GOP groups, so they’ve decided to support the “original” 13th Amendment solely because they want to try to use it to strip Obama’s citizenship. At least they think Obama is a citizen…

In other citizenship news, Republicans love the Constitution except for every part of it that isn’t the 2nd Amendment. And now they want to toss the 14th Amendment because too many brown babies are being born. Oh, wait, it’s to “fight illegal immigration” aka too many brown babies are being born. The following Senators hate babies: Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Jon Kyl of Arizona, John McCain of Arizona, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

This stuff is so nuts even Lou Dobbs and Alan Keyes want out.

Prop 8 got overturned! Until the appeal…
but that means we got awesome Right Wing comments!

Please don’t forget the people of Lut who were engagad in the same indecent acts as these gays/lesbian doing in this modern era.

God punished them with 5 sentences :

1) Rain of stones fell on them
2) Upside down the place where this thing had been going
3) Their faces were burnt
4) There was a big voice which torn them down.
5) Gabreil again upside down their place .

No nation in the past was given that stern punishment as nation of Lut..

May God give us the righteous path, the path of success in this life & hereafter. Amen.


We’re gonna get upside down the place here twice! Oddly enough, this person hid their profile…

Glenn Beck loves the white power…at least his Twitter did until caught!

Glenn Beck’s band of merry morons got a book pulled from a New Jersey library. Please call your local library and get Beck’s books banned. Or not, because we’re better than that.

Did you hear about the prison guard who killed a dude to steal his gun to use to overthrow the US government in the name of Right Wing Freedom? Well, now you have. Raymond Peake and fellow guard Thomas Tuso are in some trouble now, entirely because of the Federal Government is out to get them. And the murder. But mostly that the Federal Government is out to get them.

Apparently this happened when I wasn’t paying attention:

Despite the right saying it was a plant, it turns out it is a right wing dude who claims he didn’t know it was racist. Right.

Cats for Gold is the best site since the last best site!

Cartoon of the Day:

Illuminati: New World Order and John Rockefeller Communists are using you all, Sheeple!

We’re kicking it conspiracy old school with some modern twists! We got our good old fashioned Zionist conspiracy mixed with the Rothschilds, and sprinkle on some Rockfellers, the Fed, card games, Dark Knight imagery, and we got us a hearty stew of conspiracy theory junk! And Resistnet is kind enough to help us get to the bottom of the conspiracy with no one bothering to refute any part of it!

Resistnet Poster EricktheRed9 posts this junk from Henry Makow, and then adds his own crazy at the end.

Sorry, Libs, y’all are just being used…by the Satanic Communists!

Richard Rodriguez is totally getting insulted here, but the thing to watch out for is LOOK IN THE EYES OF THE DEMON JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. Extra bonus Rothschild Cabalist Man and a total slam on Pocahontas!
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The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America – or at least of your mind when you read this guy

Our latest crazy conspiracy theory post will be delayed one day thanks to me not uploading all the images so I can finish the article at lunch! BOO! to me! Instead, enjoy this savage attack on an article written by a moron. And the weird line breaks and misspellings are just how it is.

“The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America”
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.

Hi, my name is Ron, and I love to trivialize rape! Good thing I have female fans like Resistnet’s Darla Dawald to repost my tripe on Resistnet so I can hide behind them when people point out how awful this is!

The rape of noblewoman Lucretia

Ron starts out by showing he looked up Lucretia in Wikipedia or something and fills up space. We’re skipping all that because it’s boring.

We watched the 1986 movie “Extremities” the other night, staring the now deceased Farah Fawcett.

Who is “We”? I sure wasn’t at your house watching rape movies…

It was a powerful movie on the subject of individual terror and rape. It
explored the raw emotions of both victim, rapist and the hapless
witnesses who stumbled on the scene

Ron goes on to describe the movie, wax poetic about how “Rape is bad, M’Kay”, and then suddenly goes off the rails…

We focus here on a desire for power, which to some politicians is all consuming, as is their desire for sex, which gets lots of them in trouble. As the rapist desires to control his
victim (99% of all rapes are conducted by
males) through fear and intimidation, so too do politicians
desire to control the masses with laws and the threat of enforcement of
laws, thus fulfilling their “need” for power.

Suddenly politicians are the rapists! The rapists of America. The rapists of Lady Liberty. They got a thing for green chicks.
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