Boy was Resistnet mad when Arizona’s sb1070 was partially overturned by a federal judge. They got so made, they forgot they were supposed to be the peaceful resistance and just became the angry mob. Luckily, was there with our handy PrintScreen button and captured the action for all to see. Thrill as Real Patriots try to outdo each other for how eager they are to overthrow the country! It’s amazing, especially when the moderator tells them to stop yet doesn’t bother to delete or punish anyone and even joins in on parts of the discussions! That’s why Wingnut Web is here!
Resistnet starts off with a bang calling for the death of Senator Barbara Boxer because she’s proud of her job…
James Gragg then declares that if the Arizona Immigration Law isn’t left standing, it is WAR! He means it, he posted a terrible drawing!
Resistnet now allows you to say “wetbacks” with no penalty! Thanks, Resistnet!
Fluoride in the water and Chemtrails? I think I’m getting close to winning Conspiracy Theory Bingo!
frank J. Martinez doesn’t understand how the Constitution works. Or maybe he thinks we’re still under the Articles of Confederation?
Resistnet is all about the nudists
MARANATHA! yells screams of profanity when his order is wrong at McDonalds
Obama and Clinton hatched a conspiracy of a judge phoning it in!
Let’s launch a campaign to harass every judge we don’t like, I can’t see that going wrong at all…
Obama swings from trees, but this guy killed this guy and drove off because of illegals, then he returned.
Don’t pick and choose laws! I choose to ignore this ruling on the law!
I wish we would have civil war! I totally do. Why is Brewer too wimpy to declare a civil war?
Enough with letting people live!
I’m totally going to call her a “fuck”! That will save America!
Obviously not an Oath Keeper
Yeah, what is Eisenhower going to do, send in the army to integrate the schools? Oh, wait…
Here is my idea. It is 100% American, especially the part about using slave labor.
Here’s her address, have at her!
No prize in my Cheerios? Time to sue the judge!
We must physically mob them and toss them into the streets (peacefully). Also a plug for some “Usurpathon” crap in DC in September. DC will have a constant stream of right wing crazy in September it seems.
My new motto is French! Also overthrow America.
Treason, treason, everywhere…
All good AMER…, it is Civil War time!!! WoooOOOooOOOOO!! (peacefully) (not peacefully)
I watched Terminator recently and it was about Obama. Also Civil War time!
Dan Hungerford spent his afternoon harassing poor Maxine. I am sorry a bunch of crazy people called and yelled at you, Maxine.
Boycott all supermarkets! Starve to death! That will show Obummer!
Hey, you guys? Please stop calling for violent revolution! I’m too lazy to moderate so I’ll just leave all the calls for revolution up and pretend I deleted them all. You don’t want to appear on Politisink, right?
Elementary school is a place many of these people are not qualified to enter.
You spin my head right round, right round, when ya go down when ya go down down
We DO know that Phillip John Kraker also has no birth certificate, so we DO know that he was born on the moon and came to Earth to eat babies.
People have been waiting for someone “with guts” for two years now. And that statement was used contemptuously!
“little cockroaches”! Isn’t it great they moderate at Resistnet?
Adolph Hitler refused to speak to the Boy Scouts on D-Day
Hey, an “Oathkeeper” calling for war with the government he made an “oath” to protect! Who would’a thought?
We’re ready to go to war! (peacefully) Also North American Union for my Conspiracy Theory Bingo game…
There is no options left! Because I’m a big crybaby, but not as big as a yellow coward when it comes to actually rebelling against the government, which none of these people will do. But they might make one lone crazy guy shoot some cops, so fuck all of these fucks!
Your tattoo is dumb, steve chambers
Hi, I’m the moderator, your violent calls for revolution just mean that we should vote in November, right? I’ll just ignore these other responses about bodies piling up as a warning to the rest and murder fantasies. (peacefully)
Let’s chemo Obama (peacefully)
Just bought more ammo (peacefully)
Let’s fire EVERYONE! Starting with my Spellchecker!
Let’s send in a militia! (peacefully)
To arms! To arms! (peacefully)
Harold L. Whiteley helps me win the Conspiracy Theory Bingo thanks to One World Government and Bilderberg Group! Thanks, Whiteley! Stay crazy…
Uh.. that “stay crazy” was just a joke…nevermind.
What is Good for the Gopose is Good for the Gander
We need to exterminate and make extinct these liberals and blacks! (peacefully)
Well, until Resistnet is (peacefully) investigated by the FBI and their account on Ning suspended (peacefully), there will be more Wingnut Webs! Hooray!
Remember the Knights Templar!