FreeRepublic History of Copyright Infringement

In this thread, Bob J details some of the insider information of FreeRepublic’s copyright infringement lawsuits, both past and present. There is also a condemnation of the ineffectiveness of FreeRepublic in the past few years, largely due to a single figure that you can probably guess is the cause.

Archived from:,248.0.html
We are not going to speculate on that last sentence, though we are “in the loop”

Bob J also explains why he is saying what he is.

Bob J was a valued member of and someone who helped take it to the next level. Despite disagreeing with Bob J on almost every issue, it would be stupid of me to not see how valuable of a person he would be to any organization. The fact that JimRob has been burning bridges like this for the past 13 years one by one is not only telling, but a future predictor of what will happen with tea party groups across the country. The few organizers who are sane or independent from corporate interests will be overridden and driven out by egomaniacs and sellouts.

In our next post on this subject, we hope to go over some of the past FreeRepublic protests, including such features as Bob J himself dressed as Clintonocci while protesting Hillary Clinton.

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