Drain Clogs – Women killed the Mammoths Edition

FreeRepublic 2012 Purge – Newt or Die!

It’s a day that ends in Y, so it must be time for another purge on FreeRepublic! This time, temperamental site owner Jim Robinson has decided that Free Republic is going to endorse Newt Gingrich!
Newt Gingrich Free Republic
Newt Gingrich Free Republic
Newt Gingrich Free Republic

Sure, the former Speaker of the House is totally a Washington outsider in the same mold as the tea party. That makes perfect sense.

But the real meat of the story is the purge now happening on anyone who doesn’t tow the FreeRepublic line. At first, JimRob has just been zotting supporters of Mitt Romney, while yelling FUMR and similar things. Now, the zot has been extended to everyone who isn’t 100% Newt! And the usual FR sycophants are lined up right behind JimRob, reporting anyone with a dissenting opinion. And I bet he’s wondering why this round of the Freepathon is taking so long…
Newt Gingrich Free Republic

I sure hope Jim Robinson doesn’t zot this guy who posted in November, because that would be awkward!
Newt Gingrich Free Republic

Drain Clogs

Drain Clogs – 01-12-2012

Fidel Castro wants a robot to be US President

It’s true!

“Isn’t the worst part that there isn’t even a robot in the White House who could run the U.S. and prevent a war that would end our species?” Castro asked in his column.

Castro then argued that 90 percent of Americans would vote for the robot over any current candidate.

Obama papercraft Robot



Drain Clogs – 01-06-2012

Adam Zyglis