
Politisink is a progressive blog that takes a hard look at extremist organizations, nutty message board commentors, acidic pundits, cardboard astroturf, depressing private contractors, self-righteous columnists, hypocritical puritans, and smug thugs.

Politisink is a multi-user blog.

Politisink – where politics circles the drain

Contact Us – coming soon!
Probably best to use this form until we have the one set up here: http://tarstarkas.net/contact-us/

One thought on “About

  1. I am an old friend of Chris we use to play guitar. I would like to get ahold of Chris again, I lost contact with him. I’m in the area please have him e-mail me. I have also heard Sheila is having some health issues that are bothering me. Please, have Chris e=mail me. Thank you, Jim.

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