California voted for Prop 14, which changes the primaries so either it is a dagger in the heart of special interest groups or it assures that only the milquetoastiest of moderates get elected to do anything. Awful Props 16 and 17 were voted down.
Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln won her runoff election against Bill Halter, after which a White House official blasted the unions (saying “Organized labor just flushed $10 million down the toilet.”) As Blanche Lincoln will get beat down heavily in November, good riddance to her, while the unnamed White House official should go suck a lemon after blasting the working class people who comprise the core of the Democratic Party like that.
Amazingly, I have some free time, so here is an actual article! You all know Jesus, right? Son of god, died for our sins, loves everyone, misused by conservatives to justify killing anyone they don’t like. Did you know Jesus somehow has something to do with Helen Thomas and The Stand? Because that’s what Sonny Craig, noted guy who writes dumb stuff, has to say.
We’ll start with this picture and caption:
Helen Thomas, the face of modern Liberalism
Sonny Craig’s starting attack is to go after the looks of an 89 year old woman, much like Jesus attacked old women for not looking hot.
If Jesus lived today, he’d be crucified again
Oh, snap! Hey, wait, isn’t it a good thing that Jesus got crucified??
The latest incident in Gaza, involving the Israeli seizure of a Palestinian “aid” vessel, and Helen Thomas’ pathological revelation of the deep hatred Liberals have for the Jewish state, shows that if Jesus Christ lived today, he’d be crucified again
So an old lady saying stuff and Israel shooting up an aid ship proves that Sonny can just repeat sentences.
The modern world would not tolerate a racist like Jesus Christ. If given a choice, the Mob would cry out for a terrorist and murderer like Barabas to live and have Liberty, while the fanatical religious bigot Jesus and His band of conservative Jews and Christians, must die. All of this would be done in the name of Social Justice, of course.
Ah, Social Justice, which we know is evil because it is almost Socialism. Why is Liberty capitalized?
Go back to Germany and Poland? You mean where Dachau and Buchenwald, and Auschwitz-Birkenau are, Helen? That Germany and Poland?
Yes, those still-operating camps. Maybe we should get around to defeating Hitler. What, isn’t this 1943?
The global hatred of Jews by the growing Liberal Terror in the world portends that very idea. In the 60 years since a Holocaust nearly destroyed worldwide Jewry, and was in my view indistinguishable from a Biblical Tribulation scenario (how could it get worse?), are we forgetting that we said we would “Never Forget?”
I forgot to forget.
Let’s face it, in today’s world, Jesus would be crucified again, and that right quickly.
Let me repeat my point yet again because it is my central thesis and it’s not like I’m giving real facts but just random crap.
Jesus didn’t say He knew the truth, or that He could lead the way to finding the truth, He said He was the Truth. (John 14:7). A more exclusivist version of religion I can’t imagine than that. Basically He was saying, “all six billion of you are wrong, and I’m Right.” Liberals today would plug their ears, screaming and rushing to throw him over a cliff with that one.
Liberals have never encountered someone saying they are right before! Our Achilles’s heel! BTW, who were the six billion people Jesus was talking about, as there was only like 200 million people then? I am guessing Jesus was also addressing dolphins, whales, and tigers.
Jesus called the Gentiles dogs (like saying the n-word today
It’s okay, Jesus was Black.
He said Israel came first in line for salvation and that the Gentile dogs were not worthy to even sit at the same table as their Masters, the Jews. (Mt. 15:21-31)
Wow, Jesus sounds like a jerk!
Jesus called sick people, like lepers, unclean.
So we should all shun lepers, AIDS victims, and even people with allergies!
Jesus called people all kinds of judgmental names like hypocrite, white washed tombs, dead men’s bones, snakes and vipers (well, John the Baptist used that one, but I’m sure Jesus was nearby maniacally nodding His approval).
Jesus: maniacal nodder!
Jesus said they could raze the Temple to the ground, and He’d raise a new Kingdom on top of the ruins in just three days, a clear Tea Party-ish threat to the ruling power that would have driven Janet Napolitano to issue a report on why Jesus should be on a government watch list, and Obama to run and bow to some Muslim leader somewhere in the world apologizing for American-Christian-Jewish arrogance.
The problem with Sonny’s piece is the logic moves at the speed of crazy. but i think he just told us to burn down the White House in the name of Jesus, which means it is time again!
Jesus said (through His apocalyptic secretary John the Revelator) that He would return one day as a cosmic-divine Messianic warrior riding on a white horse, and slay all the unbelievers in the world with a sword protruding from His mouth.
How much you want to bet Sonny gets a tingling feeling in his thighs when he reads these passages from Revelations?
In other words, Jesus was a racist bloodthirsty war-mongering exclusivist, and deserved to be crucified (gassed, shot, imprisoned, starved to death, marginalized, and burned in an oven would be the modern equivalent). He would not be welcome in our world, and would not represent Social Justice.
Like the Pharisees of His time, in league with the Roman oppressor, they would call Jesus Beelzebub (Satan, see Mt. 12:22-37) for His political and religious views, even if He did heal the lame and the blind and the demon-possessed miraculously.
Yes, let’s see who everyone is calling biblical names right now…
Have you ever been called Satan, before?
Every night!
I have (by a Christian pastor no less), and it‘s quite liberating. It convinces you that there is nothing wrong with God or yourself (if you happen to be one of the Few, the Proud, the Prophets), but something fundamentally wrong with the modern reprobate human mind that can reverse everything and call good evil, and evil, good.
Someone calling me names just proves I am right! Black is white, round is square, dogs and cats, living together…
H.G. Wells, the author of War of the Worlds, was an infamous adherent of Fascism and Progressivism. Visions of aliens descending and harvesting the earth were metaphors for Nazi-type eugenics programs as New World forces cleaning up the rabble of humanity in order to lead us out of the darkness of the Old World.
Wow, H.G. Wells is amazing describing the Nazis way back in 1898!
In The Time Machine, the Morlocks were the hybrid Jewish-Christian-Capitalist monsters of the underworld who cannibalized the rest of enlightened humanity on the sunlit surface, the peaceful people of the future who lived in communal harmony with nature.
I don’t remember the Morlocks saying what religion they were. I am surprised Sonny didn’t lump Islam in there as well.
Modern Liberalism and Progressivism (Marxism rebranded) are quickly turning the world around us into “enlightened Nazis.” And they have plenty of help in the form of radical Islam and Palestinian terrorists whose tactics are indistinguishable from Nazi-ism, Stalinism and Marxism
Here comes the Islam, and the lumping of all the -isms together like all uneducated reactionaries do.
For most of the latter half of the 20th century, we believed we had defeated that enemy. Boy were we wrong (well, I wasn’t…’ll have to account for yourself). They were just hiding like cockroaches in the wall, reformulating their message to begin their “Great Delusion” false gospel all over again.
Sonny Craig knew Hitler was still alive! He saw it in Castle Wolfenstein! Then Sonny Craig drank too much beer and watched the movie Joe’s Apartment and now thinks singing cockroaches brought Hitler back.
Now, in the first decade of the 21st century, we are seeing the return of the Nazis in such a rapid fashion that the prophets walking about in Times Square carrying signs that say, “The End is Near,” is starting to get too eerily close to the truth to just lightly pass off as the mere ramblings of religious nuts.
And now, to give us the final emotional impact that proves his point:
But that’s not all! There are comments! Commenters who seem to think Sonny Craig is a bit nuts. Luckily, Sonny Craig shows us the true meaning of Christianity in the comments:
Yes, numnuts, love Jesus!
Your Name Here is missing the point…..Part 2 is coming where all his points explain how it is that Liberals reverse everything…..and call good evil and evil good. The question isn’t whether i know Jesus, numnuts….it’s whether you have any reading comprehension skills.
Clearly Helen Thomas is Satan Hitler Stalin Ronald Reagan Godzilla Dracula!
And to God Bless America,
Yes, she’s free to say what she likes…..and what she said was CLEARLY she’d like to see the Jews in OVENS (back in Germany and Poland where they were MASS MURDERED… liberals are OUTRAGEOUSLY deluded in what words actually mean and what they SAY…..
Sonny reacts in disbelief when someone says he doesn’t know what he is talking about
Your Name Here:
Just like a Dispensationalist to take everything literally and miss the point entirely……sure, dude, Sonny didn’t know any of that theology he just spent an article writing about….LOL! What a moron…..
Sonny’s final shot:
People see what they want to see…
1) saying that the Jews should go back to Germany and Poland is the same as saying they should go crawl back to Auschwitz…..anyone who says otherwise is a MORON
2) The guy who says my article is not “biblical” is twice the Moron, because he missed the point altogether so nothing he has said to this point is even relevant….but that’s how that Dispy was taught to interpret the Bible, so he interprets the news the same way, LOL
Drop the N-bomb and call people numnuts! It’s the Jesus way!
At one point, a portion of the crowd menacingly surrounded two Egyptian men who were speaking Arabic and were thought to be Muslims.
“Go home,” several shouted from the crowd.
“Get out,” others shouted.
In fact, the two men – Joseph Nassralla and Karam El Masry — were not Muslims at all. They turned out to be Egyptian Coptic Christians who work for a California-based Christian satellite TV station called “The Way.” Both said they had come to protest the mosque.
“I’m a Christian,” Nassralla shouted to the crowd, his eyes bulging and beads of sweat rolling down his face.
But it was no use. The protesters had become so angry at what they thought were Muslims that New York City police officers had to rush in and pull Nassralla and El Masry to safety.
“I flew nine hours in an airplane to come here,” a frustrated Nassralla said afterward.
Just imagine what would have happened had they been racist!
Russell Hesch, 73, and David Hesch, 50, were charged with conspiracy to threaten to assault, kidnap or murder a U.S. official. They face up to five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
In the most explicit threat from the letter, the author threatens to “paint the Mackinaw [sic] Bridge with the blood of you and your family members. … Maybe you will be the main character of a story that parents tell their children as they cross the bridge decades from know [sic]. The red paint of Bart Stupak!”
Who is better informed about the policy choices facing the country—liberals, conservatives or libertarians? According to a Zogby International survey that I write about in the May issue of Econ Journal Watch, the answer is unequivocal: The left flunks Econ 101.
Let’s see the questions:
The other questions were: 1) Mandatory licensing of professional services increases the prices of those services (unenlightened answer: disagree). 2) Overall, the standard of living is higher today than it was 30 years ago (unenlightened answer: disagree). 3) Rent control leads to housing shortages (unenlightened answer: disagree). 4) A company with the largest market share is a monopoly (unenlightened answer: agree). 5) Third World workers working for American companies overseas are being exploited (unenlightened answer: agree). 6) Free trade leads to unemployment (unenlightened answer: agree). 7) Minimum wage laws raise unemployment (unenlightened answer: disagree).
I guess to be Enlightened means to be a Libertarian douchebag that is against regulation of industries to have standards, spiraling rent costs, worker exploitation, against regulations of markets that cause things like the Great Recession, and against anyone having a living wage. Daniel Klein is the King of Enlightenment.
The most powerful man in this arid stretch of southern Afghanistan is not the provincial governor, nor the police chief, nor even the commander of the Afghan Army.
It is Matiullah Khan, the head of a private army that earns millions of dollars guarding NATO supply convoys and fights Taliban insurgents alongside American Special Forces.
In little more than two years, Mr. Matiullah, an illiterate former highway patrol commander, has grown stronger than the government of Oruzgan Province, not only supplanting its role in providing security but usurping its other functions, his rivals say, like appointing public employees and doling out government largess. His fighters run missions with American Special Forces officers, and when Afghan officials have confronted him, he has either rebuffed them or had them removed.
Anna Mayo was working at KBR’s facility in Balad in November 2009 when she was assaulted by an unnamed rapist who worked for KBR. She charges that she was choked unconscious with a rope, beaten and raped.
Special Operations forces have grown both in number and budget, and are deployed in 75 countries, compared with about 60 at the beginning of last year. In addition to units that have spent years in the Philippines and Colombia, teams are operating in Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia.
So Resistnet started a thread about the Israel raid on the Gaza-bound aid ship, which was started by our old friend Dee Admin II. The thread became a giant clusterfrak, and has gone on for pages and pages (41 so far) and the posters are divided into three camps: 1- People who support Israel because that means we get to shoot more dark people/Muslims/terrorists. 2- People who support Israel because that means Jesus will return and kill everyone who isn’t keen on Jesus. 3- People who think there is a giant Zionist Conspiracy and Jews and Rothschilds and the NWO control everything. Naturally, the people in group 3 have a huge fight with the people in groups 1 and 2. If you are wondering if there is any sane discussion, there is only one guy who has an opinion that isn’t dumb. He is quickly attacked by groups 1 and 2 for not blindly supporting Israel.
Torpedo all boats that even get near the middle east!
But wait! It is Jewish Conspiracy Time!
Click on More to read many many many more crazy posts! Continue reading →
What do you do when citizens are taping cops using excessive force? Make it illegal to video tape cops! Is your state one of the three states of shame?
Barack Obama’s election to this nation’s highest office was an historic achievement in American politics. His victory brought the best out in many Americans, but sewed the seeds of venom and hatred in many, many others.
In the first two weeks of Obama’s presidency, more than 200 hate crimes were committed throughout the United States, including assault, arson, and murder. And within a few months, a seemingly new right wing populist faction called the Tea Party Movement invaded the political landscape.
In a groundbreaking new book, Over the Cliff: How Obama’s Election Drove the American Right Insane (PoliPoint, June 2010), blogosphere pioneers John Amato and David Neiwert carefully document the aftermath of Obama’s victory in chilling fashion.
Amato and Neiwert explain that this “movement” was not the organic uprising it was made to appear, but rather was kick-started by Roger Ailes’ FOX News and follows in a long tradition of movement conservative activism that harkens back to the street theater days of Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist…
Over the Cliff puts the finger on the driving force behind this descent into madness: the extremist Radical Right, where the Tea Party movement’s most unhinged ideas originate, and the conservative pundits and politicians who were willing accomplices to a divisive politics of resentment.
Primaries today in three states – Alabama, Mississippi, and New Mexico. I think we’ll be saying goodbye to turncoat Rep. Parker Griffith.
In our rush to get Politisink set up and have a variety of information and targets, we have neglected our favorite target,! That oversight will now be corrected as gets slammed in our latest Wingnut Web! We got racists, not racists, FEMA camp discussion, Kagan freakouts, Oil Rig Conspiracies, Obama’s gonna murder us all conspiracies, and several posters who don’t seem to be posting in English. Which is odd, as they seem to be against people not speaking English.
Totally not racist!
Is that the same Robert Robertson who is the militia dude who runs one of the sites having a spat with the WRAM nutballs?
I just discovered giant companies are evil, and it is somehow the fault of illegal immigrants!
Let’s blame illegals for this instead of the American-owned slaughter houses doing all the unsafe practices! That sounds like the logic of someone with cysts in the brain.
No. And Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word In The Sentence?
When Obama speaks all I hear are Ke$ha songs!
I’ll just make up some stuff about Mexico to try to fearmonger you into believing me, all while saying it is the other side doing the fearmongering!
This guy must think that all Mexicans are covered in BP oil spill crud or something
Let’s take advice from Iran and China! And isn’t it great that the State Director for South Dakota can’t even speak English right?
This is what happens when you go on the internet while drunk and stupid.
P Diddy was literally going to kill every black person who didn’t die, and every black person is only days away from African violence-fest 2010. but not racist! The movie this moron is talking about is famous 1966 exploitation “documentary” Africa Addio, which is as racist as you would expect.
FEMA camps and World War 11 (which wasn’t as cool as World War 10)
1LT Overthrow The President!
The terrible secret is most progressives had never heard of Alinsky, Cloward, or Piven until Beck and his buddies wouldn’t shut up about them. And while the Alinksy book is a good read, they serve a far greater function as invisible boogeymen to scare the Right (along with SOROS!!!)
Al Sharpton – Devil Preacher
Illegals are now going to be like a swarm of locust and move from state to state devouring state budgets. But not racist!
How dare they allow people the right to vote! Especially….Brown Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Garry Newby does a good summary here of all the blatant lies conservatives actually believe about Barack Obama. Except he actually believes all of them, probably because his brain fell out in the late 1980s. I also enjoy the 56 Meg .WAV file attached to this post for no reason!
Illegals have murdered more Americans than there are Americans! My house is the entire country which is why I shoot everyone illegal I see. Or even those that look slightly illegal (brown) or got a tan at the beach!
By “AMERICAN CITIZENS” she means teabaggers, because everyone else doesn’t count!
Making Puerto Rico a state PROVES Barack Obama was born in Kenya! Trust me, I’m a Marvel comics character!
Commies caused the drill spill! Not my precious giant multinational corporations, who love me!
It’s the pot calling the orange tree black!
The cracks were made by Godzilla!
They are saying….THAT I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SPILL…and just make up my own FEAR MONGERING!
The Communist Muslims are behind everything that happens ever as part of a secret plot to make Obama look inadequate with a lame response to the spill, to have the NY bomber caught with no problems, and to make a mine owner who fails dozens of safety checks to look bad.
We must be willing to destroy ourselves to ensure that rich people get more money! Come on, patriots, ruin you life! Do it! USA! USA! USA!!
Obama’s gonna kill us all!
When will people learn that I just made up the definition of terms and thus invalidated Obama all by myself? Take that, Obama!
I agree you are pathetic. You’ll be even more pathetic in 2012, and it will be awesome.
Disappointed 69% of America isn’t crazy!
More like the Phoenix Coats!
Look out, MLB, some bald guy is writing about you on the internet!
The Major League Baseball Players Association Union – the most dangerous threat to America today!
What are Hillary Swank, Michelle Malkin, and Nancy Kerrigan going to do to Mom?
Wickipedia is the official Wiki of the Wicked Musical
Obama will murder all athletes because they are against the AZ law…huh??
Let’s ignore the fact we called ourselves teabaggers first until we found out what it meant!
Hey, look, someone calling themselves Teabaggers in this very thread!
dan taylor is too busy huffing paint to be bothered to type in English or even hit the Shift key.
Wait, Mexico is communist now?
White people are so oppressed! Not racist
And now for Resistnet Chat Theater! Today on Resistnet Chat Theater, Resistnet discusses slugs!
Donald Plumb – not a scientist or engineer, but an avid guy who makes crap up he knows nothing about!
Where is Kagan’s birth certificate?
Anyone brown = illegals to SD State Director JEFF
If we clone them, we’ll outbreed those illegals!
Gordon wins the Politisink Award for WTF Are You Talking About? for this Wingnut Web entry!
Gordon has Gay Marriage Tourettes, causing him to have loud outbursts about gay marriage when the subject has nothing to do with gay marriage.
Trust us, we got more! If Resistnet was to go offline today, we’d have enough Wingnut Web updates to make it through the next three months. But Resistnet won’t be going away, there is too much money to make off of poor suckers who think they are “patriots”! So until next time, Remember the Knights Templar!