Tolerance is Hareem to Freepers

So as everyone who is reading this site knows, the controversial mosque near ground zero cleared the last hurdle to being built when the Landmark Preservation Society voted 9 to 0 against giving the land it is to be built on historic protection. This means that a big scary Islamic building is going to be near ground zero and that means that Muslims are secretly laughing at all Americans. Because of this all true Americans (as defined by Free Republic goers) should be outraged by this shameful act of Islamic gloating. Mtnwmn knows what is up exactly:

This is a slap in the face to most Americans.

2 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:57:02 PM by mtnwmn (Liberalism leads to Socialism)

But that isn’t the real problem. The real problem is not just one mosque near ground zero. I have taken the liberty of rewriting The New Colossus to fit the new America

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles who aren’t Muslim. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome for all who don’t worship Mohammad; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your dirty Muslims!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your Christians, your white Europeans,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free for Islam,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door*!

*which I will slam shut in a Muslim’s face.

It was an enormous mistake to open immigration to Islamic countries. You can thank Ted Kennedy for that. It should be stopped immediately. We do not owe the world a free chance at American citizenship.

70 posted on Wed Aug 04 2010 08:22:53 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by WashingtonSource

Of course if RINOs had the balls we would have just nuked the whole middle east. Take that cradle of civilization!

George junior and senior kiss Saudi @$$ at the drop of a hat.
after 9/11 both Saudi and Egypt should have been turned to glass for their part in the attack….but the one world RINOs would have none of that……

21 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:39:27 PM by Vaquero (Don’t pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.)

I think more than just Muslims laugh at historyrepeatz


22 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:41:29 PM by historyrepeatz

The following posts are a small sampling of Freep posts where freepers mistake pork for Muslim kryptonite instead of something that is merely hareem. The last one also highlights their inability to do math.

New York has pigeons, right? Lots of them.
I’m sure those poor pigeons outside of this new mosque would appreciate some nice people feeding them lots of tasty bacon bits, which their tiny little stomachs can thus digest, and their intestinal tract then excrete said bacon bits upon the grounds and rooftop of this wonderful expression of ‘tolerance’.

34 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:16:01 PM by reagan_fanatic (Never trust anyone who points their rear end at God while praying.)

Someone just needs to leave a fresh pig carcass on the spot of land via drive-by.
7 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:18:42 PM by Cletus.D.Yokel (FreepMail me if you want on the Bourbon Ping List.)

it’s been awhile since i had physics, but i estimate you should be able to heave a frictionless peice of bacon about 60 miles per hour from the top of the freedom tower and smack the mosque roughly 1000 feet away from 1700 feet up.

39 posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:34:38 AM by bluedressman

I blame fat, dumb, lazy, ignorant Americans for a lot of our problems also. I just don’t think we are talking about the same people though.

I do not blame our enemy for this.
I blame fat, dumb, lazy, cowardly, ignorant Americans for not fighting it.
The enemy is taking a dump on 3,000 Americans who died horribly in those towers, and their families.
And what do Americans do?
Not even ten years have gone by.
What, we’re going to “rise above” our enemy by letting them shove a dagger into our bellies?
Let it fall until Americans suffer enough to come back to reality.

53 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:39:06 PM by Boucheau

Let’s pretend Boucheau is sane.

“Could you please point me to the place in the Constitution that states that only certain groups of people have property rights?”
BS! Bury your head a little further in the sand. Just pretend the “nice Muslims” will leave you and your family alone in the coming years.
Let’s pretend their war against us does not exist.
Let’s pretend that what the UK is going through can’t happen to us.
Let’s pretend Islam is not a threat to our very existence in the coming decades.
Wake up!
But hey, they’ll “LOVE” it if you ignore them while they plot and position themselves to cut your dumb throat!

95 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:33:47 PM by Boucheau

Man I wonder why no one in Saudi Arabia cared about the feelings of a person who uses the word “raghead”.

Having lived within the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for more than three years, and being a Catholic, at no time.. ever… did any of that bunch of raghead heathens make any effort to determine if I was ever offended by their practice of what is no more than a sophisticated version of a cult…. no more, no less, than the Jim Jones deadly debacle. Islam is by no means what we call a “religion”. It is a deadly ideology, hell bent on attempting the taking over of this entire world…. fulfilling what is known as a “Caliphate”. I can’t, for the life of me, understand what motivation drives the New York stupidity in the capitulation to those godless creatures….
Islam is not a religion! Islam is a full-blown cult! And “sharia” is it’s Operating Manual. Please, God help us in this time need…..

23 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:45:09 PM by MODELSHIPS

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Open your window, Bloomy..
Do you still hear the cries of 9/11 victims falling to their deaths? Others still do.. this is hallowed ground.
A mosque does little except desecrate the entire area and acts as salt in the wounds sustained by the city and nation that day.
Go hide behind the Constitution, it won’t be the first time this nation’s enemies and detractors have done it..
Enjoy the kool-aid.

10 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:51:54 PM by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi … Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Epic Fail or Bust!!!)

Meyer thinks the only way to fight domestic terrorism is with more domestic terrorism.

Bloomberg is a glowing example of what is WRONG with the republican party. The party should kick this liberal moron out, along with many others. He!!, New Yorkers should kick him out of office as well.
What a disgrace. To even think that letting an enemy of our once-free country build essentially a monument to their murder of 3000 innocent citizens is acceptable is beyond contempt.
I’ll tell you what – if they actually build this thing, I hope somebody flies a plane right into the front door of the building while the Islamofascists are holding their first service. Time to start evening the score, not to bend over.

22 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:01:29 PM by meyer (Big government is the enemy of freedom.)

The truth is NTHockey is an intolerant bigot.

Mohammedism is NOT a religion; it is a cult of hate. Murder, intolerance, lying, rape, and following the rantings of a goat humping pedophile do not make it a religion.
I may seem intolerant; but if speaking the truth is intolerance, so be it. I make no apologies.

25 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:06:43 PM by NTHockey (Rules of engagement #1: Take no prisoners)

Remember when you were in third grade and it was all the rage to come up with as many insulting adjectives as you could about the person you didn’t like? Remember when you learned that just slapping words in front of your friend’s name didn’t make the insult any better? Yeah Freepers never learned to progress past that form of insults.

Islam is *NOT* a religion.
It is a violent, seditious, malignant self-contained, authoritarian, totalitarian, misogynistic political, cultural, judicial, and religious system fighting a bloody war for world domination and genocide of the Jews.
Mohammed was a pirate, a pedophile, a polygamist, a rapist, a murderer, a torturer, a thief, a liar, a plunderer, an adulterer, a trucebreaker, a slave trader, a slave owner, an executioner, a Jew hater, and a bloody, savage, genocidal lunatic.
His bloody death cult teaches that he was the “perfect man”, who all Mohammedans must emulate.
Those who do not emulate this bloody, savage, genocidal lunatic, or support those that do, are considered apostates and are routinely tortured and murdered in the most brutal fashion, when the “true believers” catch up to them.

40 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:19:49 PM by Westbrook (Having children does not divide your love, it multiplies it.)

Freedom of religion? That’s just a guise to let Islam take over. Can’t you people see that? If you’ll notice, this is the second post I have highlighted that calls for the US to ignore the constitution when it comes to dealing with Muslims.

Islam is *NOT* a religion.
You’ve got it EXACTLY CORRECT. We must all get this message out to everyone that we encounter.
islam is, and has always been, an EVIL ENEMY. Until the West can shake off its self-imposed Political Correctness shackles and EXPEL islam and ALL muslims from our Western Civilization, they will continue on their steady march of domination (the same one that has gone on for centuries). All of that PC rubbish needs to be dropped: giving islam protection in this country under the guise of “religious freedom” is a self-imposed suicide pact. Time to wake people up, there is no longer time to worry about what others may think of you, if they are too stupid (and/or willfully ignorant) to understand, why should any of us care what they may think?
The first step is to get people to understand exactly who this ENEMY is and to drop their fear of calling a spade a spade. Unless we want to allow our great Nation to descend into the tattered shreds of national sovereignty that remains in many Western European nations, we need to speak out loudly and clearly against this encroaching EVIL.
Do we have to wait several more years until it gets to the point of what Europe is now confronting until we get a political leader to speak out as Geert Wilders? Unfortunately when it gets to that point, it may prove to be too late.

56 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:55:41 PM by zzeeman (Existence exists.)

Silly person, leaving pork products is silly. What we need to do is nuke every Muslim. Don’t you see? Genocide is the only answer.

We should ALL go see it and leave some pork products accidentally.
No, that’s just silly.
We should NUKE THEM ALL!
That is serious.
They are going to enslave our children’s children and bring a 2nd dark age of not THE dark age upon us.
No mercy for these vermin.

14 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:50:05 PM by RachelFaith (2010 is going to be a 100 seat Tsunami – Unless the GOP Senate ruins it all…)

Here is a preacher who plans to burn Qurans in protest on 9/11 this year.

The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America – or at least of your mind when you read this guy

Our latest crazy conspiracy theory post will be delayed one day thanks to me not uploading all the images so I can finish the article at lunch! BOO! to me! Instead, enjoy this savage attack on an article written by a moron. And the weird line breaks and misspellings are just how it is.

“The Brutal Gang Rape of the United States of America”
By Ron Ewart, President
National Association of Rural Landowners
and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.

Hi, my name is Ron, and I love to trivialize rape! Good thing I have female fans like Resistnet’s Darla Dawald to repost my tripe on Resistnet so I can hide behind them when people point out how awful this is!

The rape of noblewoman Lucretia

Ron starts out by showing he looked up Lucretia in Wikipedia or something and fills up space. We’re skipping all that because it’s boring.

We watched the 1986 movie “Extremities” the other night, staring the now deceased Farah Fawcett.

Who is “We”? I sure wasn’t at your house watching rape movies…

It was a powerful movie on the subject of individual terror and rape. It
explored the raw emotions of both victim, rapist and the hapless
witnesses who stumbled on the scene

Ron goes on to describe the movie, wax poetic about how “Rape is bad, M’Kay”, and then suddenly goes off the rails…

We focus here on a desire for power, which to some politicians is all consuming, as is their desire for sex, which gets lots of them in trouble. As the rapist desires to control his
victim (99% of all rapes are conducted by
males) through fear and intimidation, so too do politicians
desire to control the masses with laws and the threat of enforcement of
laws, thus fulfilling their “need” for power.

Suddenly politicians are the rapists! The rapists of America. The rapists of Lady Liberty. They got a thing for green chicks.
Continue reading

Let’s Play Puffie!

WTF is Puffie, you ask?

Puffie is the latest scam circulating on the teabagger boards as a supposed “conspiracy” by the left to get the wingnuts to send lots of envelopes with white powder to elected officials so Obama can suspend the elections and become President for Lyfe. Because that would totally happen because of something this stupid. But try not to dig too deep in the logic of wingnuts, they see conspiracy everywhere because people on the radio tell them it is so.

*************** WARNING *******************

A number of ultra liberal left wing political
groups are plotting to stop the November 2010
elections in the United States.

Their plan it to have a large number of their
members play a game known as “Puffie” and to
get a large number of T-Party members to also
play “Puffie”.

The T-Party members will be fooled into thinking
they are helping their cause to SAVE the
United States by playing this game.

What the result of this game will be is to
spread fear and panic in candidates offices and
give Obama a seemingly valid reason to issue a
presidential order stopping the elections and
keeping the current politicians in office until
the US police forces can end the “Puffie” event
and arrest/prosecute those playing the game.

Of course, only Republicans, Independents, and
T-Party members will be suspects.

Here is the text of the e-mail messages that will
be sent to the T-Party members:

***** Save the United States *****

********** Play “Puffie” *********

“Puffie” was inspired by this eBook which you
can read on your Kindle (or Kindle app on your PC):

“Puffie” consists of many different people in
different locations sending letters to various
candidates with a threatening letter that says:
“Obama Rules” filled with some unidentified powder.

The senders of the letters mix different powders
of things found around the house and are very
careful to not leave any finger prints on the
letters and to seal the letters with a damp cloth.
Of course, use a bogus return address.

Send this message to others on your e-mail list,
along with candidates names and addresses, and
have them join the “Puffie” movement.

Watch the liberal press to see what the reaction is
from the candidates.


Oh, that Amazon link? It’s to an ebook Pending Global Disasters: Germ War Diary (Kindle Edition) by Donald P. Parks

Said ebook is only $6.66. Yes, the Mark of the Beast.

Product Description
This document is classified as SECRET.

Only persons having a need to know may read it. U.S. Government employees MUST be individually authorized by the author of this work IN WRITING before reading it.

The first version was published as an e-book in 1991 and may have been used to inspire the group that brought us the “Swine Flu” event in 2009.

It’s almost as if this entire conspiracy is just some guy using wingnut paranoia to promote his own crappy ebook from 20 years ago!

If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.

Well, it looks like a Federal Judge put the smack down on Arizona’s fancy new Immigration law, thus the wingnuts have gone loco on the internet. One fun thing is the return of this lovely email forward, which has mutated slightly since the last time I saw it. Sort of like the flu!

If you cross the North Korean border illegally you get 12 years hard labor.
If you cross the Iranian border illegally you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese border illegally you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
If you cross the Mexican borders illegally you will jailed for two years.
If you cross the Cuban border illegally you will be thrown into political prison to rot.

If you cross the United States border illegally you get:
1 – A job
2 – A driver’s license
3 – A Social Security card
4 – Welfare
5 – Food stamps
6 – Credit cards
7 – Subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house
8 – Free education
9 – Free health care
10 – A lobbyist in Washington
11 – Billions of dollars in public documents printed in your language
12 – Millions of servicemen and women who are willing to – and do – die
for your right to the ways and means of our @#$%—-ution
13 – And the right to carry the flag of your country – the one you walked
out on – while you call America racist and protest that you don’t get
enough respect.

My favorite part is how this version somehow can’t bring itself to type out Constitution and instead goes with @#$%—-ution. What the frak is that?
Oh, and you don’t get those things in America for being illegal.

Now, the lovely subtext of this email forward is that the author seems to think that all the so called “evil” countries doing horrible things to people is something to admire. So let’s be more like North Korea, America!

Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

Fundamentally Change America — #1

Whoever the frak Duzey is, their stuff gets copy/pasta-ed all over random Wingnut boards. What we here at Politisink have learned about Duzey is that Duzey loves dashes, and Duzey loves to speak biblically in Duzey’s attacks on Obama. Below is an actual Duzey article taken from a site that shall not be named where it was copy/pasta-ed everywhere…

——————–We the People——————–

Fundamentally Change America — #1

What did Obama mean by Fundamentally Change America?

To Fundamentally Change America: Obama plans to —Radically change— the essential structure, functions and facts of America!

Thanks for tell us what we already know!

America was established as a Republic to be governed by the Constitution based upon Godly Principles of Morality.

By removing the Morality of God from the Schools and Government in America is to —Fundamentally Change America— you end up with a Socialist Communist Anti-God Nation!

Obama is going to take prayers out of schools—wait a minute, that happened decades ago! And how can you be both Socialist and Communist? It’s almost like you don’t know what those words mean, Duzey!

Fact — President Obama has surrounded himself with Marxists, Socialists, Radicals and Self-proclaiming Communist Czars.

Fact — Obama supports Liberal Supreme Court Judges and other government people whom Hate God, but support Abortions (Murder of babies), Homosexuality, Sex Perverts and are Liars and Thieves Seeking to destroy our Constitution.

Fact — Duzey left his meds in the car one hot summer day
Fact — the meds haven’t worked quite right since then

Continue reading

Wingnuts destroy another life in fake NAACP racism flap

Lindsay Lohan is in jail. But enough of that important stuff, the Right has a new NAACP tape to distort and use as evidence that Blacks are the Real Racists!

Andrew Breitbart will be a familiar name to you if you recall videos about pimps and ACORN. Much like how that video was heavily edited, a new edited video has been posted. This one goes along with the current Wingnut furor against the NAACP for daring to say something bad about their precious tea parties. In the video, Shirley Sherrod addresses a local NAACP banquet and recounts a tale from 24 years earlier when she was supposed to help a white farmer save his property who was being condescending to her. The point of the story was to show how she felt remorse for her thoughts of not helping the farmer, Mr. Spooner, and Sherrod did help the farmer and Spooner saved his farm thanks to Sherrod.

The edited video:

Sherrod says she was forced to resign as the department’s director of rural development for Georgia.

The wife of Spooner called into CNN and called Sherrod a “friend” who “helped us save our farm”:

More on the farmer’s wife as news companies do actual journalism! I guess they just couldn’t be bothered during the whole ACORN thing, but now they’re finally getting off their duffs. As the story continues to develop and Breitbart continues to look weaker and weaker, this story will get more interesting.

But who cares about this, we got Yahoo News comments!!! The only thing dumber than Yahoo news comments are Freepers, AOL, and YouTube comments.

NCAWP – National Coalition Against White People

White People are now the minorities, US Citizens and when we are in need, qualify for NOTHING. I know first hand as a few people in my family have lost everything we worked for over the last 50 years. We were turned down for everything we applied for. Sherrad is one of many people in a government position that had a hand in destroying a hard working family. Unfortunetly white people have not established a NCAWP group. All policy, procedures were put in place for all of the minorities. A hard working white person that ends up in need is automatically turned down. We have to fight for anything government helps us with. Now the the last of the OLD VERSION minorities holds the highest position, let see what he does to help the New version Minorities. Every government position held by a minority should be audited. I am sure there are many Shirley types in the US. The “Pandoras Box” should be opened. Then fairnesws will prevaile!!!!

Impeach Obama for something that happened in 1986!

This makes me MAD AS HELL. This is more reason to IMPEACH Obama for the crimes against humanaty he is comiting against WHITES. It makes me even more MAD the fact that I am paying those tribal Africans a HUGE chunk of my pay for their WELFARE CHECKS. If these blacks dont shape up, I say send them all to Obama’s birthplace, Kenya where they can die of aids like all the other head hunting black African canibul tribes.

A real winner here!

Bring back the hanging tree and truck-draggin’ chains!

(more of this guy – )

I wanna hug this women for being edited to be racist!

I wanna hug this woman for being willing to be so stupid and saying such damning things and exposing the Racist elements of the NAACP. Perhaps now we can get the Government to be consistant and call ALL organizations that exsist for the advancement of any race, Racist. Now get rid of the NAACP, the Black and Hispanic Caucuses etc. and lets be equal without our color to help us.

Black people never give me fries with that

As a honky, I face overt racism regularly.

When I purchase food at inner-city fast food restaurants,
my order is always messed up deliberately. The orders
for blacks are not messed up.

When dealing with black clerks, cashiers, etc,, I am
forced to wait while they pursue some nonsense.
It is deliberate disrespect.

Black people stuck on my caps lock key!


Abe Lincoln, NAACP racist

YOU HAVE ABRAHAM LINCOLN TO THANK FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A comment from someone under the boat.

Look at all these people stumbling all over themselves.
I love it.
Guilt ridden lefties because they are, deep down inside, prejudice; so they try and explain it away.
Get this folks Shes a F_ _ _ing RACIST!!!!
A RACIST appointed by Obama.You connect the dots.
Racism is Racism I don’t care what side of the boat your on.

Complaining about my racism is SO FIVE MINUTES AGO!

Black on white racism is done more that the opposite now. Only we whites dont cry about it like big a** babies like the blacks do. They are always looking for some sign of it so they can get a freebie.
Face it black people, your stupid little cry baby rants are OLD, BORING and SO FIVE MINUTES AGO.


To those crying look what whites did in the past….

I have scars running down my neck and on my arms from defending myself from a bunch of racist black thugs.What did I do to provoke this attack you wonder? Nothing.As the paramedic was holding the wound on my neck closed I told the Officer what building they ran into.His reply “Your in the Wrong Nieghborhood” I said “Aren’t you going to get them” He said “That might start an altercation” I said “Isn’t That Your Job?!!!! Give Me Your Gun And I’ll Go Do Your Job For You!!!..Officer was Black.. at the Hospital Doctor said I was Lucky if the throat wound had been a millimeter deeper I would be dead. Next Day I called the Police to find out about my Incident report..None had been filed

My nieghborhood is filled with racist blacks that walk around intimidating people, Last holloween I was going home from work I stopped at the store to get some chips and beer, there were about 40+ black kids gathered across the I left the store to go to the bus stop about 10 kids broke away from the group and followed me..As I stood at the bus stop they gathered behind me..One got brave got next to me and said “Aren’t you scared” I stuck my knife too his throat and said “Aren’t you” He backed up quick..then one says “You Don’t know who I am” and I replied “Obviosly You Don’t know Me or you Wouldn’t Be Doing This” they left..

What happened 40 years ago is happening today but in reverse!!

Tea Party Express/Mark Williams supposedly booted from National Tea Party Federation

So the National Tea Party Federation, the self-appointed bigwigs of the Tea Party group (aka the biggest front groups pretending to be grassroots) kicked out Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express over his famous letter to Lincoln.

This came to a shock to many in the Tea Party movement because they didn’t know there was a National Tea Party Federation! Yes, sorry suckers, you are just tools of the big money men! Oddly enough, the National Tea Party Federation was pretty low-key when it formed, the announcements were barely mentioned on the member groups we monitor and the whole thing sank into obscurity. The only reason Politisink hasn’t mentioned it was they announced the group around the time we were making plans to transfer over to Politisink from the TarsTarkas.NET Blog and I figured we’d mention them in September when their big march in DC was supposed to happen. But the news has a way of changing things!

The National Tea Party Federation is a real thing, they even have a website! Under the AFFILIATE RELATIONSHIPS banner we see a list of many big moneyed organizations including FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, the Family Research Council, and Americans for Prosperity. The complete list:

60 Plus
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Bannon Strategic Advisors
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens United
Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
Contract From America
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Family Research Council
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
Moms for America
National Taxpayers Union
Ronald Reagan Institute for
Conservative Leadership
Richard Viguerie
Tea Party Patriots Live!
Victory Media Group

We’re going to work on a spotter’s guide to help identify some of the Tea Party groups in the future.

But first, the Tea Party Express responded via TPE member Joe Wierzbicki (coordinator for the Tea Party Express) and insulted the size of the Federation (saying that the TPE’s 400,000 members is larger than the Federation – which claims over 1 million members, btw, so never trust any teabagger’s numbers – and then makes a bunch of Star Trek references and calls the NAACP the Real Racists:

The Tea Party Express with over 400,000 members is by far larger than the Tea Party Federation’s entire membership. Most rank-and-file tea party activists think we’re talking about Star Trek when we try to explain who the “Federation” is. Given the absurdity of the actions by the “Federation,” this is quite fitting, since their conduct is alien to our membership.
“Groups trying to say who can or can’t be ‘expelled’ from the tea party movement is arrogant and preposterous. Perhaps this explains why so many tea party groups have left the “Federation” during the past few months. Whatever the reason, most tea party activists are focused on taking back their country and the upcoming 2010 elections and not silly power games being played by individuals such as those in the “Federation.”

To add to the absurdity of the “Federation” they have also informed us that our members can’t participate in something called their “basecamp” communication network, which makes us think that the individuals involved in the “Federation” spend a bit too much time watching science fiction movies and cartoons. We here at the Tea Party Express prefer a focus that is more grounded in the Constitution and electing tea party conservatives to offices of import in these 2010 elections.

The “Federation” has enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Circular firing squads of groups within the tea party movement attacking one another accomplish nothing, and on this issue the Tea Party Federation is wrong, and has both enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement. Which is something they’ll realize when they beam themselves back from basecamp.

As an additional note, whoever typed that up for CNN added like eight extra quotation marks for no reason randomly throughout the speech, which I had to edit out because we have standards here at Politisink (believe it or not!)

So reactions on were non-existant to the Williams letter, in fact, the site never even mentioned it until someone posted a thread late Sunday night asking what the frak was going on. No official Resistnet person has replied or commented about the latest development.

FreeRepublic has had a different approach. Besides most of the threads about Mark Williams’s letter getting pulled almost immediately, founder Jim Robinson (and Tea Party Express rider) has been fuming at the mouth about how they are NOT expelling Mark Williams:

I’ve caravaned across country several times with Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express and have attended hundreds of their rallies in nearly every state of the lower 57. I know that he is not a racist. Never heard of the Tea Party Federation. They are NOT my leader. In fact, they can kiss my ass!!

Jim Robinson leaderless Tea Party movement member.

11 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:01:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

Well, I’m not going to expel him or the Tea Party Express from Free Republic, that’s for sure. As I said, the Marxist/racist NAACP can KMA!! So can CNN and the leftist main stream media. And so can His Majesty, the racist/Marxist pig and wannabe DICKtator Obamassiah!!


44 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:46:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

Well, as I said earlier, there is really no reason to attempt to satirize the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They’re a joke. A cruel joke. They are satire. They’re nothing but a mob of America-hating, freedom-hating, redistributionist Marxist racist thugs. Eff ‘em if they can’t take a joke – Mark Twain.

50 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:53:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

The NAAACP is UnAmerican!! They’re a far left Marxist wealth redistributionist society. And they are racist to the core!! Their entire identity and purpose for being is to foment racism and Marxism!! And you can tell them I said so.

Jim Robinson, leaderless TEA Party member.

59 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:28:46 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

An Important Public Service Announcement

Today marks an important day in our nation’s historic fight against Islam and the creeping menace known as Sharia Law.  At this year’s Arab American festival, 4 Christian missionaries from  Acts 17 Apologetics were arrested for disorderly conduct and charged with misdemeanor disturbing the peace while trying to convert Muslims to Christianity at the festival.  Today they were arraigned.  A quote from the Dearborn police chief:

“We did make four arrests for disorderly conduct.  They did cause a stir.”

For most people this story would just  be something they read below the fold on the four page of the newspaper but for conservatives everywhere it was a wakeup call that Muslims were taking over the Unites States. (sidenote: my favorite name in those links is “the persecution times”.  How great of a name is that?)

One person in particular who tried to warn us about this impending Muslim takeover of Dearborn, Michigan and subsequent Sharia Lawing of our freedoms  is Gadi Adelman. Gadi has been writing for a while trying to let us know about the evils of Islam and how it is trying to take over America and replace the constitution with Sharia law.  He is humble and doesn’t want to rub it in our faces though as he starts off his latest article “Welcome to Dearborn, Arabia” off:

“When I wrote about creeping Sharia in America back in January in my article “One Nation under Allah” I was called an “Islamophobe.” In March I co-wrote “Are we financing our own demise” with Joy Brighton, an expert in Sharia finance. For that, I was called an “alarmist.” Also in March I wrote an article in which I told the truth about the treatment of women who live under Sharia law and I was called a “racist”. In April I wrote about the amount of terror that stems from Islam.  I was called a “hate monger”. Last week in my article “You’re doin’ fine Oklahoma” I wrote about the ban of Sharia in Oklahoma and was told I was “crazy” to believe that Sharia could ever happen here in America.”

As you can see, Mr Adelman has written a lot about Islam and it’s sinister plot to take over America and institute Sharia Law.  Well we didn’t listen to him and now here we are, knee deep in Sharia law where 4 Christian missionaries can get arrested for disorderly conduct at a drop of a hat for something as innocent as trying to agitate a crowd of Muslims:

“They look for a mark. They look for someone they know is going to be agitated with, for someone who is going to be engaged in a very heated way, and use that to draw a crowd.”

That quote was from Jack O’Reilly, the mayor of Dearborn.  You might be saying “well that just sounds like a normal arrest” but there are things you don’t know.  Did you know the chief of police’s name in Dearborn Michigan is Ronald Haddad?  You didn’t did you and do you know what that means?  I’ll let Mr. Adelman explain:

“In case as you were reading this, you missed it… The Chief of Police of Dearborn is Ronald Haddad. Yes, we can assume that Chief Haddad is a Muslim. Those that I have spoken to involved in this case have confirmed this.”

That’s right, a Muslim.  And according to one of the people arrested, David Wood “Two thirds of Dearborn, Michigan is Muslim.” Think about that and what it means.  You’ll have to decide for yourself because Mr. Adelman never really explains what those two things are supposed to mean when you put them together. Mr. Adelman also never bothers to mention the non-Muslim mayor defending the arrest.

This story is only the latest in a long line of stories that Mr. Adelman has put together to show us how Sharia law is slowing taking over the U.S.

“Kansas City International Airport recently constructed four foot-washing benches to accommodate a growing number of Muslim drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer. The University of Michigan-Dearborn plans to spend $25,000 to construct two foot-washing stations at the University of Michigan at Dearborn while 18 other universities, including a number of public institutions, have installed foot-washing facilities in Michigan and other states. Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix added airport user fees to install two faucets located two feet above the ground to help Muslim taxi and limo drivers meet their religious needs.”

“Workers at Tyson Foods’ poultry processing plant in Shelbyville, Tennessee will no longer have a paid day off on Labor Day, but will instead take the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr in the fall. A July 2008 press release from the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU), said that a new contract at the Shelbyville facility “implements a new holiday to accommodate the … Muslim workers at the plant.” The union has also claimed that in addition to the observance of the Muslim holiday, “Two prayer rooms have been created to allow Muslim workers to pray twice a day and return to work without leaving the plant.”

So now thanks to Sharia law we have foot washing stations and prayer rooms in chicken plants and now innocent Christians getting arrested for disturbing the peace.  Who will stand up to fight the good fight against Sharia Law?

Rep. Rex Duncan of Oklahoma that’s who, Rep Duncan is introducing a bill to ban Sharia law in Oklahoma.  More precisely what he is trying to get passed is a amendment to the Oklahoma constitution that would forbid judges from using International law (including Sharia law) when considering cases.  Rep Duncan explains:

“wording on the state ballot would include the explanation of ‘law of nation’ and ‘Islamic law’ as well as ‘laws followed by Mohammed’ ”

So thank God there are men out there like Rep Duncan who want to ban ‘laws followed by Mohammed’ and stand up for the Christians in this country who are being persecuted daily by the Muslim Majority.  And will that final note of intolerance ringing in your ears,  I’ll leave you with Mr. Adelman’s closing argument from “Welcome to Dearborn, Arabia”:

“I have been warning and writing and speaking about this for years, I urged you all to speak up and speak out. I said that we in America only have to look at the U.K. or Europe to see where we are headed if something is not done soon and now it has happened.

I am not proud to say “I warned you”, it is here people, Sharia in America. Our Nation that was founded on Judeo-Christian values and principals has now seen the arrest of four people for exercising their rights at an Arab festival.

What are you going to do about it? Contact your Representatives, call the Mayor of Dearborn?

Hitler wrote:

“You see, it’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?”

You choose which way you want to live, while you still can.”

You don’t agree with Hitler do you?