Tolerance is Hareem to Freepers

So as everyone who is reading this site knows, the controversial mosque near ground zero cleared the last hurdle to being built when the Landmark Preservation Society voted 9 to 0 against giving the land it is to be built on historic protection. This means that a big scary Islamic building is going to be near ground zero and that means that Muslims are secretly laughing at all Americans. Because of this all true Americans (as defined by Free Republic goers) should be outraged by this shameful act of Islamic gloating. Mtnwmn knows what is up exactly:

This is a slap in the face to most Americans.

2 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 12:57:02 PM by mtnwmn (Liberalism leads to Socialism)

But that isn’t the real problem. The real problem is not just one mosque near ground zero. I have taken the liberty of rewriting The New Colossus to fit the new America

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles who aren’t Muslim. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome for all who don’t worship Mohammad; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your dirty Muslims!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your Christians, your white Europeans,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free for Islam,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door*!

*which I will slam shut in a Muslim’s face.

It was an enormous mistake to open immigration to Islamic countries. You can thank Ted Kennedy for that. It should be stopped immediately. We do not owe the world a free chance at American citizenship.

70 posted on Wed Aug 04 2010 08:22:53 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by WashingtonSource

Of course if RINOs had the balls we would have just nuked the whole middle east. Take that cradle of civilization!

George junior and senior kiss Saudi @$$ at the drop of a hat.
after 9/11 both Saudi and Egypt should have been turned to glass for their part in the attack….but the one world RINOs would have none of that……

21 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:39:27 PM by Vaquero (Don’t pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.)

I think more than just Muslims laugh at historyrepeatz


22 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:41:29 PM by historyrepeatz

The following posts are a small sampling of Freep posts where freepers mistake pork for Muslim kryptonite instead of something that is merely hareem. The last one also highlights their inability to do math.

New York has pigeons, right? Lots of them.
I’m sure those poor pigeons outside of this new mosque would appreciate some nice people feeding them lots of tasty bacon bits, which their tiny little stomachs can thus digest, and their intestinal tract then excrete said bacon bits upon the grounds and rooftop of this wonderful expression of ‘tolerance’.

34 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:16:01 PM by reagan_fanatic (Never trust anyone who points their rear end at God while praying.)

Someone just needs to leave a fresh pig carcass on the spot of land via drive-by.
7 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 1:18:42 PM by Cletus.D.Yokel (FreepMail me if you want on the Bourbon Ping List.)

it’s been awhile since i had physics, but i estimate you should be able to heave a frictionless peice of bacon about 60 miles per hour from the top of the freedom tower and smack the mosque roughly 1000 feet away from 1700 feet up.

39 posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:34:38 AM by bluedressman

I blame fat, dumb, lazy, ignorant Americans for a lot of our problems also. I just don’t think we are talking about the same people though.

I do not blame our enemy for this.
I blame fat, dumb, lazy, cowardly, ignorant Americans for not fighting it.
The enemy is taking a dump on 3,000 Americans who died horribly in those towers, and their families.
And what do Americans do?
Not even ten years have gone by.
What, we’re going to “rise above” our enemy by letting them shove a dagger into our bellies?
Let it fall until Americans suffer enough to come back to reality.

53 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 3:39:06 PM by Boucheau

Let’s pretend Boucheau is sane.

“Could you please point me to the place in the Constitution that states that only certain groups of people have property rights?”
BS! Bury your head a little further in the sand. Just pretend the “nice Muslims” will leave you and your family alone in the coming years.
Let’s pretend their war against us does not exist.
Let’s pretend that what the UK is going through can’t happen to us.
Let’s pretend Islam is not a threat to our very existence in the coming decades.
Wake up!
But hey, they’ll “LOVE” it if you ignore them while they plot and position themselves to cut your dumb throat!

95 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 8:33:47 PM by Boucheau

Man I wonder why no one in Saudi Arabia cared about the feelings of a person who uses the word “raghead”.

Having lived within the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for more than three years, and being a Catholic, at no time.. ever… did any of that bunch of raghead heathens make any effort to determine if I was ever offended by their practice of what is no more than a sophisticated version of a cult…. no more, no less, than the Jim Jones deadly debacle. Islam is by no means what we call a “religion”. It is a deadly ideology, hell bent on attempting the taking over of this entire world…. fulfilling what is known as a “Caliphate”. I can’t, for the life of me, understand what motivation drives the New York stupidity in the capitulation to those godless creatures….
Islam is not a religion! Islam is a full-blown cult! And “sharia” is it’s Operating Manual. Please, God help us in this time need…..

23 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 2:45:09 PM by MODELSHIPS

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Go hide behind the constitution.

Open your window, Bloomy..
Do you still hear the cries of 9/11 victims falling to their deaths? Others still do.. this is hallowed ground.
A mosque does little except desecrate the entire area and acts as salt in the wounds sustained by the city and nation that day.
Go hide behind the Constitution, it won’t be the first time this nation’s enemies and detractors have done it..
Enjoy the kool-aid.

10 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 4:51:54 PM by NormsRevenge (Semper Fi … Godspeed .. Monthly Donor Onboard .. Epic Fail or Bust!!!)

Meyer thinks the only way to fight domestic terrorism is with more domestic terrorism.

Bloomberg is a glowing example of what is WRONG with the republican party. The party should kick this liberal moron out, along with many others. He!!, New Yorkers should kick him out of office as well.
What a disgrace. To even think that letting an enemy of our once-free country build essentially a monument to their murder of 3000 innocent citizens is acceptable is beyond contempt.
I’ll tell you what – if they actually build this thing, I hope somebody flies a plane right into the front door of the building while the Islamofascists are holding their first service. Time to start evening the score, not to bend over.

22 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:01:29 PM by meyer (Big government is the enemy of freedom.)

The truth is NTHockey is an intolerant bigot.

Mohammedism is NOT a religion; it is a cult of hate. Murder, intolerance, lying, rape, and following the rantings of a goat humping pedophile do not make it a religion.
I may seem intolerant; but if speaking the truth is intolerance, so be it. I make no apologies.

25 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:06:43 PM by NTHockey (Rules of engagement #1: Take no prisoners)

Remember when you were in third grade and it was all the rage to come up with as many insulting adjectives as you could about the person you didn’t like? Remember when you learned that just slapping words in front of your friend’s name didn’t make the insult any better? Yeah Freepers never learned to progress past that form of insults.

Islam is *NOT* a religion.
It is a violent, seditious, malignant self-contained, authoritarian, totalitarian, misogynistic political, cultural, judicial, and religious system fighting a bloody war for world domination and genocide of the Jews.
Mohammed was a pirate, a pedophile, a polygamist, a rapist, a murderer, a torturer, a thief, a liar, a plunderer, an adulterer, a trucebreaker, a slave trader, a slave owner, an executioner, a Jew hater, and a bloody, savage, genocidal lunatic.
His bloody death cult teaches that he was the “perfect man”, who all Mohammedans must emulate.
Those who do not emulate this bloody, savage, genocidal lunatic, or support those that do, are considered apostates and are routinely tortured and murdered in the most brutal fashion, when the “true believers” catch up to them.

40 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:19:49 PM by Westbrook (Having children does not divide your love, it multiplies it.)

Freedom of religion? That’s just a guise to let Islam take over. Can’t you people see that? If you’ll notice, this is the second post I have highlighted that calls for the US to ignore the constitution when it comes to dealing with Muslims.

Islam is *NOT* a religion.
You’ve got it EXACTLY CORRECT. We must all get this message out to everyone that we encounter.
islam is, and has always been, an EVIL ENEMY. Until the West can shake off its self-imposed Political Correctness shackles and EXPEL islam and ALL muslims from our Western Civilization, they will continue on their steady march of domination (the same one that has gone on for centuries). All of that PC rubbish needs to be dropped: giving islam protection in this country under the guise of “religious freedom” is a self-imposed suicide pact. Time to wake people up, there is no longer time to worry about what others may think of you, if they are too stupid (and/or willfully ignorant) to understand, why should any of us care what they may think?
The first step is to get people to understand exactly who this ENEMY is and to drop their fear of calling a spade a spade. Unless we want to allow our great Nation to descend into the tattered shreds of national sovereignty that remains in many Western European nations, we need to speak out loudly and clearly against this encroaching EVIL.
Do we have to wait several more years until it gets to the point of what Europe is now confronting until we get a political leader to speak out as Geert Wilders? Unfortunately when it gets to that point, it may prove to be too late.

56 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 6:55:41 PM by zzeeman (Existence exists.)

Silly person, leaving pork products is silly. What we need to do is nuke every Muslim. Don’t you see? Genocide is the only answer.

We should ALL go see it and leave some pork products accidentally.
No, that’s just silly.
We should NUKE THEM ALL!
That is serious.
They are going to enslave our children’s children and bring a 2nd dark age of not THE dark age upon us.
No mercy for these vermin.

14 posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2010 5:50:05 PM by RachelFaith (2010 is going to be a 100 seat Tsunami – Unless the GOP Senate ruins it all…)

Here is a preacher who plans to burn Qurans in protest on 9/11 this year.

Tea Party Express/Mark Williams supposedly booted from National Tea Party Federation

So the National Tea Party Federation, the self-appointed bigwigs of the Tea Party group (aka the biggest front groups pretending to be grassroots) kicked out Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express over his famous letter to Lincoln.

This came to a shock to many in the Tea Party movement because they didn’t know there was a National Tea Party Federation! Yes, sorry suckers, you are just tools of the big money men! Oddly enough, the National Tea Party Federation was pretty low-key when it formed, the announcements were barely mentioned on the member groups we monitor and the whole thing sank into obscurity. The only reason Politisink hasn’t mentioned it was they announced the group around the time we were making plans to transfer over to Politisink from the TarsTarkas.NET Blog and I figured we’d mention them in September when their big march in DC was supposed to happen. But the news has a way of changing things!

The National Tea Party Federation is a real thing, they even have a website! Under the AFFILIATE RELATIONSHIPS banner we see a list of many big moneyed organizations including FreedomWorks, the National Taxpayers Union, the Family Research Council, and Americans for Prosperity. The complete list:

60 Plus
Americans for Prosperity
Americans for Tax Reform
Bannon Strategic Advisors
Citizens Against Government Waste
Citizens United
Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
Contract From America
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Family Research Council
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
Moms for America
National Taxpayers Union
Ronald Reagan Institute for
Conservative Leadership
Richard Viguerie
Tea Party Patriots Live!
Victory Media Group

We’re going to work on a spotter’s guide to help identify some of the Tea Party groups in the future.

But first, the Tea Party Express responded via TPE member Joe Wierzbicki (coordinator for the Tea Party Express) and insulted the size of the Federation (saying that the TPE’s 400,000 members is larger than the Federation – which claims over 1 million members, btw, so never trust any teabagger’s numbers – and then makes a bunch of Star Trek references and calls the NAACP the Real Racists:

The Tea Party Express with over 400,000 members is by far larger than the Tea Party Federation’s entire membership. Most rank-and-file tea party activists think we’re talking about Star Trek when we try to explain who the “Federation” is. Given the absurdity of the actions by the “Federation,” this is quite fitting, since their conduct is alien to our membership.
“Groups trying to say who can or can’t be ‘expelled’ from the tea party movement is arrogant and preposterous. Perhaps this explains why so many tea party groups have left the “Federation” during the past few months. Whatever the reason, most tea party activists are focused on taking back their country and the upcoming 2010 elections and not silly power games being played by individuals such as those in the “Federation.”

To add to the absurdity of the “Federation” they have also informed us that our members can’t participate in something called their “basecamp” communication network, which makes us think that the individuals involved in the “Federation” spend a bit too much time watching science fiction movies and cartoons. We here at the Tea Party Express prefer a focus that is more grounded in the Constitution and electing tea party conservatives to offices of import in these 2010 elections.

The “Federation” has enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement, and they should be ashamed of themselves.

Circular firing squads of groups within the tea party movement attacking one another accomplish nothing, and on this issue the Tea Party Federation is wrong, and has both enabled and empowered the NAACP’s racist attacks on the tea party movement. Which is something they’ll realize when they beam themselves back from basecamp.

As an additional note, whoever typed that up for CNN added like eight extra quotation marks for no reason randomly throughout the speech, which I had to edit out because we have standards here at Politisink (believe it or not!)

So reactions on were non-existant to the Williams letter, in fact, the site never even mentioned it until someone posted a thread late Sunday night asking what the frak was going on. No official Resistnet person has replied or commented about the latest development.

FreeRepublic has had a different approach. Besides most of the threads about Mark Williams’s letter getting pulled almost immediately, founder Jim Robinson (and Tea Party Express rider) has been fuming at the mouth about how they are NOT expelling Mark Williams:

I’ve caravaned across country several times with Mark Williams and the Tea Party Express and have attended hundreds of their rallies in nearly every state of the lower 57. I know that he is not a racist. Never heard of the Tea Party Federation. They are NOT my leader. In fact, they can kiss my ass!!

Jim Robinson leaderless Tea Party movement member.

11 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:01:01 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

Well, I’m not going to expel him or the Tea Party Express from Free Republic, that’s for sure. As I said, the Marxist/racist NAACP can KMA!! So can CNN and the leftist main stream media. And so can His Majesty, the racist/Marxist pig and wannabe DICKtator Obamassiah!!


44 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:46:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

Well, as I said earlier, there is really no reason to attempt to satirize the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They’re a joke. A cruel joke. They are satire. They’re nothing but a mob of America-hating, freedom-hating, redistributionist Marxist racist thugs. Eff ‘em if they can’t take a joke – Mark Twain.

50 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:53:40 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!

The NAAACP is UnAmerican!! They’re a far left Marxist wealth redistributionist society. And they are racist to the core!! Their entire identity and purpose for being is to foment racism and Marxism!! And you can tell them I said so.

Jim Robinson, leaderless TEA Party member.

59 posted on Mon Jul 19 2010 12:28:46 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Jim Robinson (JUST VOTE THEM OUT!


The best part of being busy is not having time to do what you like to do. Did I say best? I meant worst. So to make up for the sparse posts this week here is a random image culled off of FreeRepublic or Resistnet that’s from, a “humor” conservative site that is about as funny as your infant daughter being devoured by wild boars.

Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic Itchin’ to shoot some Panthers Edition

Glenn Beck and Resistnet have dueling march on DC events in August/September. Beck has moved his event up in order to misuse MLK’s legacy to sell more copies of his terrible books, and also to rally his troops into a frothing, gnashing horde of hate. All because he’s a “real patriot”.

But wait! Remember when the Freepers went all nuts because some “Black Panthers” were at a voting place in 2008 and never shut up about it? They’re still talking about it, giving the guy lots of air time, in which he recently said…

Oh, snap! RAHOWA in the Hizzouse! FreeRepublic throws it down with their longing of shooting the darkies!

Never on my watch is locked and loaded to shoot anyone with a tan at the Lincoln Memorial
Continue reading

Compassionate Conservatism at work

Robert Byrd (D-WV) died recently, leaving behind a distinguished political career that included many achievements among them being the longest serving senator, the President pro tempore of the United States Senate four times, United States Senate Majority Leader twice, and Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.  Byrd was a powerful socially conservative democrat who you would think that most conservatives would like.  He opposed letting gays serve openly in the military, he endorsed the Defense of Marriage Act, He opposed affirmative action and voted for the partial birth abortion ban.  So why does Freep hate a person that holds many of the same views as them?  The answer is simple: he is a democrat which means he is the enemy.

BTW: To those who say we should be respectful of the dead, I say: Not those who have murdered millions of babies, shredded the Constitution, and stolen trillions of dollars. I would no more think of saying nice things about Kennedy, or Byrd, than I would think it my duty to think of something nice to say about Mao, Stalin, Hitler, or Pol Pot. Democrats are not part of the American body politic. They are alien combatants.

Since he is an “alien combatant” they are allowed to say bad things about him and once they were informed by Fox News that Byrd was once part of the KKK, Freep was off to the races.

Starting out in the House of Representatives, he was elected to the Senate in 1958 by defeating his incumbent republican opponent, who supported civil rights. Therefore, Byrd did not support civil rights. I wish current liberals could hear some of those firey speeches!

This Freeper loves the thought of God purging the senate of people who he disagree with him politically.

Senator Kennedy, Now Byrd, seems there is someone, that can clean house without a vote. There are a few more that need to feel the call of the Lord.

The reason the news didn’t report this “fact” is that it isn’t true

Of course, when driving into work listening to the national news they failed to mention he was a Grand Wizard.

Today is a good day, someone I disagree with politically died

This lifted my spirits! What a good day, we have another good democrat.


I respected neither. The sun is shining a little brighter. The birds are singing a little louder. It’s a beautiful day. I haven’t smiled this much since Ted Kennedy died.


Well jeez, I was taught that you shouldn’t say anything bad about the dying….that being said, I did just put champagne on ice – just in case…..


It’ll be hard to top the warm fuzziness I felt at Ted Kennedy’s demise.


Honestly, that is the best news I have heard in a month!!!!!!! Come on Nov 2. We need the power to stop all the mischief that will be going on in the lame duck session commencing Nov 3.

Disagree with me politically? Well I hope he suffered horribly in the last moments on earth.

I hope he was terrified and in great pain. This miserable human scum stayed too long and used far too much oxygen.


Good riddance, I hope they turn the heat up for him where he now lives.

This crazy post just crops up in the middle of everyone making KKK jokes.  It is actually kinda refreshing to see a pure crazy post complete with bad Obama nicknames

Too many American Warriors unnecessarily have fallen on Byrd’s watch. Everyday lately we get the news of more of those warriors falling in Afghanistan in large part because of the ROEs that dictate that they can’t bring full force against suspected terrorist filth. Those ROEs exist at the behest of the CIC Maobama who had the full support of Robert C. Byrd and the rest of the human refuse that is the democrat party. Maobamacare, tax increases, decreases in our Constitutional Rights and on and on are all in place or are strongly contemplated by the democrat party of Robert C. Byrd and Akbar Hussein Maobama.

I hope the evil old bastard rots in hell.

Why do we need to be respectful to dead people?  Screw that!

Well as the saying goes, we should not speak evil of the recently departed, therefore, I’ll wait a respectful period–maybe a week or so?–before offering my opinion!

I have never understood this prohibition. Ted Kennedy was a despicable pig and a traitor, and I reveled in his death on this forum, as I would have any other criminal or traitor, the moment it was announced. Robert Byrd wasn’t nearly as bad, but was a KKK leader and racist, and later one of the most corrupt Senators in the history of the union. I do not mourn his passing, and wretch in expectation of Manchin appointing yet another sleazebag to replace him.

Second chances are for wimps and losers.  I am a fine upstanding Christian, I don’t give no second chances.

The guy was a KKK leader. None the less he served the longest term in the history of the United States Senate.

And he served as a Democrat.

No, I won’t be allowing this POS to drift off into some dream state as Democrats will be want to do.

This man could not have served as a Republican in the Senate of the United States. The Democrats would have torn him to shreds.

Everyone is a racist, but a Democrat. That’s what they have been pounding into our brains in the 59 years I have been alive.

So no, I won’t be letting this racist prick off the hook.

If you’ve served as a leader in the KKK, you’re done. That’s something I don’t give second chances to get right.

Read about his record. He can go straight to hell, and not pass Go or collect his $200 dollars.

I’m going to pray for the democrat part of Byrd’s soul just to balance this dude’s prayers out.

I’ll pray for his eternal soul that he finds the Lord.

Other than that…as a Democrat, he’s responsible for all sorts of heinious laws and other things that have hurt, harmed, caused pain, and otherwise damaged good peoples’ lives.

I cannot and will not pray for that part of him. He has to answer for that. In the position he was in, he had mega-chances to do good for people, to help his nation and his people. But he chose to be a Democrat.

If he goes, he goes. Bye-bye, Bob. Don’t let the door hit you on the *ss on the way out.

Felt the same way about Teddy and Murtha, and will feel the same way about Lautenberg or any other of these POS.

Sorry; I’m all out of compassion for these cretins. It’s just the way it is.

Mods, delete if you feel it necessary, but it doesn’t change the sentiment.

The mods over at Freep really had to earn their keep yesterday.  They had to delete so many comments people were commenting on the removed comments.

Wow look at all the comments removed..

Byrd has since written on his association with the KKK and has apologized for the intolerant views he held early in life and stating that joining the KKK was “the greatest mistake I ever made”:

I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times… and I don’t mind apologizing over and over again. I can’t erase what happened.” Byrd, 2005

Proving that people can change, in the Congressional Report Card released by the NAACP for the 108th Congress (2003-2004), Byrd received a 100 percent approval rating. In June 2005, Byrd proposed an additional $10 million in federal funding for the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that “With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently.”

Let us not forget though that the same people who are so quick to point out Byrd’s past also brought us these wonderful comments about Malia Obama and still actively spell Muslim as mooslim and mudslime and call Mexicans “savages”.

And finally I will be kind and answer one Freeper’s question about Byrd.

Is he dead yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yes he is.

Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic JINO Court Race War Edition

Pat Buchanan unleashed a racist screed about there being too many Jews on the Supreme Court. Then stated their comments! Let’s listen in…

Government Workers are the Real Racists!

The difference between liberals and conservatives is conservatives see nothing wrong with declaring racial superiority, but liberals are the Real Racists!

Pat Buchanan is a liberal sent by the liberal media to bamboozle Real Conservatives!

I and my username/avatar combo that is the founder of the KKK vow to continue the Race War in the courts. Also, liberals are the Real Racists!

We need more of the Good Ones!

JINO, the heartwarming story of a pregnant high school girl who is nominated to the Supreme Court and blocked by conservatives for being “too lesbian”
f15.jpg will be back in Liberals are the Real Racists 2: Through the Portal of Time!