Patriot Action Network is totally evil MUSLIM Editon – Wingnut Web

Patriot Action Network is back from their failed attempt to go Web 1.1, reactivating their Ning site after losing 99% of their traffic and members with their grand experiment. Thus, they’re more active again and back to their lunatic ways! And we can’t have a Patriot Action Network article without them saying racist and stupid things! So let’s lead off with the “Rev.” Larry Wallenmeyer’s wonderful post about how he hates Obama no matter what color of the rainbow he is:

Patriot Action Network Racist
Patriot Action Network Racist
Patriot Action Network Racist

After all, Jesus hates people too. But the Patriot Action Network Posters (aka PANheads) can’t let the fact that someone brought up Obama being black slip by…

If only there was some sort of rule about one drop brought about by Southern Racists that made it this way…
Patriot Action Network Racist

I personally don’t know any white people named George W. Bush, so he must be a Muslim too!
Patriot Action Network Racist

My racism brings all the boys to the yard…
Patriot Action Network Racist

don knows this article will be popping up on Politisink!
Patriot Action Network Racist

But the good Reverend walks right into the trap, and nullifies his grand statements about how this totally isn’t about Obama being black. This is also the only comment he bothered to reply to, letting the racist comments stand in total disregard for what was supposed to be his point.
Patriot Action Network Racist

racistly take a person from the mulatto race…
Patriot Action Network Racist

Yeesh, that’s enough of the stupid for now, because soon it will burn my house down! Until next time, remember that Liberals are the real racists!

PatriotActionNetwork gets perverted

In between failing at their rebranding and failing in general, Patriot Action Network seems to be getting a little naughty! We start out with this epic discussion of deep Muslim penetration by “reverend” Larry Wallenmeyer…
Patriot Action Network perverts

And that leads to this wonderful comment by John L. Armstrong about students being insemination with marxist crap. Holy two girls, one cup, Batman!
Patriot Action Network perverts
Jim L. “Shots” Hendershot, Sr. approves

Patriot Action Network and the Big BLACK Bus

The big news over the week was Obama going on a bus tour, with a new, armored bus bought by the Secret Service. this instantly turned the Right Wing Noise Machine into the pack of howler monkeys they are and they all fell over each other to make jokes about “pimpin’ the ride” and “black bus!” and other unimaginative racist crap. Karl Rove even declared that his American Crossroads will use the bus as an attack target. We are sure that Karl Rove will be fair and point out that the Secret Service bought an identical bus for the eventual Republican candidate to use in 2012.

So let’s see what PatriotActionNetwork has to say about this! It will be very patriotic and actiony, I tell you what…

Let’s start out with name-calling and racism!

I am not sure if this guy is in the “Obama is 7/8ths Arab” camp or the “Obama is secretly hawaiian” camp. Or a newer, dumber camp.

This is my favorite quote of the day, because it is pure win:

Howie Subnick also has a way with words. Or experience with turds in punch bowls.

Obama has a bus….that means MARTIAL LAW!!!

Patricia Cole is obsessed with powerful black images.

How will Patricia A. Brittell pay for the troops to storm the White House if she’s suspended all paychecks?

Jokes! Of the unfunny kind!

Anyone? Help?

And some cracks in the line at PatriotActionNetwork.

More in a bit, as more is always coming. Always. Until then, let’s all get purple ears!

Patriot Action Network absolutely ruined our Christmas 2010 because of this BLACK CODE!

Every so often the email alerts from Patriot Action Network link to black stories are articles designed to enrage their posters and whip them up into a frenzy. I’m sure the desired effect is to motivate them, but what really happens is they post a lot of racist crap. Despite huge warnings about site policies, the floodgates are open and the site gets drowned in a sea of crazy hate. But those posts are so popular there is going to be no stop to the linking to them, as Patriot Action Network (formerly Resistnet) is getting desperate for views.

So let’s get dangerous!

Patriot Action Network

Black People – now ruining Christmas for their crazy racist relatives!
Patriot Action Network

I’m not sure where Anna Guillen’s post is coming from, but it’s headed straight to crazy town
Patriot Action Network

Here is a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard before: Obama is a secret Hawaiian native!
Patriot Action Network
Patriot Action Network

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Wingnut Web – PatriotActionNetwork loves well-done atheist Purple Lip Lovers Edition

Wingnut Web is not dead, it was just caught in the various hard drive explosions. But thanks to the constant stream of Right wing craziness, we’ll never stop having new content! So here is some fun racism and drama from the former, Patriot Action Network! Will PANetwork still be full of violent and racist dicks? Duh! Read on, good citizens!

Jim Soden starts us off with some non-racist racism:

Aren’t you glad he finds PatriotActionNetwork so warm and welcoming of his blatant racism?

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Subject: Wedding Ring Is In For Repairs…

Like the Bible says, “There is none so blind as those

who refuse to see.”

Wedding ring is in for repairs – Another piece falls into place.

In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing his wedding
ring nor was he wearing his watch when noticed, his staff said his
ring was out for repairs.

No reason was given for the missing watch. So it’s just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing jewelry during the month of Ramadan (ninth month of the Islamic calendar, lasting from 29 to 30 days).

Can’t possibly be that, because although he hasn’t gone to a
Christian church service since entering the White House, we know he’s a committed Christian “cause he said so during he campaign!”
………..And I’ve got a bridge to nowhere to sell you also.

This is the same president that spent the Christmas holidays in
Hawaii to avoid religious obligations as PRESIDENT at the White
House. His children do not receive Christmas presents.

Let’s just face the facts and quit trying to tell the truth, we have
a muslim for president in the White House, and he has no

knowledge of American history.

Obama releases Birth Certificate, Wingnuts unimpressed

Obama surrendered to the right once again and released his long-form birth certificate to try to quiet the insane birthers. Because Obama underestimates the insane racism of his opponents, this release matters 0.0000%, as no one ever will be convinced if they think he’s a foreign born Muslim commie Kenyan alien robot. Dissenters fall into two camps, one that is convinced this one is fake and is going to insane lengths to prove it, and the one that doesn’t care because they’re following an incorrect definition of “Natural born citizen.” Though this does make the Republicans look even more loony, so maybe this was a shrewd move.

A sample response:

Also, this has prompted death threats from at least one poster on (formerly

Despite their name change, we can always expect quality death threats against the president from Resistnet— I mean, PatriotActionNetwork!

more reactions below the fold.
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Wingnut Web – A Resistnet by any other name…’s “cash in on the conservatives” site Resistnet changed their name to Patriot Action Network aka PANetwork to avoid the bad publicity from all the racist members out spreading their poison, and then began attempting a fund drive among their members. But it doesn’t take a whole lot of looking to find the same old crap at PANetwork/Resistnet. In fact, almost all of these posts are from the same article, a blog entry by Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party favorite because he’s someone they can wave around to prove they aren’t racist. But they can’t help themselves and the responses are filled with racism and calls for violent government overthrow. Oh,…will you ever be sane? (No.)

Most Rev. Archbishop Military Dictatorship

Let’s fantasize about killing cops!

Obama: Earthquake Jihadist!
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