Wingnut Web – A Resistnet by any other name…’s “cash in on the conservatives” site Resistnet changed their name to Patriot Action Network aka PANetwork to avoid the bad publicity from all the racist members out spreading their poison, and then began attempting a fund drive among their members. But it doesn’t take a whole lot of looking to find the same old crap at PANetwork/Resistnet. In fact, almost all of these posts are from the same article, a blog entry by Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party favorite because he’s someone they can wave around to prove they aren’t racist. But they can’t help themselves and the responses are filled with racism and calls for violent government overthrow. Oh,…will you ever be sane? (No.)

Most Rev. Archbishop Military Dictatorship

Let’s fantasize about killing cops!

Obama: Earthquake Jihadist!
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Traitor Army doctor still a coward, now admits he was wrong

Who can forget everyone’s favorite birther Army man who refused to deploy for the service he signed up for because he was convinced President Obama was some illegitimate undocumented Kenyan-born Muslim Taliban Antichrist? Yes it was only a handful of months ago that Republicans and the Tea Partiers alike, led by Birther Queen Orly Taitz, went on a blind witch hunt to prove that our nation’s first African American president was in fact a scary black man who had used his voodoo magic to usurp the presidency (possibly because the devil made him do it). Clearly this was the most legitimate way to get President Obama impeached.

But who were these brave patriots coming out of the woodworks to condemn our Socialist Marxist president? Most of them were anonymous internet cowards who belonged to communities like (an organization that’s now running away with its tail between its legs) and questioned the authenticity of the President’s birth certificate from the comfort of their retirement community’s library computer. But still there were others who led the birther charge through the lamestream media, wasting valuable minutes of Anderson Cooper’s time with their indefensibly crazy notion that the president was an actually Indonesian Communist born to a single mother and bred for the American presidency from birth, supported by a 40 year long conspiracy that has now lifted him from poor African street beggar to president of the most powerful country in the world.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was one such coward, an army doctor who had signed up for military duty and trained for his deployment yet refused to participate in his military service because he so strongly believed that President Obama was not American’s legitimate Commander in Chief. Here he is on YouTube espousing his deeply-held yet sudden beliefs:

Who can forget classic television interviews like this one?

Despite losing appeal after appeal, both Orly Taitz and Lt. Col. Lakin were committed to exposing the truth that is President Obama’s illegitimate ruse, no matter that they were making themselves look more and more laughable by the day. Undeterred by official birth certificates or the truth both opponents of the president soldiered on to prove their point and hopefully take down one of the shaddowiest cabals of power out there.

Well, actually, like the sane among us expected, Orly Taitz was laughed out of court (on repeated occasions) and eventually went back to her dental/hairdressing business. And today we find that Lt. Col. Lakin is now pleading in court (or well, a court marshal more specifically) that he was a fool to believe that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. It was wrong of him to be a lying liar so he could avoid deployment, it was cowardly of him to call his COMMANDER IN CHIEF a Kenyan usurper, and it was incalculably retarded for him to have continued to push this issue in the media and in the courts for so long!

Now we hear Lt. Col. Lakin pleading with the Army to dismiss the case against him. He wants to serve his country again he protests! Forgive the fact that he disobeyed his orders for months and months. Forget the fact that for even longer Lt. Col. Lakin made television appearance after television appearance, a man trained by the United State Military now coming on the public airwaves DEFAMING the leader of the very country he signed up to serve and protect. Now after so long and so much losing in court Lakin just wants the military and the president to forget about him and what he did?

No Lt. Col. Lakin you fucking assdouche, that isn’t how this kind of shit works. Are you any sort of a brave responsible human being? You are fucking scum, and your cowardly fucking scum ways gave heed to a very small but vocal minority of people who, because of the fuss you were causing, believed in the batshit retarded rhetoric you and Birther Queen Taitz were spewing on FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Your actions disgraced the president in the eyes of the country, you disgraced your own boss, and that’s not cool especially when that boss is the PRESIDENT. You took an oath when you became a soldier, hell you even served as a soldier long before Obama was elected, but now that there’s a black man in office you feel some kind of responsibility to stand up and tell him to go fuck himself?

History has already been written Lt. Col. Lakin, and the minstrel part you played on television made you and the Army look like traitors and fools. And now you just want the courts to forgive you. You had a year long lapse in judgement and for some reason you no longer felt it was necessary to honor your military oath. Yeah, like the country should just gloss over how much of a bigot and a coward you made yourself out to be. You face up to 3 1/2 years in military prison for the wretched treason you tried to enact against the president. Hell that is peanuts compared to the kind of time Lt. Bradly Manning is going to be serving for leaking classified documents.

Lt. Col. Lakin if you have even one ounce of fucking self-esteem in your body you will take your slap on the wrist punishment from the Army with your head up. I doubt this is the case given how you’ve sheepishly performed on television the past year, but you don’t ever chose to sign up for something as sterling and patriotic as active military duty only to sully the name and rank of the United States Army by railing against the newly elected president, no matter what his skin color. You’re going to get what’s coming to you and no amount of appeals will save you. Let it live as a lesson to anyone else who wants to act like a moron in the name of “truth”. Merry Christmas traitor.

Wingnut Web – Resistnet Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ? Edition

So just when I thought it was safe to do a Wingnut Web, I got an email alert from Resistnet about a new thread claiming that Breitbart was telling the NAACP to “go to Hell” or something. Knowing the pack of racist crapeaters at Resistnet can’t resist (pun!) a chance to rant about how “Blacks are the Real Racists!” or “All Blacks are welfare queens!” (almost immediately followed by “Why won’t more blacks join us???”) I clicked. And lo and behold, we got some racism going on! First we’ll have a few random posts that were lying around stinking up my hard drive, and then it’s on to Resistnet’s Cross Burning Party Election ’10!

Kill Whitey and/or Asiany! Also Obama has no white in him, I heard it on the internet!

It’s the sad story of a self-hating Latino. And he’s a Militia dude!

Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ?
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Wingnut Web – Resistnet’s 9-11 Crocodile Tears and RaHoWa Fever

Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, until I get an email from Darla D! ruins everything. It seems that Darla Dawald is using 9-11 as a chance to act all sad that, home to racist hatemongers, has been taken over by racist hatemongers! It’s ironic! I had the brew she had the chronic, which is what Darla must be smoking to have not noticed the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many racism and hate incidents we’ve spotted there. Just check out our archives here and back at the TarsTarkas.NET Blog!

But here’s her email…

Disappointment from Darla

Dear Patriots:

I write this letter to you this morning with a heavy heart. As I sit and look out my hotel window on Ground Zero and as I listen to the bagpipes play patriotic music many people are walking around Ground Zero paying their respects and keeping their promise that we will not forget.

I have to admit though, that in the midst of this atmosphere I have received reports from our admins that many people have basically been openly breaking our No Tolerance Policy, spewing hate, and working against everything we are attempting to do. I completely understand the anger toward the Islamic terrorists that brought down the towers and killed so many 9 years ago today. What I do NOT understand is why you will not follow our guidelines that the Constitution has afforded us as a private business. Your right to speech is guaranteed to you toward your government….that’s it. The 1st amendment does not give the right to any individual to infringe on their rights as a privately owned business or organization.

We appreciate so many of our members those who have attempted to reason with the individuals determined to argue, demean, incite violence, and infringe upon our rights. In my absence I have instructed the admins to issue warnings, shut down these discussions that have been out of control, and suspend those who will not listen to our warnings. Apparently, this is still an issue. So it is with great sadness that I must write this letter and inform you that if you break the rules we will not warn you, we will simply ban your account. We will not tolerate a mutiny and we will enforce our policies.

It may not be popular but it is necessary. We must protect the integrity of this site and the members who regularly abide by our terms of service.

Today is a reminder of the tragedy we have experienced at the hands of terrorists, let us not fight one another.

God Bless the families of victims and all Americans affected by this date.


Well, I’m sure Resistnet couldn’t be so full of racism before 9-11 that it makes this entire email laughable….let’s check!

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Resistnet Chat longs for RAHOWA

So I was hanging out in Resistnet chat being awesome when suddenly Resistnet chat decided to go all racial holy war. You see, the posters on Resistnet long for the day they can shoot all the Mexicans and Blacks, because they’re crazy racists who are crazy. Especially dan taylor, who has been featured in many many many of our Wingnut Webs. And he gets no moderation or discipline by the Resistnet moderators at all. Because what he says must not be offensive to them! But don’t take my word for it, take the words of the Resistnet chatters themselves!

Blacks are gonna start something!

dan taylor says just machine gun those blacks!

dan taylor also thinks we don’t need Mexicans because we already have all those troublesome blacks!

all cultures are not equal – some get drunk and run over white people, while white people never get drunk and drive!

dan taylor is already at war

dan taylor thinks we could take over Mexico in two days, while suddenly someone brings up the Machete movie again

dan taylor is hoping beyond hope that Machete will make whites declare their mastery over all other races again

Mexicans are so easy to defeat a caveman could do it. Continue with someone suddenly getting scared that their lovely war will disrupt their medical supplies

help me please kill mexicans!

A Mexican ate my rabbit!

Brian Hill then goes all conspiracy theory!

If you go to you can get recruited to the race war today! dan taylor is in chat all the time, and it’s obvious that no one is bothered by his call for racial holy war. I guess that means Resistnet is totally fine with it! Good to know!

Wingnut Web – Resistnet prepares to go to war (peacefully)

Boy was Resistnet mad when Arizona’s sb1070 was partially overturned by a federal judge. They got so made, they forgot they were supposed to be the peaceful resistance and just became the angry mob. Luckily, was there with our handy PrintScreen button and captured the action for all to see. Thrill as Real Patriots try to outdo each other for how eager they are to overthrow the country! It’s amazing, especially when the moderator tells them to stop yet doesn’t bother to delete or punish anyone and even joins in on parts of the discussions! That’s why Wingnut Web is here!

Resistnet starts off with a bang calling for the death of Senator Barbara Boxer because she’s proud of her job…

James Gragg then declares that if the Arizona Immigration Law isn’t left standing, it is WAR! He means it, he posted a terrible drawing!

Resistnet now allows you to say “wetbacks” with no penalty! Thanks, Resistnet!

Fluoride in the water and Chemtrails? I think I’m getting close to winning Conspiracy Theory Bingo!

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These people own guns

Hey so I was looking though USA Carry the other day after Tars Tarkas brought it to my attention and realized it was mostly full of conservative crazies who hate everything that doesn’t represent an idealized version of the 1950’s that the users collective envision. At one point, one of the posters just writes “I want the America I grew up in back” which seems to be what this whole post could be summed up as. Anyway, onto the crazy people:

This is in response to that fake story where some 11 year old girl who is also a skeet shooting champion kills two illegal immigrant home invaders before they can rape and kill her.


Time for some witty word play about what the ACLU could stand for. Also a nice little call for a new Crusade is tucked into the first post.


And from the same thread. You know your tactics are working if everyone is calling you a racist. The logic there is just astounding.


Here is a post to round out your right wing talking point bingo card. It contains about five.


The “cowboys and Muslims” thing is pretty prevalent around the site. It’s their little joke way of saying “kill all brown people”.



In case you were wondering what the Bill of Rights was really about, it is about spreading the word of God.


Why is gay sex so horrible? Because God said it was worst than every other sin combined. Having sex with a dude (if you’re a dude) or a chick (if you’re a chick) is like a super ultimate sin that trumps all other sins even if you combine other sins. This post also answers the question “could God make a sin so terrible it makes him sick”.



“Hello, My name is Sheldon and I am officially offended by the latest ad you sent me”
“I’m sorry sir, why are you offended by our ad” – comcast employee
“English was not the most prominent language on the ad. In America I want all my marketing in English.”
“I’m sorry sir, I really have no control over the marketing…”
“Well you tell whoever is in charge that if I get another piece of Spanish in my ad I will cancel my subscription”
*sheldon promptly runs and post about this on the internet*


Argggggg! Spanish is everywhere now! Why can’t I just buy jell-o with English only instructions?


These are a little old but this dude really hated the idea of a day of protest where people who are gay or support gay marriage don’t come into work.

We should probably classify homosexuality as a mental illness and try to treat it as such. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

All aboard the horrible logic train. Choo-Choo!


A) I read this dude’s name as fetus for the longest time.
B) This guy just used the “I’m gonna tell my dad” argument when talking about God.


I am a legal American citizen and don’t understand much about anything.


uh…I tried to come up with something funny to say about this post but really the crazy in it stands on its own.


Anothony_I_Am is asking the hard hitting questions about negros.


Marriage, since long before the time of Christ, has been sanctified by the Church


Maybe you’re just a racist man.


Why am I not uniting under Obama? Because I am big crazy loon.


This is Sheldon. He actually used “stop acting like a democrat as an insult”. You’ll see more of him in a second.


*walks into a McDonalds*

*punches a guy and takes his food and french kisses the guys wife*

*gets arrested*

“But your honor. This is America where I can do what I want, when I want wherever I want”.


And now for the post that inspired me to make this update.


Now here is a small sampling of the crazy that is Sheldon. First up are some posts from the thread about the Christians being arrested at the Arab American festival.


And now he lets us know what is and isn’t a militant (hint: Christian no, Muslim yes)


And Sheldon weighs in on the timeline of the world and a fanboy weighs in also to reinforce Sheldon’s crazy.


And finally I leave you with a response one of the liberal posters posted on there that I think sums up conservatives motives on the internet. And don’t forget, all of the above people own guns and want to use them.


Resistnet vs the NAACP

The spat between the NAACP and the Tea Party groups exploded into a bigger mess than I thought it would. You see, despite the fact that we spend hours each week pouring over right wing sites and reading all sorts of awful things, we at Politisink are still decent people, and thus, don’t automatically think about how awful a backlash of racism will be against groups that have been demonized for months on Glenn Beck. Our mistakes. But, besides Mark Williams’s awesome letter that totally proved the NAACP’s point better than they could themselves, Resistnet’s commentors have also been weighing in on this issue. And, being Resistnet, they’ve been weighing in as a bunch of racists.

Miles is our douchebag of the day, because his story is frakking insane. Besides the obvious lies about how much money a family gets and the pre-1994 welfare reform arguments about families spending generations on welfare, there are more spelling errors than if you threw 1000 Scrabble pieces at random on the ground.

Wow, Lynn Bryant DeSpain is a moron. The NAACP fought against Wilson and his racist segregation policies, and the “entitlements” crap he is talking about is probably a reference to things FDR started, not Wilson. This is what happens when you get history lessons from Glenn Beck and Jonah Goldberg. But “seven babies, seven fathers” is totally not racist! Why do the blacks not like us?

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Wingnut Web – FreeRepublic Itchin’ to shoot some Panthers Edition

Glenn Beck and Resistnet have dueling march on DC events in August/September. Beck has moved his event up in order to misuse MLK’s legacy to sell more copies of his terrible books, and also to rally his troops into a frothing, gnashing horde of hate. All because he’s a “real patriot”.

But wait! Remember when the Freepers went all nuts because some “Black Panthers” were at a voting place in 2008 and never shut up about it? They’re still talking about it, giving the guy lots of air time, in which he recently said…

Oh, snap! RAHOWA in the Hizzouse! FreeRepublic throws it down with their longing of shooting the darkies!

Never on my watch is locked and loaded to shoot anyone with a tan at the Lincoln Memorial
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Wingnut Web – O-Bomma-geddon Edition

So Resistnet becomes more and more paranoid as the inmates take over the asylum. Things go from bad to scary when someone posts the latest conspiracy theory about how Obama is gonna seize all our guns in scenarios that sound amazingly like the one in the White Nationalists’ Holy Bible, The Turner Diaries. This leads to the latest freakout and fantasy fest as Resistnetters (home of the PEACEFUL resistance) fantasize about killing everyone and everything that isn’t conservative enough!

joel carson is our opening shot with a conservative nut so crazy he cut off contact with his sons because they’re too liberal for him, and he lives his days waiting only for the day he can shoot them and all other liberals without going to jail.

All Dems are vipers constantly spewing puke at each other. It’s our secret salute. If someone doesn’t return your vomit advances, they’re a conservative and it’s gun confiscating time!


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