Draft Sarah Palin!

From friend of the site D.C. Douglas:

Hollywood Actor D.C. Douglas Mounts “Draft Sarah Palin” Campaign

Actor and part- time political gadfly D.C. Douglas releases a political rock opera anthem for a Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann presidency.

Hollywood, CA ( PRWEB ) April 05, 2011 – – Actor D.C. Douglas has produced and released an online music video today entitled “A Sarah Palin/Michele Bachman Ticket” in an effort to galvanize the Tea Party and ultraconservative Republican base. The music video features imagery of America’s Founding Fathers against a political anthem for the GOP primary race and an ultimate Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann ticket.

Los Angeles based character actor D.C. Douglas is known for his earnest internet video productions. His controversial, but heartfelt ” Tea Party PSA ” was released in May of 2010 and garnered over 300,000 hits within a few days. It went on to be featured on several conservative blogs as well The Huffington Post and HLN’s Joy Behar Show. His “Burn A Quran Day ” spec commercial for Reverends Terry Jones and Fred Phelps had a similar impressive debut.

Mr. Douglas, in a post on his Hollywood blog, explains that he felt compelled to act after MSNBC and CNN dismissed the prospect of a Sarah Palin run for the Republican nomination in 2012. “It astonishes me that people like Lawrence O’Donell and Anderson Cooper cannot see the benefit of her running…” Mr. Douglas said in a later interview, “After all that America has been through recently – – the recession, Wall Street, God’s natural disaster punishments – – we truly need Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann in the race. Laughter is the best medicine, and their candidacy would be such a healing experience for our country.”

According to his blog post , he hopes the video will be picked up by Fox News and other conservative outlets so that as many republicans and Tea Party members will see it and be inspired to draft Sarah Palin into the 2012 race, with the ultimate goal of her winning the nomination and choosing Michele Bachmann as her running

“You may say that I’m a dreamer,” Mr. Douglas concluded, “but I’m not the only one.”

Mr. Douglas’ film and television work can be seen on his official film & tv website.

Mr. Douglas is represented by David Secor at the Daniel Hoff Agency in Los Angeles.

Drain Clogs – 04-04-2011

Drain Clogs – 03-30-2011

So much for Hollywood

Last year, the CFTC decided to allow trading in movie futures, enabling people to bet on how much major films will earn at the box office (either up or down) before they’ve been finished or even started for that matter.

Businessweek, May 5, 2010:

Even as lawmakers rail against impossible-to-understand toxic securities and Wall Street vows to clean up its act, the investing public continues to be inundated with new, exotic, and complex financial products.


Among the proposed offerings are plans to allow traders to bet on the success of blockbuster movies, an idea that has prompted opposition from some in Hollywood and the U.S. Congress. The exchange-traded fund industry is creating new ETFs at a rate of more than 100 per year, tracking everything from financial stocks to natural gas prices, many unsuitable for all but the savviest traders.

The plan was approved the next month and the consequences are being noticed now.  The Financial Times reports that the stock of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet’s company, is shooting up whenever Anne Hathaway’s name is mentioned in the press.  How is that possible?  70 percent of stock trades are now performed by computer algorithms–a practice known as high-frequency trading–that perform trades based on, among other things, searches for online news trends.

Wingnut Web – A Resistnet by any other name…

Grassfire.org’s “cash in on the conservatives” site Resistnet changed their name to Patriot Action Network aka PANetwork to avoid the bad publicity from all the racist members out spreading their poison, and then began attempting a fund drive among their members. But it doesn’t take a whole lot of looking to find the same old crap at PANetwork/Resistnet. In fact, almost all of these posts are from the same article, a blog entry by Lloyd Marcus, Tea Party favorite because he’s someone they can wave around to prove they aren’t racist. But they can’t help themselves and the responses are filled with racism and calls for violent government overthrow. Oh, Grassfire.org…will you ever be sane? (No.)

Most Rev. Archbishop Military Dictatorship

Let’s fantasize about killing cops!

Obama: Earthquake Jihadist!
Continue reading

Worst Week Ever

Hope next week is better.

Michigan Republican Governor Snyder pressing to become a dictator

It’s all about small government…

In an outrageous power grab, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder and the Republican-dominated state Senate passed, and sent back to the House, legislation today that allows Snyder to declare a local city to be in a financial emergency and appoint an emergency manager. That manager can, without anyone else’s approval, cancel contracts, including collective bargaining agreements, force consolidation of schools, townships, cities and counties and, unbelievably, unilaterally remove local elected officials.

Mark Gaffney, president of the Michigan State AFL-CIO, said the bill allows the financial manager to abrogate collective bargaining contracts for five years. “It takes every decision in a city or school district and puts it in the hands of the manager, from when the streets get plowed to who plows them and how much they are paid. In schools, the manager would decide academics or if you have athletics,” Gaffney said.

This is a takeover by the right wing and it’s an assault on democracy like I’ve never seen.

Unbelievably, the bill even allows Snyder to appoint a corporation as the emergency manager. On her MSNBC show last night, Rachel Maddow made clear what is happening:

This is not about a budget. This is about using or fabricating a crisis to push for an agenda that you would never be able to sell under normal circumstances.

Even more outrageous is the fact that Snyder’s budget creates the crisis by eliminating most of the state financial aid from local schools and local governments that many of them will be in dire straits. So, then, as Maddow points out, the governor who created the crisis can declare an emergency and decide what’s best for an entire town. No one can question it because the emergency manager can suspend the elected officials and even remove the town’s incorporation all together.

The state Senate passed the bill by a 26-12 margin today. The legislation now returns to the House, which already had passed it, to approve minor changes made by the Senate.

Obama’s Space Robots

I was just surfing on PatriotActionNetwork aka PANetwork aka Resistnet grabbing images for a new Wingnut Web, and ran across John W. McSherry’s weird rant about space robots. Apparently, Obama has an army of space robots with lasers that will soon accidentally crash into the Earth and kill us all, or something. In any event, this is a magical posting that everyone must see!


And, yes, the new Wingnut Web is armed and will be fired off later in the week!

Drain Clogs – 02-28-2011

The Republican class war continues in Wisconsin, and has spread to Indiana and Maine.

The US has wasted tens of billions of dollars on contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan. But, we must cut money from the poors, not these rich companies!

US Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) laughed along with the crowd when a supporter asked him when someone was going to shoot President Obama. I’m sure he laughed peacefully at the peaceful questioner who only wants Obama to be shot with a camera, and peacefully reported him to the secret service.

Fucking insane Georgia Republican state rep. Bobby Franklin wants to make miscarriages illegal. Every time a miscarriage happens, there will be a criminal investigation and the woman must prove she didn’t do it herself. Or she gets the death penalty. Culture of life, bitches! Considering like 1/3 of all pregnancies end in miscarriages (many without the woman even knowing), invest your money in death penalty chemicals!

I guess Georgia is sick of Arizona being the worst state in the Union…

South Dakota was going to make it legal to kill abortion doctors, but instead have decide to just make women who want to have abortions have “counseling”

(3) Provide the pregnant mother with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all pregnancy help centers that are registered with the South Dakota Department of Health pursuant to this Act, and provide her with written instructions that set forth the following:
(a) That prior to the day of any scheduled abortion the pregnant mother must have a consultation at a pregnancy help center at which the pregnancy help center shall inform her about what education, counseling, and other assistance is available to help the pregnant mother keep and care for her child, and have a private interview to discuss her circumstances that may subject her decision to coercion;
(b) That prior to signing a consent to an abortion, the physician shall first obtain from the pregnant mother, a written statement that she obtained a consultation with a pregnancy help center, which sets forth the name and address of the pregnancy help center, the date and time of the consultation, and the name of the counselor at the pregnancy help center with whom she consulted;

Why these are bad.
What South Dakota already requires women who want abortions to do:

(a) The name of the physician who will perform the abortion;
(b) That the abortion will terminate the life of a whole, separate, unique, living human being;
(c) That the pregnant woman has an existing relationship with that unborn human being and that the relationship enjoys protection under the United States Constitution and under the laws of South Dakota;
(d) That by having an abortion, her existing relationship and her existing constitutional rights with regards to that relationship will be terminated;
(e) A description of all known medical risks of the procedure and statistically significant risk factors to which the pregnant woman would be subjected, including:
(i) Depression and related psychological distress;
(ii) Increased risk of suicide ideation and suicide;
(iii) A statement setting forth an accurate rate of deaths due to abortions, including all deaths in which the abortion procedure was a substantial contributing factor;
(iv) All other known medical risks to the physical health of the woman, including the risk of infection, hemorrhage, danger to subsequent pregnancies, and infertility;
(f) The probable gestational age of the unborn child at the time the abortion is to be performed, and a scientifically accurate statement describing the development of the unborn child at that age; and
(g) The statistically significant medical risks associated with carrying her child to term compared to undergoing an induced abortion.

Florida Senate teabag candidates are hiring assistants for over $100K/year:

But to help them do it they hired 61 assistants, each making more than a $100,000 a year. Salaries in the speaker’s office rose one and a half percent.

Cannon’s top aide, Matthew Bahl, makes $146,000 a year; that’s more than three-and-a-half times the speaker’s salary. Haridopolos’ top aide, Stephen MacNamara, makes more than $175,000, or more than four times the Senate president’s salary.

Fiscal Responsibility!

Cartoon of the Day: