Traitor Army doctor still a coward, now admits he was wrong

Who can forget everyone’s favorite birther Army man who refused to deploy for the service he signed up for because he was convinced President Obama was some illegitimate undocumented Kenyan-born Muslim Taliban Antichrist? Yes it was only a handful of months ago that Republicans and the Tea Partiers alike, led by Birther Queen Orly Taitz, went on a blind witch hunt to prove that our nation’s first African American president was in fact a scary black man who had used his voodoo magic to usurp the presidency (possibly because the devil made him do it). Clearly this was the most legitimate way to get President Obama impeached.

But who were these brave patriots coming out of the woodworks to condemn our Socialist Marxist president? Most of them were anonymous internet cowards who belonged to communities like (an organization that’s now running away with its tail between its legs) and questioned the authenticity of the President’s birth certificate from the comfort of their retirement community’s library computer. But still there were others who led the birther charge through the lamestream media, wasting valuable minutes of Anderson Cooper’s time with their indefensibly crazy notion that the president was an actually Indonesian Communist born to a single mother and bred for the American presidency from birth, supported by a 40 year long conspiracy that has now lifted him from poor African street beggar to president of the most powerful country in the world.

Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was one such coward, an army doctor who had signed up for military duty and trained for his deployment yet refused to participate in his military service because he so strongly believed that President Obama was not American’s legitimate Commander in Chief. Here he is on YouTube espousing his deeply-held yet sudden beliefs:

Who can forget classic television interviews like this one?

Despite losing appeal after appeal, both Orly Taitz and Lt. Col. Lakin were committed to exposing the truth that is President Obama’s illegitimate ruse, no matter that they were making themselves look more and more laughable by the day. Undeterred by official birth certificates or the truth both opponents of the president soldiered on to prove their point and hopefully take down one of the shaddowiest cabals of power out there.

Well, actually, like the sane among us expected, Orly Taitz was laughed out of court (on repeated occasions) and eventually went back to her dental/hairdressing business. And today we find that Lt. Col. Lakin is now pleading in court (or well, a court marshal more specifically) that he was a fool to believe that President Obama is not a natural born citizen. It was wrong of him to be a lying liar so he could avoid deployment, it was cowardly of him to call his COMMANDER IN CHIEF a Kenyan usurper, and it was incalculably retarded for him to have continued to push this issue in the media and in the courts for so long!

Now we hear Lt. Col. Lakin pleading with the Army to dismiss the case against him. He wants to serve his country again he protests! Forgive the fact that he disobeyed his orders for months and months. Forget the fact that for even longer Lt. Col. Lakin made television appearance after television appearance, a man trained by the United State Military now coming on the public airwaves DEFAMING the leader of the very country he signed up to serve and protect. Now after so long and so much losing in court Lakin just wants the military and the president to forget about him and what he did?

No Lt. Col. Lakin you fucking assdouche, that isn’t how this kind of shit works. Are you any sort of a brave responsible human being? You are fucking scum, and your cowardly fucking scum ways gave heed to a very small but vocal minority of people who, because of the fuss you were causing, believed in the batshit retarded rhetoric you and Birther Queen Taitz were spewing on FOX News and Rush Limbaugh. Your actions disgraced the president in the eyes of the country, you disgraced your own boss, and that’s not cool especially when that boss is the PRESIDENT. You took an oath when you became a soldier, hell you even served as a soldier long before Obama was elected, but now that there’s a black man in office you feel some kind of responsibility to stand up and tell him to go fuck himself?

History has already been written Lt. Col. Lakin, and the minstrel part you played on television made you and the Army look like traitors and fools. And now you just want the courts to forgive you. You had a year long lapse in judgement and for some reason you no longer felt it was necessary to honor your military oath. Yeah, like the country should just gloss over how much of a bigot and a coward you made yourself out to be. You face up to 3 1/2 years in military prison for the wretched treason you tried to enact against the president. Hell that is peanuts compared to the kind of time Lt. Bradly Manning is going to be serving for leaking classified documents.

Lt. Col. Lakin if you have even one ounce of fucking self-esteem in your body you will take your slap on the wrist punishment from the Army with your head up. I doubt this is the case given how you’ve sheepishly performed on television the past year, but you don’t ever chose to sign up for something as sterling and patriotic as active military duty only to sully the name and rank of the United States Army by railing against the newly elected president, no matter what his skin color. You’re going to get what’s coming to you and no amount of appeals will save you. Let it live as a lesson to anyone else who wants to act like a moron in the name of “truth”. Merry Christmas traitor.

Drain Clogs – 12-14-2010

American Action Forum thinktank head Rob Collins (a former aide to Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA)) cannot explain the attack ads produced by his group

Former House candidate Tan Nguyen (R) lied to investigators about a voter suppression scheme. Where were the teabaggers screaming about this voter intimidation? Oh, wait, he only intimidated Spanish-speaking people, so he’s their hero.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) hates the truth that the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says, so he just wants to eliminate it.

Glenn Beck thinks 10% of Muslims are terrorists.

The Teabag Caucus requested $1 billion in earmarks. Just ignore how they are “anti-earmark” and are “fiscally responsible”.

Aderholt (R-AL) 69 $78,263,000
Akin (R-MO) 9 $14,709,000
Alexander (R-LA) 41 $65,395,000
Bachmann (R-MN) 0 0
Barton (R-TX) 14 $12,269,400
Bartlett (R-MD) 19 $43,060,650
Bilirakis (R-FL) 14 $13,600,000
R. Bishop (R-UT) 47 $93,980,000
Burgess (R-TX) 15 $15,804,400
Broun (R-GA) 0 0
Burton (R-IN) 0 0
Carter (R-TX) 26 $42,232,000
Coble (R-NC) 19 $18,755,000
Coffman (R-CO) 0 0
Crenshaw (R-FL) 37 $54,424,000
Culberson (R-TX) 22 $33,792,000
Fleming (R-LA) 10 $31,489,000
Franks (R-AZ) 8 $14,300,000
Gingrey (R-GA) 19 $16,100,000
Gohmert (R-TX) 15 $7,099,000
S. Graves (R-MO) 11 $8,331,000
R. Hall (R-TX) 16 $12,232,000
Harper (R-MS) 25 $80,402,000
Herger (R-CA) 5 $5,946,000
Hoekstra (R-MI) 9 $6,392,000
Jenkins (R-KS) 12 $24,628,000
S. King (R-IA) 13 $6,650,000
Lamborn (R-CO) 6 $16,020,000
Luetkemeyer (R-MO) 0 0
Lummis (R-WY) 0 0
Marchant (R-TX) 0 0
McClintock (R-CA) 0 0
Gary Miller (R-CA) 15 $19,627,500
Jerry Moran (R-KS) 22 $19,400,000
Myrick (R-NC) 0 0
Neugebauer (R-TX) 0 0
Pence (R-IN) 0 0
Poe (R-TX) 12 $7,913,000
T. Price (R-GA) 0 0
Rehberg (R-MT) 88 $100,514,200
Roe (R-TN) 0 0
Royce (R-CA) 7 $6,545,000
Scalise (R-LA) 20 $17,388,000
P. Sessions (R-TX) 0 0
Shadegg (R-AZ) 0 0
Adrian Smith (R-NE) 1 $350,000
L. Smith (R-TX) 18 $14,078,000
Stearns (R-FL) 17 $15,472,000
Tiahrt (R-KS) 39 $63,400,000
Wamp (R-TN) 14 $34,544,000
Westmoreland (R-GA) 0 0
Wilson (R-SC) 15 $23,334,000
TOTAL 764 $1,049,783,150

Cartoon of the Day:

We Killed!!!!

Ding dong, those bitches are dead! It is true, is no more! They have rebranded themselves! Don’t think you can go to and snoop around, they haven’t bothered to activate it yet, so the undead corpse of is still chugging along for a few more weeks. The walking dead. was started shortly after Barack Obama was elected president by, Steve Elliot’s group that makes money off of gullible conservatives. Elliot had the vision to realize that crazy racists would be pissed off and that he could get phat loot from their wallets as they desperately looked to anyone to protect them from the dark skinned fellow in the White House. Resistnet has been getting bad press ever since, spearheaded by Our Crew, back when Politisink was just a feature on the TarsTarkas.NET Blog known as Wingnut Web. We became so well known in connection to Resistnet, links to our articles regularly turned up on first page Google results of Resistnet queries. The quantity of articles continued non-stop, due to the memberbase of Resistnet being full of crazy crazy crazy people who wrote the most racist, violent things you could imagine. And then the moderators would get mad at US for posting what they were doing, instead of bothering to police their site. The stink became so bad they got bad press in mainstream newsites, and their membership has largely stagnated the past year, growing very slowly compared to their first year of life. It’s time to rebrand, lose all that bad press, and try to make money off of the recent election victories. Thus, PatriotActionNetwork was born!

Here is the new PatriotActionNetwork logo. Note the attention to detail:

The detail I am referring to is the quote by Thomas Jefferson, “One man with courage, is the majority”. Except that quote is “One man with courage makes a majority” and was said by Andrew Jackson!!!! That’s the kind of accuracy and Patriotism you can expect from the PatriotActionNetwork!

Despite the slowdown in updates in recent weeks due to several reasons between the various contributors here, we are still committed to bring you the awful awfulness that is the dredges of the political world. And PatriotActionNetwork will have plenty

To the Teabaggers itching to join the PatriotActionNetwork, we have this message for you: Don’t. Lay down your teabags and embrace sanity. Open your eyes to how you are being duped. The Teabagger candidates you just sent to Congress are hiring lobbyists as their chiefs of staffs! Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul don’t care what you think at all! It was all a scam, and they think you are scum. The rich will continue to get richer off your backs.

We will bury like we are burying – in a shallow grave with no mourners. Resistnet joins Rosanna Pulido on our Butcher’s Bill, but we always have room for more. You can change the name, but you can’t change the stupid. But for now, it’s party time!


Resistnet posters call for Military Coup again

Yes, again. Resistnet poster Jim Payne posted the following screed where he calls for a military coup:

I appreciate all of your earnest posts here–I know you are trying to do the very best you can to correct this miriade of problems that have become the trademark of this administration and the 111th Congress. Yes, I’ll make my phone calls again–just like I’m being asked to do–again.

But now I have to get some stuff off my chest–again. We have been sending petitions, pink slips, faxes, phone calls, e-mails and everything else (including our money) to D.C. for two years now, especially this last year. I don’t know what it takes to convince ya’ll but at this point (actually a long time ago) I have become thoroughly convinced that the ONLY thing Reid and Pelosi and their crews are really good at is IGNORING us. And I don’t see one whit of evidence that they are gonna change that. Just how much longer are we supposed to keep writing letters and making phone calls? Just how much worse does it have to get before we actually MAKE them do what they should? That same question has been asked a billion times already and we are still doing the same ol’ same ol’. NOTHING LESS THAN FORCE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

Now, there is no doubt that the Tea Party movement was quite effective. It showed us (the citizens) that a lot of us are fed up and that enough is enough. But, Obama, Reid and Pelosi STILL do not get it. They have done their best to ignore the Tea Parties. The only thing they can’t ignore is the fact that the House has flipped. But, even so, they are still just as hard headed about pushing their stupid agenda. There is no doubt in my mind that they adtually want to wreck this Country.

Okay, so what kind of force? Well, we have already “discussed” impeachment and have realized that this is NOT the answer. It took 5 years to just get Clinton’s wrist slapped. That won’t work. Unless somebody has a better suggestion (and if you do, we will be very ready to listen) we need to convince our Military Leaders over in the Pentagon to get their stuff together and do their jobs. Now they are sworn to “uphold our Constitution.” They have the means to stop this administration from just trampling all over our Constitution.

Now, I don’t like the term “military coup” and it wouldn’t have to be a military coup as such. But, Obama has committed so many crimes against this Nation, ’til — well, a military coup would be a much lesser crime than MANY of the things Obama and this administration have already done and are continuing to do. It wouldn’t even have to amount to martial law. If our Top Brass would just appoint somebody to temporarily fill in for the president and then replace a bunch of those other czars etc. with somebody on a temp basis just long enough to get things back to “normal” where we would at least be operating under our Constitution again. Hell, it wouldn’t even have to effect any governmental functions below the federal level. State, County, City governments would not be affected at all.

Now I don’t know exactly what the priorities should be, but for a short time (maybe less than a year) our military appointees could do some things to stop the erosion of our economic system.

They would need to immediately turn our oil production back on. Need to end the Fed and go back to a gold standard. Need to implement the Fair Tax proposal. Need to bulldoze the IRS. Need to turn education and healthcare back over to the states. Need to declare invalid ALL the laws on the books that are in violation of the Constitution. etc. etc. Then when that is done, have a “valid” election and impose term limits. Impose tariffs on imports to put our people back to work in manufacturing etc. Litmus tests on all elected officials: if they are not qualified for a Top Secret Clearance, and demonstrate a thorough knowledge of our founding documents, then they don’t get on the ballot.

Our borders need to be properly managed and immigration laws need to be refined and inforced. As for the muslim problem: At some point we will have to define the Islamic “religion” as an invalid “religion.” Since their Sharia Law is not compatible with and can never co-exist with our Constitution, it will not be recognized as a religion for the purposes of First Amendment rights. If they want to remain in this country, they will have to renounce their Islamic beliefs; otherwise, they are free to either leave or stand trial for treason.

Okay, I’m still listening. I know there should be all kinds of objections. What we need is either a better way (and waiting two more years while we are watching our Nation crumble under this administration is NOT a better way)–or–support for what I am suggesting. God bless our nation. And I have all the faith in the world that He will. Faith can move mountains; we need to grab our shovels and help.

And we have Bart Piscitello calling for chopping off Obama’s head:

To all you dummies out there who believe that they are true patriots by blogging amongst the choir; take notice!

You may as well stand in the middle of the Sahara desert and shout as loud as you can; no-one will hear you..
and if they did, they are not listening.

All of you have failed again.
The point isn’t taxes, govt funding , or school lunches..
When the snake is at your feet, and coiled around your leg, sucking blood and spreading venon, don’t just stand there and
ask for someone to help..


You guessed it:;;obama is your true enemy, Reid, Pelosi, and Rhinos are pawns in the snakepit.
There should be a mass surge to impeach obama and expose his eligibility, and other crimes.
Don’t piddle-dick with any other legislation, lame duck issue or excuses until this is done, not thought about, but DONE.

Use your resources, rallies, monies and God given brains to get this issue done now.
The BS meetings at the white house, are to lull you to sleep. Your new congress is weak; they will show their true colors as soon as they can find a compromise.
The sell-out is probably already made.
obama will stay in place and by executive order run roughshod over all of them.

The snake will have 2 more years to destroy this country.
There’s no-one to stop him..
The courts have failed (recent SCOTUS decision)
The people are failing , your elected officials have failed.

They are talking about jobs, taxes, school lunches, and other irrevelant issues. Unemployment
is self created when people just sit around awaiting for a govt handout.
The people will not return to work, as they have lost all incentive to work under a repressive
illitigiment foreign born so-called muslim president.
Get off your asses and take the axe to the snake’s head.

All of these were found in literally 1 minute of surfing Imagine all we’ll find when we look longer than 1 minute.

Drain Clogs – 11-30-2010

More deficit insanity

“I think there is an element of truth in the view that the superstition that the budget must be balanced at all times [is necessary]. Once it is debunked [that] takes away one of the bulwarks that every society must have against expenditure out of control. There must be discipline in the allocation of resources or you will have anarchistic chaos and inefficiency. And one of the functions of old fashioned religion was to scare people by sometimes what might be regarded as myths into behaving in a way that the long-run civilized life requires. We have taken away a belief in the intrinsic necessity of balancing the budget if not in every year, [then] in every short period of time. If Prime Minister Gladstone came back to life he would say ‘uh, oh what you have done’ and James Buchanan argues in those terms. I have to say that I see merit in that view.” -Paul Samuelson in Blaug, 1995 (Quoted here)

Another report has been released that’s also terrible and completely not worth reading.  Before I go over the first page of it though, recall that the “draft version” of the first report was released after the elections, but before the date it was due (Dec. 1st).

The second report is wrapped in the flag in the very first sentence:

America is the strongest, most prosperous, and most resilient nation in history.

Followed up with invoking the Yellow Peril:

With current policies in place, even when we recover from the recession, the debt will grow far larger than the economy itself, forcing the nation to borrow enormous and unprecedented sums of money, increasing our dependence on China and other foreign lenders, diminishing our living standards, raising risks of an economic crisis, and reducing America to a second-rate power.

Despite these kinds of claims, the report doesn’t include useful charts like these:

The Caribbean Banking Centers, Belgium-Luxembourg, and probably probably a lot of “other” are tax havens (for more on tax havens, see this, this, this and this).  Rather than addressing this, the latest deficit hysteria report recommends reducing corporate taxes so they can be more “competitive” by evading smaller amounts I guess.  Even if the deficit was reduced for some reason, it seems more likely that blatant criminals like these would only be further encouraged.

The bright side to this is that despite all of the scare mongering, people just aren’t buying it.  Failure tends to be disappointing, so I guess it’s not surprising that people who put so much work into this appear to be very upset:

We have published three books, the first in 2004 before most Americans could spell “deficit,” and many essays and editorials….So widely reported has this [Bowles-Simpson] plan been that it would be difficult to live anywhere in America and fail to hear, see, or read about the plan and the disastrous budget situation it is intended to address. Perhaps Americans are just beginning to get a deeper understanding of a very deep hole.

Here’s the big question now: After a host of unelected experts and former government officials have been sounding the alarm and issuing specific proposals for many years to close the deficit gap, are politicians ready to act? So far at the federal level, elected officials have done no more than claim that they are ready to do something, mostly by shouting that the jokers in the other party are the cause of the problem….But there is nothing that even pretends to be the “Republican Plan” or the “Democratic Plan,” or the “President’s Plan.” Why is it that scores if not hundreds of scholars, budget experts, and former officials have been diagnosing the deficit problem and proposing solutions while the political system has remained all but inert?

This failure of our political system and of individual politicians can have only one explanation: they are afraid of voters. In the end, it is the American people who are the true cause of the problem. They want their government to serve them in every imaginable way. Worse, they don’t want to pay for it. Nope. They are happy to let their children and grandchildren pick up the tab. With lame politicians and a greedy public watching the deficit grow completely out of control without taking action, a devastating insight emerges: only when the nation has suffered a major crisis that will impose a decade or more of misery on millions of Americans will the public actually support serious action. By then incalculable damage will have been done to our economy, our political system, and future generations of Americans. The Titanic is approaching the iceberg and despite all the yelling, no one has even started to turn the rudder.

This is why I mentioned the report being released after the election.   The contempt for ordinary Americans (who aren’t doing so well these days) is stunning. They also seem to have forgotten that their funding is also tax deductible.

Drain Clogs – 11-22-2010

Almost immediately after skiplogic posted his article about Sarah Palin, two of Palin’s kids got into a giant Facebook fight where they threw gay slurs around like they just don’t care. Because they don’t. Kids will be dumb, but leave it to to see their words as some sort of epic battle of freedom against teh gays!

The head of FoxNews is literally calling people Nazis.

War criminal Congressman Allen West will be a constant stream of crazy.

Bryan Fischer is a tool. But he wants you to know he’s a manly tool, unlike that female man Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta who got the Medal of Honor for bravely defending his fallen comrade. What a pussy, am I right?

The Teabaggers now direct their rage towards sustainable development! All these crazy people ranting against Agenda 21 means we have to add this to the #conspiracytheories category. Good job, loons! It’s sort of sad that we have a tag for that already…

Cartoon of the Day:

Who invented and created by Hitler?

Who invented and created by Hitler?

A small unidentified non-commissioned officer of Germany becomes the leader of the German people, absurd, but my view is not always komapktno reading lots of articles, I read between the lines and I bring my court, all the rest are fairy tales for young children and the public, but let’s go in order to better understand the facts. I pray that we honestly answer several questions:
1st Who took the money and gold, three days before the “terrorist attack” on America?
2nd Who ordered the war against Saddam Hussein and if Saddam could attack America, absurd! But goals are achieved. Two birds with one stone!
He returned to the position of Head of Government, but welcomed him to another world
Defeat does not mean surrender. Back to the 10 Downing Street became his new obsession. Time magazine 1950th appointed him as a person first half of the 20th century.
President of the Royal Government again became the 1951st year. Memories of the Second World War, which started publishing the 1948th, became an absolute hit. Once he wrote a million words per year on average, the text that would meet about a dozen large books. Churchill has always known how to stay present and engaging the public and politics.
Nobel Prize for Literature won in 1953. year. Disappointment that it was not a prize for peace is not too long. Times have changed dramatically. United Kingdom, however, has never ceased to be an important European country, and global factors, but slipped to the throne, despite all the successes, failed to stop even a brilliant, courageous statesman.
Hitler, Churchill was defeated, but Europe is the world’s wars have done enough to stop being the world center. The real winners of the war were far away from the center of the fallen empire. They sat in the Moscow Kremlin and the White House in Washington.
Stanley Baldwin, president of the British government in his thirties, at a time when Winston Churchill was in the political wilderness, and many looked like the former, described him as a person whom the fairies at birth showered incredible gifts: ingenuity, value, eloquence, ability. Then a fairy, and she worried that no one should be so talented. Decided he was denied the ability of rational deliberation and wisdom. A man who enjoyed the power and the creation of history were the hardest years of age. Winston Churchill was omnipresent in the media, but misunderstood, and often contested. Better and faster than others to recognize what is happening in Europe.

Visit Germany

Very soon after the arrival of the National Socialists came to power in Germany, Churchill was fully recognized what a danger of Nazism. The parliament was thundered against Hitler, and warned against the development of events. Neville Chamberlain, president of the British government after the 1937th, in contrast to Winston, he thought Hitler was just an extreme nationalist. Millions of Germans living outside Germany. If the principle of self-determination understood literally, there are reasons for dissatisfaction. With the policy of appeasement of both sides – the Germans, and Eastern Europeans – certainly could not avoid a new European conflict, held in London.
After the German occupation of the Rhine area 1936th Churchill, who made his name synonymous with fighter against communism and the Soviet Union said that evil must stifle in the cradle, is now focused solely on stopping the Führer. Austria joining the signing of the Munich capitulation, which the Sudeten region 1938th devoted to Hitler, were a key step toward the Second World War.
Hitler was “determined to wipe Czechoslovakia off the map”, I said back in May 1938th year. Winston Churchill in the House of Commons British Parliament 5th listopada 1938th issued Prague assessed complete defeat the British. “Amid the disaster, we first order … All the countries of Central Europe and the Danube valley, one by one, will be drawn into a vast system of Nazi politics. I do not think that this is the end. This is just the beginning “, said lawmakers generally uninterested.

Collapse of the elections

Churchill’s attitude was, if not entirely alone, then certainly far from decisive. Opinion polls showed that 57 percent of Europeans approve the agreement. Only 37 percent of them voted against it. Hitler was, and was named Time’s Man of the Year, an honor that was before him had only FDR and Mahatma Gandhi. The question today is whether Chamberlain was buying time before all the abandoned offices of the armed forces on the island? Hope that the overthrow of Hitler in the meantime, the Germans’ conflicts existed, although they were weak. Would the Germans could do to stop that they decided to hit with force on the threshold? A year later, though still not particularly strong, the British military forces still significantly progressed.
Obviously, and I am torn by doubts, Churchill was in parliament congratulated Chamberlain reached the treaty with Hitler, probably not wanting to antagonize those who could call in the cabinet and the government. Winston Churchill may have seen further, but did not win the election. In his career had been previously the number of failures. For years Moscow has criticized the same words as now Hitler. Musollinijevu Italy for a while praised as an example of organized state. He has a reputation as too independent, and adventurer. Despite the fact that Hitler was constantly demonstrated that Churchill is right, even in the summer 1939th the vast majority of conservatives were against Winston entry into government. All the while it seemed that the policy of appeasement has hope for success, Winston Churchill was out of the cabinet.
“Lord Churchill was easily the best meet,” commented one of the most famous occasion, the daily habits of the British politician Lord Birkenhead. Although it is thought primarily to the best of whiskey and cognac, cigars, meals, expensive hotels and a life of pleasure, but not carnal, some have said that freedom was just part of the “best”, what Winston Churchill allowed to enjoy. Hitler and Nazi Germany began to threaten Britain’s most important value, and so Churchill habits.
Then Hitler intensified its policy and accelerated the change of government in London. German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop was first September 1939. at 10 o’clock in the morning, hours after the Wehrmacht units penetrated into Poland, invited the British ambassador in Warsaw to him said that the hostilities there. The same day, Chamberlain, Churchill was invited to talk on the day of publication of hostilities, Paris and London, Nazi Germany, 3 September, he was appointed first Lord of Admiralty, Minister of Maritime Affairs.
He immediately became visible, loud, but the advocates of peace and remains among the British any more. War of the largest European states was a “fake”. The French in the west had 90 divisions. The Germans only 20, poorly armed, virtually no heavy artillery and tanks. Nothing, however, did not happen. These is the “war” months, more Frenchmen killed in traffic, but in a battle with Germany. Hope was that the Third Reich, I still wish the west, to break the Maginotovoj line, the system of fortifications on the German-French border, and that will ensure British supremacy on the seas. Secured agreement from the east with the Soviets, Hitler now had time boost Wermacht. During this period doubled the number of tanks, half a million more Germans entered the armed forces.
Then on 9 travnja 1940th Hitler invaded Norway and Denmark. A day later invaded the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The French rescue to help their neighbors, but in vain. Chamberlain was the same day the parliament has lost confidence and resigned. The cabinet called on Churchill and Lord Halifax, Foreign Minister. It was put together a coalition government, and it could take only one of them. Winston, never without comment, is now silent, deliberately creating an awkward silence. Everyone in political life, the majority in parliament, the royal couple, a former prime minister, and Halifax are still preferred, but not Churchill.

He slept like a baby

Foreign Minister then said he does not want responsibility. Halifax, who was called Holly Fox – The Holy Fox, was not a weakling, even people who considered themselves less well than Churchill. He dropped probably due to a general attitude that the country needs a dynamic, committed politician, even the irrepressible character. The night after his appointment, despite the news about the bad condition of the French battlefield, Churchill was sleeping great. Finally on the throne, laid in three. “I was aware of the feeling of total availability of relief … impatient waiting for the morning, I slept great with no need for pleasant dreams. The reality was better than sleep, “he wrote in a memoir.
A politician who was in the 65th year came to 10 Downing Street was faced with impossible problems. The French, given the size of the army, should be a serious opponent of the Germans. A week after Winston has traveled to Paris. He was initially in good spirits, and then he sank into depression. The French resistance, eventually, turned out weaker than the resistance of the Poles in September 1939. year. Armored units of General Hans Guderian through the Ardennes mountain range last unusually easy.

Escape from France

On the beaches at Dunkirk squeezed to 335 000 British and French forces. Hitler, however, decided to allow the evacuation. Was it because of the storage tanks or sending messages Britons, historians are still slow. The German leader of the 24th svibnja 1940th commanded deceleration unstoppable progression-panzer units. “The army is the backbone of the Empire,” said Hitler. If we destroy invazijski corpus of British forces, we will break the British Empire, and that the Germans were not wanted at that moment, nor could do. Several years later, at the very end of the war, 26 February 1945., Hitler said that “Churchill was not able to appreciate the sporting spirit that I showed when I refrain from creating irreversible barrier between the British and us. We are, indeed, that they abstained completely not grind at Dunkirk.
British Prime Minister’s probably got a message. “Wars are not receiving the evacuation,” said the parliamentarians after everything ended. Neither the policy of appeasement, which was led by his predecessor. The Germans had to be broken.
In November 1940th arrived in Berlin the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov. Disagreements Soviets and the Nazis, an ally of the agreement 1939th, there are about Bessarabia, where Soviet troops entered the Hungarian expansion at the expense of Romania. Announced a direct threat in the basement of the Ministry of the German counterpart Molotov Ribbentrop expressed fears about the British response to the remaking of Europe. “England is over. It is no longer a force, “he replied Ribbentrop. “If this is so, why are we in a shelter, and these bombs are falling,” he asked Molotov.
Soon tickets decoded. England hopeful was to Russia, spoke of Hitler. Without Russia’s no question that America would help because it will then increase the influence of Japan. “Russia is a factor that generally plays England … If Russia is gone, the last British hopes will be destroyed.” This was the reason for relatively rapid break the German attack on Britain.
Hitler already did not believe that Air Force may decide the battle for the island, all entered the half-power. The sooner a deal with Stalin, the war in the West will cease. Just as it was, but with a different result than that which Hitler had hoped, but in a sense, and Churchill. The victory of the Allies finally reached in which Churchill was equal, but only the third, least important factor.

Agreement on the Warsaw

WWII German attack began on Poland. Due to the Polish war has entered the United Kingdom. After the German attack on the Soviet 22nd June 1941. European war became the world. Poland, even on a symbolic level, fell into second place at the moment to decide the fate of humanity after the center of power shifted to Moscow and Washington. The fate of the Poles, it was decided long before the conversation Churchill and Stalin in October 1944. year. During the meeting at which the influence of Moscow and London in Yugoslavia split in half, in the USSR were also representatives of two Polish. Prokomunistička, Lublin and London-based, democratic government is awaiting the outcome. Churcill Stalin had previously said it was difficult with the Poles, their political leaders are constantly arguing. “Where there are two Poles, certainly was upset,” said the Briton. “Where is even one Pole, he will not argue with himself out of sheer boredom, has stepped up Stalin. Churchill really wanted a free Poland, and although it borders look different. The Soviets had to be satisfied.
“You are cruel people who want isprevrtati Europe,” said Polish Prime Minister in exile Mikołajczyk Winston Churchill. “Want to win Russia, will allow you to. I feel like in a mental hospital, “replied the Englishman, Pole. Poles question the eastern border was just as important as the defeat of Nazi Germany. Vyacheslav Molotov, standing with Churchill and U.S. Ambassador to Moscow W. Averella Harriman, Mikołajczyk in Moscow, then clearly said that U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt back in Tehran 1943rd agreed with Curzonovom Boundary USSR and Polish.

Hidden blessings

Poles were stunned silence watching time British prime minister, now a famous American diplomat. Silence and nothing was straightforward answer. Somewhat later, in February 1945. After everything was over, Churchill was the Polish General Wladyslaw Anders asked if dissatisfied with the Yalta Conference in which they confirmed the previous agreement. “It is to say that I am not satisfied. I think that happened a great misfortune. Polish people did not deserve such a solution, and we, the fighters, we did not expect. Poland in this war first spilled blood … filed a huge loss. She was an ally of Great Britain from the beginning … “said is true and annoying Pole. Forget that justice and geopolitics are not always the same thing. Churchill said that about all the time you should negotiate with Moscow. Because Polish is perhaps reluctantly started the war with France and Britain, the Germans, but she, like the Czech Republic, were not important enough in themselves to be entered into a bloodbath. Mali and less people sometimes can not clearly see.
In mid-July 1945. Churchill with Harry Truman, and Stalin was at the opening of the most important war meeting the big three at Potsdam. He then traveled to the island, where they were during the parliamentary elections. A day after winning the vote to British Prime Minister woke up around nine, earlier than they used to. Data from the polls were bad. Put on one of sirenskih suits that I invented – jednodijelnih, secured a patent suits, in which the man quickly jumped and guests could not wait naked or in his pajamas – lit a cigar and sank into an armchair faces darken. Regardless of the grit, are plagued by foreboding end. Living without power and the power was not real life, in the political wilderness thirties were sufficiently instructive.
New back winner in the war, a loser at the polls, could hardly be imagined. Clementine’s wife commented that it could be a hidden blessing, a good thing. If so, he replied, Winston, then he certainly has a very well hidden, I do not ever losing a sense of cynicism and subtleties of the English language.

Palin the poser

You know, when it was first announced Bristol Palin would be appearing on ABC’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ this year, I thought what I think every year when ABC announces their Dancing With The Stars line-up: “it’s ‘Dancing With The Stars’ and I don’t give a fuck about that show, but I’m sure something hilarious will come out of this pathetic attempt at broadcast television entertainment”.

From what I can glean on the internet, this year has been no exception, but the more I hear about ridiculous publicity stunts involving members of the Palin family these days the more I feel badly for the individuals caught up in the middle of the mess and angrier at the woman whose directly responsible for it all.

I wonder what Sarah Palin would say if you asked her what her opinion on fame is. What does she think about becoming famous? What did she see in famous people before she herself became famous? Is fame a responsibility or a luxury? Stumbling across this re-published article from 1996 in the Alaska Daily News, entitled “Alaskans line up for a whiff of Ivana”, then fisherman Sarah Palin, all the way back in the Clinton years, became a lede in a news article:

Sarah Palin, a commercial fisherman from Wasilla, told her husband on Tuesday she was driving to Anchorage to shop at Costco. Instead, she headed straight for Ivana.

And there, at J.C. Penney’s cosmetic department, was Ivana, the former Mrs. Donald Trump, sitting at a table next to a photograph of herself. She wore a light-colored pantsuit and pink fingernail polish. Her blonde hair was coiffed in a bouffant French twist.

”We want to see Ivana,” said Palin, who admittedly smells like salmon for a large part of the summer, ”because we are so desperate in Alaska for any semblance of glamour and culture.”

Fast-forward to fall 2010, Sarah Palin’s new reality show on TLC got the highest ratings of any premier ever to air on the 38th most popular channel on basic cable. From what I’ve read, the show doesn’t perch much on politics or religion (or reality, let’s be honest here) but “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” is simply a bunch of cameras following Sarah Palin and clan around while they embark on wacky adventures across America’s biggest concentration of tundras and glaciers.

As Andrew Sullivan at The Atlantic points out however, “She Can’t Fish or Shoot a Gun”.

Sarah Palin. The woman best known for her love of sniping at arctic wolves from helicopter, immortalized by lonely Republican men around the country as a powerful starlet wearing a sexy red bikini and holding an AR-15 assault rifle, a mother who tries to relate to Real America over and over by talking about how much venison she’s stocked herself in the ice chest (aka outside) at home. She had to ask Levi Johnston to teach her how to use a hunting rifle, and from keen viewers to her show’s premier point out, she clearly knows nothing about fly fishing.

Trying to be something she’s not. While this isn’t a political tactic specific to just Sarah Palin, everyone in Washington panders to your sensibilities so you’ll like them more, but I think you could easily say Palin the the biggest exploiter currently of this quasi-celebrity/freakshow type of media attention. She is a paid talking head on FOX News, she wrote a book and toured the country promoting it (and is working on a second), receives extraordinarily amounts of money for speaking engagements where the press are actively discouraged from attending, has a daughter on a major prime-time TV show, now has her own TLC reality show, and receives financial contributions via private donors and her 527 SarahPAC organization. For Palin it hasn’t been too bad of a financial year (I’m surprised she’s so quite about wanting tax breaks for the wealthy).

Forget about thrusting one of your many daughters onto the public stage as a teenage mom and ironic abstinence advocate. For Sarah we have this PSA to thank her for:

It’s worth enough to mention too how Sarah Palin’s cult mama grizzly following showers an outpouring of support and unintelligible babble whenever Sarah needs it. Hence her book sales, hence her 5 million viewer reality TV show ratings (though I’m sure at least 2 million of these people tuned in to watch her crash and burn), and Palin also has her supporters to thank for her daughter Bristol’s continued voter-decided success on Dancing With The Stars.

And the best part? Because Palin is and always has been the Snookie of the political world, the less she seems to be accountable for giving straight answers to questions and proposing solutions to the problems that a president of the United States faces. And the more she’s allowed to act like a Real Housewife and not a former Alaskan governor, the more encouragement she gets to write books and parader her and her family around on television and seize greater political ambitions and appear on FOX News specials. She is her own walking PR press junket.

The more she pretends to be someone else the more people will like her for who she is, the less they will admire her for her understanding of the world and her ability to form coalitions while governing and move the country forward and making the United States successful once again. Voters can text their choice of president NOW to 94712, we’ll have the results for you right after this commercial break! Stay tuned!

Welcome to politicking in America.