Drain Clogs – 11-11-2010

Happy Veteran’s Day!

The Google Logo for today is making dumb people dumber:

Anyone take a look at google’s salute to Veteran’s Day?
Posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:41:45 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by bgill

I know many of you don’t click over to google.com but just take a look. At first glance, the flag is nice but look a bit closer and you’ll see the red crescent. I’m not buying that it is yet another optical illusion.

crescent=Muslim, for those of you who don’t know.

The G has always looked to me a little bit communist, like a hammer and sickle.

4 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:43:39 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Genoa (Put the kettle on!)

You can’t spell Gun without G! Guns are communist!

If it IS a secret signal to communists, take note that Old Glory is way ON TOP of the crescent, and the sun is shining in approval.

As I mentioned on another thread, at least they showed the flag on Veteran’s day and did not commemorate some obscure event or birthday.

9 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:45:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by DBrow

Yes, and while it’s fine for others to disagree, there is a tone from some of, “you are crazy, stop talking about this, blah blah blah”. I don’t like that at all.

12 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:53:19 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by brytlea (Jesus loves me, this I know.)

In China, an activist who organized a support group for other parents whose children were sickened from tainted milk has been sentenced to two years in jail for having the audacity to help people.

Teabaggers are dumb. Case #1 – Teabaggers protest a local community’s trash policies as “communist
Case #2 – Teabaggers protest safe drinking water laws. Hope you like that teabag cancer!

Wall Street F’s over America again.

Criminal and new Florida governor Rick Scott is breaking the law again.

That catfood commission report is dumb and dumb and dumb. Check out dm’s two part analysis here and here.

Cartoon of the Day:
Garfield hates the troops!

Deficit commission report 2

Part 1 here.  I’m going to consolidate mandatory and discretionary spending into one post so I can deal with the tax stuff separately.


Discretionary spending is spending authorized or re-authorized every year by congress.  See the summary of the 2011 budget by the National Priorities Project here.

• 1% of the FY2011 discretionary budget was allocated to Food.

• 4% of the FY2011 discretionary budget was allocated to Education.

• Military expenditures are well over 50% of the discretionary budgets in each of fiscal years 2006-2011.

It’s pretty obvious where to cut and kind of telling that they only proposed $100 billion in cuts here despite the fact that it accounts for over a third of the federal budget. Still, they managed to come in with a few stupid proposals like “sell excess federal property” which they estimated to save $1 billion.  I wonder who might buy and re-sell property taken off the government’s balance sheet and how that might “save” anybody anything.


Mandatory spending is spending that occurs in compliance with existing laws to comply with particular programs or functions such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.  They begin by not recommending either single-payer or a public option on health care and jut go after weird stuff like “tort-reform” (i.e. limiting corporate liability in civil litigation).  The results are correspondingly modest and should be pretty embarrassing to anyone pretending to be serious about this.

Next they recommend shifting to a “chained CPI” which makes no sense.  The CPI is a really selective and terrible measure of inflation for a number of reasons that I don’t really have the space for here.  The point is that it’s supposed to be a measure of inflation, so indexing it over time like you do with the GDP, etc. makes absolutely no sense.  There argument for doing this is:

Current measures of inflation overestimate increases in cost of living by failing to account for “substitution bias”

Substitution for living?  I don’t know, the CPI has always been pretty bad and that’s kinda creepy.

P. 38: “Eliminate in-school interest subsidies for student loans”

So shift it off the government’s balance sheets and on to students’ rather than just reducing the the interest on them altogether or maybe providing more in grants, or having schools stop raising tuition so much for no reason.

P. 39: “End payments to states and tribes for abandoned mines.”

I’m pretty sure that violates some treaties, but it’s not like that hasn’t happened before.

“Extend FCC’s authority to auction radio spectrum licenses.”


“Require IRS to deposit fees for its services in Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.”

Making up new costs.

“Index all fixed-dollar user fees to inflation.”

But don’t measure them with the CPI.

Then they bring out the stuff about social security’s supposed solvency problems.  For that, see this and this.

Deficit commission report 1

Link (pdf).  This thing is 50 pages long so I’m going to do it in several parts. It’s absolutely terrible and full of lies.  Its guiding principle was explained by Marx in Vol. I of Capital:

The system of public credit, i.e., of national debts, whose origin we discover in Genoa and Venice as early as the Middle Ages, took possession of Europe generally during the manufacturing period. The colonial system with its maritime trade and commercial wars served as a forcing-house for it. Thus it first took root in Holland. National debts, i.e., the alienation of the state – whether despotic, constitutional or republican – marked with its stamp the capitalistic era. The only part of the so-called national wealth that actually enters into the collective possessions of modern peoples is their national debt.  Hence, as a necessary consequence, the modern doctrine that a nation becomes the richer the more deeply it is in debt. Public credit becomes the credo of capital. And with the rise of national debt-making, want of faith in the national debt takes the place of the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, which may not be forgiven.

The public debt becomes one of the most powerful levers of primitive accumulation. As with the stroke of an enchanter’s wand, it endows barren money with the power of breeding and thus turns it into capital, without the necessity of its exposing itself to the troubles and risks inseparable from its employment in industry or even in usury. The state creditors actually give nothing away, for the sum lent is transformed into public bonds, easily negotiable, which go on functioning in their hands just as so much hard cash would. But further, apart from the class of lazy annuitants thus created, and from the improvised wealth of the financiers, middlemen between the government and the nation – as also apart from the tax-farmers, merchants, private manufacturers, to whom a good part of every national loan renders the service of a capital fallen from heaven – the national debt has given rise to joint-stock companies, to dealings in negotiable effects of all kinds, and to agiotage, in a word to stock-exchange gambling and the modern bankocracy.

Keep that in mind the next time somebody tells you he had no idea what he was talking about.  As for the present, here is some good background on why a number of these things are lies:

1st Fiscal Sustainability Teach-In and Counter-Conference

Deficit spending 101 (part 2, part 3)

Fiscal sustainability 101 (part 2, part 3)

Ok, on to the report:

P. 4: “We must stabilize then reduce the national debt, or we  could spend $1 trillion a year in interest alone by 2020.”

To who? Who is this interest being paid to? No, it’s not China, nobody in China saves in or spends American dollars because they have their own currency.  This is “owed” to somebody who does save/spend in American dollars which is  (in theory) the American public and there’s no need to track money we owe to ourselves so we can be done with this, right?  No, we need shore up the balance sheets of insolvent banks (who were just given another $600 billion the other day by the Federal Reserve) with spending that otherwise would have been on other things.  Some of them are undoubtedly unnecessary, but many are not.

P. 5: “Invest in education, infrastructure, and high-value R&D.”

In other words: for-profit education, the FIRE sector, and the tech sector.

P. 6: “Bring spending down to 22% and eventually 21% of GDP.”

This is really bizarre.  Where did they come up with this number?  Why does it matter what percent of the GDP is federal spending?  It sounds like somebody is making it up as they go along.

P. 8: What are “illustrative” savings?

“Pass tax reform that dramatically reduces rates, simplifies the code, broadens the base, and reduces the deficit.”

Sounds like the Ryan plan.

P. 9: “Reduces tax rates, abolishes the AMT…”

The AMT is the Alternative Minimum Tax, not a particularly pressing problem.  A good indicator of the commission’s ideological extremism.

The charts and tables are extremely silly.  I’ll probably divide this up into three more posts with discretionary spending in part 2, tax reform in part 3, and the rest in part 4.

Drain Clogs – 11-09-10

Conservatives are now calling for the eradication of Grizzly Bears. I am not making this up. Please note my lack of Colbert jokes.

Texas’s budget problem is proportionally worse than California’s. Looks like fiscal conservatism doesn’t have all the answers! Who woulda thunk it?

Arizona state senator Russell Pearce (a sb1070 guy) is saying Arizona will refuse federal funding for health care, affecting the 1 million people on the program. What does Pearce say about them?

RESNIK: And the one million people on access, what’s their future?

PEARCE: They’ll probably be okay.

Newly elected congressman Allen West (who is a war criminal, btw!) hired a crazy person for his chief of staff. Who woulda thunk it??

Ben Franklin was for progressive taxation….that COMMIE!!!

Morgan Stanley wealth manager Martin Joel Erzinger committed a hit and run, and won’t be charged because he’s all rich and stuff. Colorado District Attorney Mark Hurlbert is the guy who won’t charge him, if you need someone to send angry emails to.

This is very gross.

Beck says something bad is coming! How can that be, when his book has already come out…

Cartoon of the Day:

We are all doomed!!!! (This time it’s totally for real!)

Got a e-mail the other day talking about this trip I hope somebody looks into about what I am to say. And I hope it is not true! But in 10 to 20 days something is going down. I will post here as to what I got. Darla or somebody check this out ? Thanks!

Here is a some info on what is going on. There are so very many people are saying that something very big is going to happen in the next 10-20 days.— -that it would be foolish not to take notice. I am looking / hoping for something good.

Here in summation is what various insiders and people from different ranks and files are saying: (as I write this, it
is being talked about on Fox – Wed – 3rd Nov)
1) Obama has rented a massive luxurious huge 800 room motel in India for a period in November. He also has rented rooms at 3 nearby motels. He will be out of the country & in India for the entire period in question.- November 8th-till the end of the month. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/8084055/Barack-Obamas-Indian-delegation-books-800-rooms-in-Mumbai.html

2) A Web bot designer has designed a program that picks up stressors in emails/ news/ articles on the internet. Though he hasn’t always been accurate, he did correctly predicted 9-11. He says all indications of his program strongly point to something HUGE -an event (s)-between Nov 8-14th http://www.ufo-blogger.com/2009/07/latest-web-bot-predictions-2010.html
3) Various financial insiders around the world are saying the US $$ is worthless and are looking for a different base currency and predict a total collapse of the $$ possibly in November, but sometime in the next 4 months. That is NOT a bad thing! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n3g5lUgkWk

4) The BRIC countries (Britian, Russia, India and China) are meeting to decide what to use for a currency to take things over and use as a base currency when the inevitable collasp occurs. http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/n.php?n=bric-nations-oppose-us-on-currency-control-2010-10-08
5) the Illuminate (the evil power brokers behind the scene who are in favor of one world tryanny/ dictatorship) are calling an emergency meeting to see if their hope for total one world fascism/ tyrannical government is still possible.
6) Those associated with the Rockefellers and Rothschild’s -(those tyrannical people who own the banks and the Federal Reserve ..those people who make & cause wars for the purpose to make money) and some of their very family members- are separating themselves from these families of organized crime and want no part of their plan to kill off millions of people via immunizations,genetic modified food, chem trails, starvation, depleted Uranium, etc. They have HAD it!! http://www.rense.com/general92/gmo.htm
7) Many inside the White House are talking that Obama will be removed from office during this period by invoking section 4 of the 25th Amendment. Cabinet members and advisors are saying that he is totally lazy, watches ESPN TV all day long, and is disinterested in Presidential duties. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twenty-fifth_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution
8) Others say that Obama is standing true to his word to release suppressed technologies and that the black hats want to remove him to keep the suppressed technologes suppressed.
9) Do notice that members close to Obama are leaving their post in Droves. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-21/summers-may-leave-as-head-of-obama-s-national-economic-council-in-november.html
10) Benjamin Fulford (he has been the international and Asian financial reporter for Forbes and Money magazine) has friends who are very well connected to the insiders- (the people behind the scenes who actually run our government). He says that many of his sources are saying disclosure is close. He gave out many details here on his web site. http://benjaminfulford.net/2010/10/25/illuminati-rule-to-end-this-year-maybe-even-this-week-2/
This prompted him to get a call from David Wilcock.
10) David Wilcock ( who also has many friends who are very well connected to the insiders who run the government )again says that disclosure is close. He talked with Benjamin Fulford ( #13) and they compared notes. Both of them have multiple different sources on the inside. Fulford is NOT an Obama fan. So for him to say something good abut Obama… it must be true. Wilcock is an Obama fan. Both of them are saying that Obama is pushing for disclosure and that within 2 weeks we are going to find out (officially) that we are NOT alone, that suppressed technologies exist, what suppressed technologies exist.. and that mom and dad could of been zipping around like the Jetsons 80 years ago! http://stevebeckow.com/2010/10/25/david-wilcock-attack-on-obama-an-insider-campaign-military-ready-to-share-technology-perhaps-disclose/#more-22179
— and —
11)Also that Obama is going to India to make the announcement with & from a country who also supports disclosure… http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/home/Frontpage/2007/11/09/01935.html
12) The Mayan calendar points to a big event in this same period in November.
13) Whether you agree with them philosophically or not… Various intuitives also feel something very big is about to happen
14) As does Numerology –it also points to and says that 11-20-2010 will be very big day/ time
15) Reports say that Illuminate / Bilderberg members are looking for countries of refuge and are being turned away.
16) Multiple sources strongly encourage people to buy dehydrated and or freeze dried food and have enough for a minimum of 6 months. It would be dumb not to. We grow 65 % of our food outside the US now. When the $$ collapses -which is inevitable -we will likely be short and not be able to get food for a period of time. Plus some will hoard and make the supply shorter… Walmart and Cosco are offering freeze dried & dehydrated food for hard times. It behooves you to get some. How long the transition will last is any ones guess. The stores shelves will be bare. This is not to induce fear. Yet there will be a transition period. We must cover our bases. Failing to prepare is just plain stupid.

I am not a fan of Obama, but the one and only thing I hoped Obama would do is release suppressed technologies. Werner von Braun said in 1978 that there is enough sppressed technology to turn the WORLD… not just the US, but the WORLD into a 100 year renassaunce. We need it now! If that is the plan release it next month… we will all be better off.
Perhaps nothing will happen. November may come and go without any event. I just read a lot, and have never seen so many indicators point to a specific time period. So I thought I would let you know.
I wish you and your well,

Yada yada yada election results

So things turned out rather mixed-to-bad on Tuesday. The Republicans sweeped into the House, while control of the senate remains in Democratic hands thanks to some awful, awful candidates fronted by the teabaggers. Granted, a few teabagger senators did get elected (Rubio and Paul). We survived eight years under the Bush regime, we can survive two years of Speaker Boner and the No Squad doing nothing. Expect subpoenas on all sorts of things to waste our time and money, including the Black Panthers, ACORN, and Obama being a secret Kenyan Muslim. The best news of the night was the passage of Prop B in Missouri. That was the Puppy Mill Prop, which you may recall meant some puppy mill owners were posting in the comments here not too happy. I bet they are even less happy now, but the puppies win, and Politisink will always support protecting puppies from the forces of evil. A bold stance to take, I know.

But Politisink will still be here to go over the crazy things rightwing idiots do, teabagger craziness, and general awfulness of conservatives, because there’s gonna be a whole lot more of it! And soon he 2012 election season will begin, with Sarah Palin going to run until she fails badly and then quits again. And I think that awful governor from Mississippi wants to run for president, which will also be fun when he starts burning crosses. Let’s not forget that this was only a warmup with corporate cash going into political funding, by 2012 the process will be perfected and you will never see a non-political commercial on tv again.

The face of victory!

It wasn’t a Republican victory

Pro Publica has a good story on how the “Blue Dogs” got slaughtered last night.  22 of them lost re-election and there’s good reason to believe that it says more about them than it does about their opposition.  That accounts for a third of the Republican gains.

The NYT editorial on this is far less terrible than I would have expected:

Voters in Tuesday’s elections sent President Obama a loud message: They don’t like how he’s doing his job, they’re even angrier at Congressional Democrats and they gave the House back to the Republicans. The Republicans spent months fanning Americans’ anger over the economy and fear of “big government,” while offering few ideas of their own. Exit polls indicated that they had succeeded in turning out their base, and that the Democrats had failed to rally their own.

Americans who voted described themselves as far more conservative than they did in 2006 and 2008 — and than the population as a whole. More than 4 in 10 said that they supported the Tea Party movement. But more than half of the voters said they have an unfavorable view of the Republican Party.

So we have some acknowledgment there’s a little more going on than Red Team vs. Blue Team.  Thomas Ferguson and Jie Chen did an analysis of the first “victory” in Massachusetts that predicted what would happen last night pretty well.  The following chart plots towns towns by median income on the x axis and decline in voter turnout between 2004 and 2006 (green dots) and between 2008 and 2010 (blue dots).

You can see that turnout in poorer towns declined much more in both periods, but to an even greater degree in in 2008-2010.  So we have a one-sided drop in turnout resulting from less than inspiring leadership rather than a “shift” towards Republicans.

Ferguson and Chen concluded:

Quite like a hurricane, this tempest has a clear dual structure. Our study suggests that in the eye of the storm – the old Democratic base – an ominous, unnatural calm is settling in that displaces the near-millenarian enthusiasm of 2008. We have seen how the surge in overall voter turnout in the 2010 Senate race disguised a drop in turnout in lower income towns that previously voted heavily Democratic. Recalling one more time the problems with inferences from aggregate data, we think it is safe to conclude that our data are consistent with the claim put forward by the Democratic campaign’s chief pollster, that Obama administration’s unwillingness to face down the banks and slowness in dealing with the recession have demoralized and outraged the party’s electoral base. The disconnect between these disaffected Democrats and the administration and party leaders looks to be deep.

Not a very pretty picture, but at least Gil Scott Heron understands:


I wiped out THREE RAT votes today! YES! (Major registration SNAFU!)

Hmmm…. fabricated or not? You be the judge! FR pulled the thread, regardless:


I wiped out THREE RAT votes today! YES! (Major registration SNAFU!)

Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:45:19 PM by Libloather

So I show up at my local polling place. To my surprise, the very nice seasoned citizen poll worker noticed I was registered three times. My obvious reply was, “Really.”

Without getting overly excited I kindly asked if I could vote three times. She replied, “I don’t see why not. You’re in the book but you’ll probably have to get back in line after each vote.”

I had some time to burn so I decided to give it a try, and sure enough, after the poll worker and I traded a few winks and nods, my votes disappeared into the machine time and time again.

I’ve never felt better!

Santa Claus came early this year!
1 posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2010 2:45:27 PM by Libloather
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We’re all suffering from a bit of election burnout!

But the good news is that it’ll all be over tomorrow*! Please go to your local polling place on November 2nd and vote in your local elections.

**Potential election results include: tight races reporting ‘too close to call’ spin out of control into burgeoning year-long recounts, Sarah Palin announces her bid for the presidency after Sharron Angle, Marco Rubio, Joe Miller, Rand Paul, and other Tea Party-backed candidates win in their respective races (and thus officially begins the longest presidential campaign in history), Andrew Breitbart getting so angry he throws a chair during his election night coverage gig social media participatory role on ABC, Tea Party poll watchers are rushed to the hospital by the dozens as activists try to paint themselves the victims of ‘voter intimidation’, and CNN’s Election Matrix 2010 become sentient and millions of viewers are horrified by the evening’s coverage (and Roland Martin’s choice of ascot).

Good luck politicians!

Drain Clogs – 10-29-2010