Curb Stomp Teabaggers

So now the Teabaggers have moved to actually assaulting people at their rallies. In case you haven’t seen the news, some of Rand Paul’s supporters decided it would be a good idea to beat up a woman named Lauren Valle and stomp on her head at one of his rallies. Video below:

Rand Paul is taking the high role, in that he hasn’t bothered to condemn the assault and isn’t helping identify the attackers. That’s the free market teabaggers for you! From now on, make sure you wear a motorcycle helmet if you see teabaggers nearby!

Luckily, the crazy nuts on the message boards we watch will totally condemn this attack…..NOT! More like they’ll blame the victim then bring up all sorts of imaginary assaults by liberals.

First up is (this one is entitled “Activist stomped outside Paul-Conway debate (Suspected terrorist tries to approach Rand Paul)“)

Anyone know what the “murder” is he’s talking about?

First of all she was PAID to do this by MoveOn and secondly, they felt she was a threat to Rand.

You know, for two years now we have had to endure the violence on the left, (finger bites, beatings, and even one murder) but someone overreacts and put his shoe on her to stop her from getting up and the internet is all a twitter over it. How much can a person be pushed?

16 posted on Mon Oct 25 2010 22:21:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) by CowHampshire (NH, Tea Party, Banking Elite, Obama, Cloward-Piven, Totalitarianism, Fascism, Taxation)

The pot should be boiling really good before this week is over!
We are as close to civil war as you can get without shooting.

23 posted on Mon Oct 25 2010 22:47:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) by SWAMPSNIPER (The Second Amendment, A Matter Of Fact, Not A Matter Of Opinion)

To: tlb

Whew… That thing should have had her face stomped on.

42 posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2010 2:16:14 AM by Lancey Howard
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LibLieSlayer is a truly awful human being.

Clearly a case of assault with intent… this bitch was a hit bitch from soros. I hope she suffered some sort of permanent damage.


24 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 07:53:51 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

Would you “feel” that way if the award had been a .380 or a small 9mm semi auto? We cannot take chances and these media planted rubes need to know that our candidates are protected. Try this stunt with a group of aflcio thugs and get back to me… oh wait… there would be no you left to get back to me. I have no pity and no such regrets.

27 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 07:57:17 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

I’d have shot the b**** and been done with it.

58 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 09:23:12 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by Lurker (The avalanche has begun. The pebbles no longer have a vote.)

Now wtc911… I made absolutely no personal or derogatory remarks about you… I just disagree with you on this article. Why is it so usual for me to get something wrong? In tens of thousands of posts that I have made, there are literally only a handful of posts where I made a mistake… and I corrected those mistakes and apologized if needed. Can’t we debate this without slipping into personal attacks? Expect none from me.
rachael corey is another one of these leftists that got what she deserved. This woman would have been flogged 200 years ago. America has grown soft… dims and al qaeda have taken notice. Some of us are not so soft… and you will need all of us one day. Mark my words.


66 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 10:28:28 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by LibLieSlayer (WOLVERINES!)

If you go in to enemy territory next to people who are passionate enough to get out of their homes and attend a political meeting, regardless of party affiliation, expect to NOT get a warm welcome when you crash the scene.

This is not a political thing, it’s a social thing. If someone did this in a church, wedding, school, funeral, you can bet they will provoke some kind of reaction which was the woman’s intent.

If you are going to go to jail for assault, at least do it right. The woman seemed to walk away with little harm done and mission accomplished. The news is all about her and nothing about the candidate or meeting.

This will now encourage loons everywhere to try this. Next time, send her out in an ambulance and strike some fear in to the hearts and minds of potential interlopers. That would put a stop to such foolish behavior.

81 posted on Tue Oct 26 2010 10:50:25 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) by texan75010

Here is Resistnet crazy person rel find who posted this all over

Woman who instigated the scuffle in Kentucky was from She later admitted that she was disguised-posing as a Paul supporter to get close to him and cause an incident

She was from and had a wig-disguise on.

She admitted that she was posing-faking just like all dishonest; libs-Dems-ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU, political activists always do, to try and cheat-mislead-lie-steal for votes during election time.

She admitted that she was wearing the disguise and that she had lied about being a Paul supporter, in order to get close to him in that crowd-gathering, so that she could get right next to him and get a picture taken of her giving him some kind of mocking-satyrical award.

The woman, appearing to pose as a Paul supporter and wearing a platinum wig, was stopped from carrying out her lib-Dem scam by Paul supporters.

The woman, Lauren Valle, told police she was with the highly politcally active liberal group She says she wanted to give Paul what appeared to be a mocking “satirical award” and have her picture taken with the candidate.

Valle said, right before it was found out to be a lib-Dem scam,

“We are excited to give Rand the employee of the month award because he has been so good at diversity and unemployment solutions,”

Valle told 27 NEWSFIRST she drove to Lexington from Washington, DC. So here we go again with the; lib-Dem,, ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU type political tactics.

Rand Paul had nothing to do with whoever was trying to turn back this woman who is a Conway supporter, from harrassing him and the crowd of supporters.

A few people might have overreacted and they shouldn’t have, but … She lied and said she was a Rand Paul supporter to get up close to him and pull some kind of obnoxious politically motivated harrassment move.

She was there looking to start trouble and mangaged to instigate this whole thing, on purpose. It’s not anyone elses fault but the woman who out of the blue took it upon herself to instigate the whole unexpected incident,

amongst a crowd of highly charged-defensive political supporters in the midst of a very contentious election race, very close to the election. She drove all the way from Washington DC to carry out her lib-Dem, ACORN-SEIU-NOW-MALDEF-ACLU type, scam-plan.

Anyone associated with any of the above anti-American groups, and who is involved in a high-profile troublemaking incident such as this one on their own, is a highly suspicious character.

Most likely an operative of one or more of those anti-American groups, who was given the plan and marching orders, which she carried out willingly-deceptively-deceitfully, as the, political activists always do around election time.

It’s time we had a change from the same old tactics from the anti-American-libs-Dems-Conway.

Vote for the right kind of change, pro-American Conservative Rand Paul !!!

This is the curb stomper guy, and his ironic button about not wanting to be tread upon:

via Balloon-Juice, I was not aware that there was a big woo-hoo over some columnist using “curbstomp” in his column, to the point where he had to apologize. And then a real life one happened committed by the same side that was so offended!

Obama’s lust for power has lead his team to create a Facebook app

Facebook Users BEWARE!
Obama Supporters Launch Misleading Facebook Application
Which Steals Your Personal Information
Now the end begins, CLICK HERE

By Geoffrey Grider • October 24, 2010

Commit fraud. Obama’s lust for power has lead his team to create a Facebook app which data mines your page and steals as much sensitive information
as it can. As you can see from the photo below, it attempts to convince
you to give up everything about you, which is then fed into the Team
Obama database, and WILL be used against you at some future point.

This app wants to know everything about you, including your religious and political beliefs. If you see this app on your page, we highly recommend
you to not only delete the post, but also block the app and then block
the person who posted it to your page. This is war, people, make no
mistake about that. Because Obama’s Team has no intention of taking
prisoners – source – Kashmir Hill/Forbes
**PRIVACY TIP** We urge EVERYONE to go to PRIVACY… then bottom left… Applications and Websites… edit settings….
“Info accessible through your friends”,
Control what information is available to applications and websites when your friends use them.

Thanks to Regulator for posting this info!!!

Drain Clogs – 10-22-2010

A Texas GOP candidate (Stephen Broden) is calling for a violent revolution if the midterm elections don’t go the GOP’s way.

“We have a constitutional remedy here and the Framers says if that don’t work, revolution.”

“If the government is not producing the results or has become destructive to the ends of our liberties, we have a right to get rid of that government and to get rid of it by any means necessary,”

It’s funny because he thinks the Constitution calls for a violent revolution. Stephen Broden knows as much of the Constitution as Christine O’Donnell, which is absolutely nothing. As the midterm elections near, it is becoming more and more obvious that the Teabagger Constitution fetish is a giant fraud (something we’ve known for a long time) and they don’t give a flying frak about the Constitution, except the 2nd Amendment. And even then, I’ve seen teabaggers get that amendment number wrong before.

Teabagger Senate candidate Joe Miller (who claims not to be the Teabagger choice) has a goon squad as a personal guard who detain journalists and are linked to militia movements. More militia info.

Cartoon of the Day:

More on the “forecosure issue”

As our elected officials have started to come to terms with what they’ve done:

The financial services industry is growing increasingly concerned as more politicians get behind the idea of a broad moratorium on home foreclosures, which banks and many outside analysts say could be good short-term politics but terrible long-term policy.One senior Wall Street executive told Morning Money over the weekend: ‘President Obama should be very cautious about aligning himself with Congressional leaders who are playing politics with the foreclosure issue. With foreclosed properties comprising one in every four homes sold in the United States, the spreading moratorium could disrupt real estate deals in progress, slow down the process of clearing the backlog of troubled home loans and [endanger] the economic recovery.’

“The recovery” meaning financial markets, not the economy that you and I actually live in, which is stagnant:

Now there are a number of details that have been drowned out by the massive public relations campaign that’s been put forward on this such as this New York Times article.  There’s a wonderful quote to describe this: “The most effective propaganda paradoxically uses information to drive information out of circulation.”  It was the same thing when the crisis started and we heard about all kinds of derivatives–which are problematic–rather than the massive housing bubble that they filled.  Curiously, that will actually help to explain the MERS problem.

MERS is an electronic mortgage registry database that was used to speed up the whole process of securitizing these loans faster than they could keep track of who actually owned the properties they were for.  See this NYT article from 2009 describing the system.  The key quote is this:

MERS, a tiny data-management company, claimed the right to foreclose, but would not explain how it came to possess the mortgage notes originally issued by banks. Judge Logan summoned a MERS lawyer to the Pinellas County courthouse and insisted that that fundamental question be answered before he permitted the drastic step of seizing someone’s home.

“You don’t think that’s reasonable?” the judge asked.

“I don’t,” the lawyer replied. “And in fact, not only do I think it’s not reasonable, often that’s going to be impossible.”

If they really believed they were worth multiple trillions of dollars, you’d think they’d spend the time to make sure they could take back these valuable properties, but of course they didn’t, which was why it was a multi-trillion dollar bubble.  If you’re pawning something off on people, you want them to take it off your hands for more than its worth so they are the ones stuck with it and you’re gone when they realize it’s not worth what they paid.  The person in that position is here is the real estate broker, the lender assumes the deed to the property and is supposed to take a loss if the buyer can’t actually pay for it.  For assuming this risk they take interest on the loan.   What we have been surrounded by is a bizarre “bank always wins” mentality.  It’s having your cake and eating it too, then getting another one when it’s gone.

This is why the bizarre decision to preserve the debts that couldn’t be paid by doing a creditor bailout was so terrible, not “taxpayer dollars” which were far less than they’ve gotten in loan guarantees and access to the fed’s discount window.  The recipients of that money often pay a 15% capital gains tax rate on their alleged “investments” compared to the 25% income tax anyone who makes more than $34k a year pays and all of the sales taxes people pay for necessities.   Even people who have been able to keep up with their mortgage payments are in “negative equity” and paying for a loan on a house at bubble levels despite the bubble bursting.

Only under such a uniform standard could we so easily determine who the houses belong to.  Only under an effective media blackout could the NYT print a story attributing the “foreclosure issue” to something so mundane without embarrassment.

Wingnut Web – Resistnet Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ? Edition

So just when I thought it was safe to do a Wingnut Web, I got an email alert from Resistnet about a new thread claiming that Breitbart was telling the NAACP to “go to Hell” or something. Knowing the pack of racist crapeaters at Resistnet can’t resist (pun!) a chance to rant about how “Blacks are the Real Racists!” or “All Blacks are welfare queens!” (almost immediately followed by “Why won’t more blacks join us???”) I clicked. And lo and behold, we got some racism going on! First we’ll have a few random posts that were lying around stinking up my hard drive, and then it’s on to Resistnet’s Cross Burning Party Election ’10!

Kill Whitey and/or Asiany! Also Obama has no white in him, I heard it on the internet!

It’s the sad story of a self-hating Latino. And he’s a Militia dude!

Wake up Amer.What are we SHEEPLE ?
Continue reading

Drain Clogs – 10-13-2010

  • ThinkProgress is kicking ass in finding out all the overseas money the US Chamber of Commerce is getting and spending on attack ads against mainly Democratic candidates – $885,000 so far!
  • Media Matters interviewed Byron Williams, the guy who got into a gunfight on the highway with police while on his way to murder people in the ACLU and the Tides Foundation after getting the idea from Glenn Beck – “Progressive Hunter
  • People are freaking out about Campbell’s halal soup. The same morons who got upset over Rachel Ray’s scarf.
  • How could this have gone wrong?

    NEW YORK (AP) — In an effort to rush through thousands of home foreclosures since 2007, financial institutions and their mortgage servicing departments hired hair stylists, Walmart floor workers and people who had worked on assembly lines and installed them in “foreclosure expert” jobs with no formal training, a Florida lawyer says.

    In depositions released Tuesday, many of those workers testified that they barely knew what a mortgage was. Some couldn’t define the word “affidavit.” Others didn’t know what a complaint was, or even what was meant by personal property. Most troubling, several said they knew they were lying when they signed the foreclosure affidavits and that they agreed with the defense lawyers’ accusations about document fraud.

  • American Family Association blogger Bryan Fischer claimed Jesus wanted the house that burned down because the guy didn’t pay the fire department $75 to burn down. And he’s doubling down on it! Jesus – crazed arsonist???
  • Glenn Beck is picking a fight with Donald Duck over some video mashups, even trying to see if they were federally funded by the stimulus!
  • Nazi Cosplayer, Teabagger, and Congressional Candidate Richard Iott is freaking everyone out and defending his Nazi play. And also defending Nazis – “They were doing what they thought was right for their country.”He’s also a movie producer, including the SciFi Channel fare Yeti: Curse of the Snow Demon! And if you disagree with his Nazi Parties, you’re a Democrat!
  • FoxNews has opened FoxNewsLatino! Complete with a Spanish Language Section! And awful puns like La Tea No.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Talk About Islam Among Non-Muslims

A while ago I came across a website called Citizen Warrior who is a person out to educate the world about the evils of Islam. Unlike many of his (lets just make this person a man) compatriots in the war on Islam, Citizen Warrior promotes a more calm and rational hatred of Islam. That is why he started up the website The website has a worthy goal of “Here non-Muslims discuss the challenges of talking to our fellow non-Muslims about the unsettling nature of Islamic doctrine”. The whole content of the website (besides the articles he links back to his main site which include How to Stay Calm When Talking About Islam and When People Think You’re Nuts) is just a single blog post where people are supposed to post in the comments section about the trouble they have when talking to non-Muslims about Islam.

So lets see what advice people have to offer us:

sheepdog said…

There seems to be two basic categories of Jihad; war-like terrorism and taqiyya. Unfortunately, the terrorism is the most easily countered because people (with a brain) see it for what it is. All of the non-violent forms make it easy to deceive the slumbering, gullible public and I’m afraid there are too few of us that recognize the threat of jihad. Until the general public comes to understand that Islam is a government hiding behind a religious front that is totally incompatible with our constitutional form of government we are losing the war. Unfortunately our government controlled media, or is it media controlled government, continues to feed misinformation and politically correct crap.

Taqiyya is the practice of hiding one’s faith when under the threat of persecution, somehow that got twisted around in some peoples’ heads to mean that Muslims are going to hide their faith and infiltrate us (see Obama, Barack Hussain).

Salmon wants to let us know that you should read some books about Islam before spouting off about it. It is sad that needs to be said.

Salmon said…
First and most obvious, since Jihad has killed millions and threatens to kill us, we should take time to bone up on Islam–its history, doctrines and practices. Take the time to read some basic books. Then we will all be thoughtful strategists and not just shooting the breeze.

Our man Citizen Warrior chimes in to let people know to watch out to make sure you don’t get the same reputation as a Dutch politician who wants to ban the Qur’an, tax women wearing headscarfs, end immigration from Muslim countries and was banned from entering the UK for 9 months.

Citizen Warrior said…
Finally Figured Out Islam: The same thing is happening to Geert Wilders. It’s crazy! He only showed Muslims speaking and acting, and showed quotes from the Quran about those actions, but HE is being charged with hate speech. If we can make this point clear and make it obvious how crazy it is, it would go a long way to ending getting over this first hurdle.

Today another Muslim was arrested for something or other. I can’t be bothered to provide details or anything but it totally happened. When are people going to learn that nebulous stories like that can’t happen?

Today another Muslim, in Chicago, was arrested for trying to blow up buildings, poison the water supply or cause other havoc. I cannot understand how any Muslim sympathizer fails to connect the dots – you don’t hear of any other group doing this type of stuff all over the world – because the Muslims are the only ones whose religious and politics takes them in that direction.

You see back in the day the Pope lied to people to kill people but Imams taught people to be nice to everyone. Then some stuff happened and somehow Christianity became very nice and nothing bad ever happened because of people interpreting the bible in a way that would incite violence, hate or discrimination. At the same time every Muslim started reading the Qur’an and they all realized simultaneously it was about killing every non-Muslim ever. Therefor Christianity is better than Islam.

The rebuttal about the crusades is common. Here is how I tackle it.

The Pope told Christians that their sins would be forgiven if they fought in the crusades, but war against infidels is not commanded by Christianity, nor are one’s sins forgiven this way. Noone had bibles in those days so they couldn’t check if the Pope’s declarations were based on the original scriptures. When Martin Luther finally got hold of one of the oldest Greek manuscripts, he translated it and found that salvation was ‘free’, not earnt, paid for, or granted by popes or priests. This started the reformation.

The opposite has occurred in Islam. Like Christians before the Reformation, muslims depended on the Imam to tell them what Islam was about. Mostly the imam would teach only the nice parts, except when war broke out would he instruct the soldiers about jihad. But lately, with increased literacy and availablity of Qurans, anyone can now read it for themselves in his or her language. So, when you scrape back Christianity to its raw state, you do not get the “crusades” anywhere in it. But when you do the same with Islam ie scrape it back to its pure form, the Quran, you get this …..

Commonsense13’s tactic in talking to non-Muslims about Islam is to be completely bat shit crazy.

commonsense13 said…
This is an exchange between me and another member at another site. We “argue” all the time about Muslims and he defends their right to be protected under our Constitution without limit. On this site we are formed of military, LE, veterans and civilians who take the oath to uphold the constitution and protect the country against enemies both foreign and domestic. Part of our mission statement is to Reach, Teach and Inspire, also that under martial law we will not disarm civilians…
ME: So, let me see…we should only talk about what the Active Duty people want to talk about…would that be maybe the killing of their fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood by a Muslim and now wonder whenever they have to serve next to one where that persons allegiences really are? But ya see, they can’t say that out loud on a regular military forum can they? They could talk about it here under an assumed name and info can be shared. Or we can only talk about what is important to LE? Well that would probably be about the illegal Mexicans crossing over our southern borders by the thousands and terrorizing our cities, bringing in drugs, killing, taking resources such as health care, welfare and educational benefits that should be going to American citizens and legal immigrants.
Or should we be talking about what is important to DOJ personnel or all the new czars appointed by this administration who is jamming socialism down our throats? Will IRS agents be included in this group when they are required to garnish your wages because you didn’t buy the governmental healthcare which clearly goes against the Commerce Clause? Are we actively recruiting IRS agents? They can seize our property. Also against the Constitution.
So who decides what topics are valid for who to talk about? Are we to assume that all of these “special” members are going to blindly follow OK’s mission and go against their sworn duty just because of this membership when they do not have the facts of what is really going on at any given moment? Do they read every piece of news out there to keep up to date? Probably not. Who is to say that in something like Katrina there isn’t an area that there is a bunch of gangbangers shooting at the police and military and they are given orders to go in and disarm them…do you think that because of the OK oath they are going to say NO? If they did, what use are they? If there is a muslim training center and LE is told to go in and disarm them, are they going to say NO because no one wants to believe that there are bad muslims here and don’t want to hurt their feelings? Shouldn’t we as a group discuss what is out there, how to handle things, share info, figure out how to bring this country back as close to the Constitution and honest politics in order to support our military and LE to make their jobs easier and keep all of us safer and at the same time prepared if TSHTF? Im sure our LE and military could give us good information on what to do, what we should be doing…for a natural disaster or a political one. Those of you who don’t want to hear it or join in, just don’t…go to another thread but stop calling people names like bigots, racists and ignorant.

This was posted by an anonymous person, I gonna guess it was Glenn Beck.


So I saw a poll the other day and saw that 30% of people were just uneducated about Islam and I thought “There is 30% I can willfully mislead and lie to about Islam”.

Citizen Warrior said…
I rather appreciated your meandering, Traeh. I have felt the same way about wanting to learn more. There always seems to be more to learn before I really feel like an expert. And yet, most people don’t even know the most rudimentary things about Islam. Someone asked me the other day, “Where is Islam?” as if it was a country or region (although that depth of ignorance is rare).

But even still, most people don’t know much about Islam. I just read a poll of Americans that said 24 percent thought Islam was a peaceful religion and 30 percent were unsure. When I read that, I thought, “That means 30 percent only need a little more information to tip them to our side.”

And now we get a look into the mind of Citizen Warrior. I don’t know which I like more: how he casts himself in a fake epic struggle in a larger war of Good and Evil or how he talks about the “Joys of war”.

Citizen Warrior said…
Traeh, your last big paragraph really resonated with me. It is indeed strange being involved in a sort of secret underground war against an ideology. And it IS negative. Find a loving and positive spin? That’s a tough one, but maybe not as tough as it seems. I usually refer to my work as “saving the free world” when I’m talking to my friends. They ask me what I did over the weekend. I often answer something like, “Same old thing, trying to save the free world.” It is somewhat self-mocking, but it is also true and they know it’s true, and many of them admire me for it.

When I am getting off work, someone might ask me, “What are you up to tonight?” I sometimes answer, “I’ll be fighting to save the free world, what about you?”

I think of the role as extremely positive myself, although the content of the task is admittedly sometimes negative.

In my own assessment, I cast our work in an heroic light. All throughout history, the fight has continued, good against evil, in its many forms. And most of my favorite movies depict some sort of battle between good and evil. Movies are a kind of symbolic value-system reinforcement.

What makes movies like Lord of the Rings epic is, I think, its universal message: That the forces of darkness are always gathering and that people of good heart and good intentions are always fighting to keep the good side winning.

As far as I can tell, it will never stop, so we might as well hunker down and enjoy the fight. And I really do think there is something to ENJOY about this fight. I love the feeling of meaningfulness and purposefulness this work bestows upon its warriors.

Someone at work was talking about 2012 and “the end of the world” the other day and many people joined in the discussion. My feeling was that they all lacked a sense of meaning, and many of them had a secret wish that something world-shaking WOULD happen in 2012 because they have nothing historically meaningful in their lives, nothing that gives them a sense of significance. I think people NEED that to really feel fully alive. And I didn’t feel I was missing that element in the slightest and I didn’t share their secret wish.

I feel I am engaged in a life-or-death battle for the fate of the planet, and I have met some magnificient people in this battle, good people who have become my friends and fellow warriors.

This is not a sure thing. It is not certain how things will turn out. There are many people AGAINST what we’re doing. There are secret forces fighting to subvert the freedoms we our predecessors fought so hard to win. This is really and truly a BATTLE, a fight for the playing field, a war of historical significance. And we must win.

The mainstream media focuses on the horror of war, and the psychological scars of war, but there is also the “joy of war,” if you could call it that — the feeling during a war that what is happening is more real and more significant and more urgent and more important than anything that happens in “normal” life. I’ve talked to WW2 vets who have told me that during the war they were more alive than any time since then, and that the bonds they formed under those circumstances withstood the test of time better than any other bonds.

Now I’M meandering. What I meant to say, though, is that although this sometimes feels like a “negative” thing we’re doing, in some ways that’s what makes the fight so important, so significant, and so ultimately satisfying. And that’s positive.

If the Muslim religion is tied to Islam and Sharia, then we definately need to change the “definition” of Religion in the US constitution. If the Muslim religion is tied to Islam and Sharia, then we definately need to change the “definition” of Religion in the US constitution. If the Muslim religion is tied to Islam and Sharia, then we definately need to change the “definition” of Religion in the US constitution

If the Muslim religion is tied to Islam and Sharia, then we definately need to change the “definition” of Religion in the US constitution. To say that Religion is a faith that teaches love and forgivenes and is not a threat to other religions. Once that is stablished. Then we can review the koran (And any other religions), and enforce US Muslims in Mosques to edit verses in the Koran(the teachings) that tie the Muslim faith (koran)with a Law (sharia) that teaches intolerance and killing of anyone who does not believe in the Muslim faith. Only until the Koran is revised (or abrogated as they say), it cannot coexist with different religions. Keep in mind Sharia are “hadiths”, laws that were written not by the prophet Muhammad, but by followers.

Once we change the constitution to make Islam not a religion we can force them to edit their holy book.

So please, next time you are talking to a non-Muslim about Islam keep the previous posts in mind and work their ideas and lessons into your conversation as needed.

Drain Clogs – 10-11-10

Rules for Kickin’ Ass

Thursday, October 7, 2010 at 11:05 AM
Rules for Kickin’ Ass

Rules for the Non-Military

Make sure you read #13

Dear Civilians, ‘We know that the current state
of affairs in our great nation has many civilians up in arms and
excited to join the military.

For those of you who can’t join, you can still lend a hand.
Here are a few of the areas where we would like your assistance:

1. The next time you see any adults talking (or wearing a hat)
during the playing of the National Anthem –
kick their ass.

2. When you witness, firsthand, someone burning
the American Flag in protest – kick their ass.

3. Regardless of the rank they held while they served, pay
the highest amount of respect to all veterans. If you see anyone
doing otherwise, quietly pull them aside and explain how
these veterans fought for the very freedom they bask in every

Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these veterans made
to make this Nation great. Then hold them down while a disabled
veteran kicks their ass.

4. If you were never in the military, DO NOT pretend that you were.
Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDUs) or Jungle Fatigues, telling
Others that you used to be ‘Special Forces’.

Collecting GI Joe memorabilia, might have been okay when you were
seven years old, now, it will only make you look stupid and get your
ass kicked.

5. Next time you come across an *Air Force*
member, do not ask them, ‘Do you fly a jet?’ Not everyone in the
Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an ass-kicking
(children are exempt).

6. If you witness someone calling the
Coast Guard ‘non-military’,
inform them of their mistake –
and kick their ass.

7. Next time Old Glory (the US flag) prances
by during a parade, get on your damn feet and pay
homage to her by placing your hand over your heart.
Quietly thank the military member or veteran lucky enough to be
carrying her – of course, failure to do either of those could
earn you a severe ass-kicking.

9. ‘Your mama wears combat boots’ never made sense to me –
stop saying it! If she did, she would most likely be a vet and
therefore would kick your ass!

10. ‘Flyboy’ (*Air Force*), ‘Jarhead’ (*Marines*), ‘Grunt’ (*Army*),
‘Squid’ (*Navy*), ‘Puddle Jumpers’(*Coast Guard*), etc., are terms of
endearment we use describing each other. Unless you are a service
member or vet, you have not earned the right to use them. Using them
could get your ass kicked.

11. Last, but not least, whether or not you become a member of the
military, support our troops and their families.
Every Thanksgiving and religious holiday that you enjoy
with family and friends, please remember that there are literally
thousands of soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen far from home
wishing they could be with their families. Thank God for our military and
the sacrifices they make every day. Without them, our Country would get
it’s ass kicked.

12. It’s the Veteran, not the reporter, who has given us the freedom of
the press.

It’s the Veteran, not the poet, who has given
us the freedom of speech.

It’s the Veteran, not the community
organizer, who gives us the freedom
to demonstrate.

It’s the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the
flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester
to burn the flag.


13. If you ever see anyone singing the national anthem in Spanish –

If you got this email and
didn’t pass it on – guess what – you deserve
to get your ass kicked!