Drain Clogs – 09-21-2010

  • The recession is over! Party time! Party time! WOOOOoooOOOOooOOO!!!

    Wait, everything still sucks! This recession didn’t go anywhere!

  • NY-18 GOP candidate Jim Russell used to write white supremacist essays!

    It has been demonstrated that finches raised by foster parents of a different species of finch will later exhibit a lifelong sexual attraction toward the alien species. One wonders how a child’s sexual imprinting mechanism is affected by forcible racial integration and near continual exposure to media stimuli promoting interracial contact. The most serious implication of human sexual imprinting for our genetic future is that it would establish the destructiveness of school integration, especially in the middle and high-school years. One can only wonder to what degree the advocates of school integration, such as former NAACP attorney Jack Greenberg, were conscious of this scientific concept. It also compounds the culpability of media moguls who deliberately popularize miscegenation in films directed toward adolescents and pre-adolescents. In the midst of this onslaught against our youth, parents need to be reminded that they have a natural obligation, as essential as providing food and shelter, to instill in their children an acceptance of appropriate ethnic boundaries for socialization and for marriage.

    The sociobiological warfare that our youth is subjected to is likely to be even more diabolical since it appears to deliberately exploit a biological theory of sexual imprinting at the critical period of sexual maturity. Movies like this past year’s spate of miscegenationist titles, Save the Last Dance, Crazy / Beautiful and O, a parody of Othello, appear deliberately designed to exploit the critical period of sexual imprinting in their target audiences of white pre-adolescent girls and adolescent young women.

  • Bush’s FBI improperly investigated leftist groups, something we all knew but at least it is in report form now even though no one will be punished ever except Lady Liberty.
  • “You should thank God” for bank bailouts says Charles Munger, the billionaire vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Ummm….No.
  • Let’s hear it for the Lake Crystal newspaper The Tribune that published a racist joke! And by hear it for, I mean tell them to go shove their heads up their butts. Sideways.
  • Corporations are people, except for when it comes to suing them for human rights abuses. Then they’re not. Thank you, 2nd Circuit US Court of Appeals! This case concerns families of seven Nigerians who sued Shell in regards to the company backing the government in doing violent crackdowns against oil exploration, executing the Nigerians. Also check this:

    However, Shell Nigeria acknowledges it has made little human-rights progress with respect to the Joint Task Force, an army-navy-police organization the federal government deploys to patrol the maze of creeks, inlets, and mangrove swamps that make up the Niger Delta. This much-feared force has a well-earned reputation for brutality. In early 2005, for example, the Joint Task Force, responding to an attack on government officials near Odioma, killed 17 residents and burned the town to the ground.

  • How to record the cops.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs 09-17-2010

Wingnut Web – Resistnet’s 9-11 Crocodile Tears and RaHoWa Fever

Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, until I get an email from Darla D! Resistnet.com ruins everything. It seems that Darla Dawald is using 9-11 as a chance to act all sad that Resistnet.com, home to racist hatemongers, has been taken over by racist hatemongers! It’s ironic! I had the brew she had the chronic, which is what Darla must be smoking to have not noticed the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many racism and hate incidents we’ve spotted there. Just check out our archives here and back at the TarsTarkas.NET Blog!

But here’s her email…

Disappointment from Darla

Dear Patriots:

I write this letter to you this morning with a heavy heart. As I sit and look out my hotel window on Ground Zero and as I listen to the bagpipes play patriotic music many people are walking around Ground Zero paying their respects and keeping their promise that we will not forget.

I have to admit though, that in the midst of this atmosphere I have received reports from our admins that many people have basically been openly breaking our No Tolerance Policy, spewing hate, and working against everything we are attempting to do. I completely understand the anger toward the Islamic terrorists that brought down the towers and killed so many 9 years ago today. What I do NOT understand is why you will not follow our guidelines that the Constitution has afforded us as a private business. Your right to speech is guaranteed to you toward your government….that’s it. The 1st amendment does not give the right to any individual to infringe on their rights as a privately owned business or organization.

We appreciate so many of our members those who have attempted to reason with the individuals determined to argue, demean, incite violence, and infringe upon our rights. In my absence I have instructed the admins to issue warnings, shut down these discussions that have been out of control, and suspend those who will not listen to our warnings. Apparently, this is still an issue. So it is with great sadness that I must write this letter and inform you that if you break the rules we will not warn you, we will simply ban your account. We will not tolerate a mutiny and we will enforce our policies.

It may not be popular but it is necessary. We must protect the integrity of this site and the members who regularly abide by our terms of service.

Today is a reminder of the tragedy we have experienced at the hands of terrorists, let us not fight one another.

God Bless the families of victims and all Americans affected by this date.


Well, I’m sure Resistnet couldn’t be so full of racism before 9-11 that it makes this entire email laughable….let’s check!

Continue reading

Communist Video Games in American Stores – Are Communists using the WII to promote Communism ?

[adrotate banner=”1″]by Tony Rollo, Resistnet.com

Here is a spooky experience my daughter and I had …

Last night my family made our weekly trip to get necessities.

At a big box store, my 9 year old daughter made a bee line to the WII demo setup as I was checking out computer hardware.

After I found what I needed, I went over to see what games were on demo that my daughter was checking out.

I am a fan of racing games. I am always looking for a good one for my ten minute vacations I take a few times a day.

My daughter was trying out one called “ModNation” for the WII … she was excited to show me the features.

One section was like a garage where you can choose a car design. A lot of cool car designs and graphics.

There were a lot of “ban the bomb” / peace movement (peace sign) symbols everywhere – but those have again come into vogue and are everywhere on everything these days … I can tolerate them.

But then – my daughter choose the next car design and THERE IT WAS –

A HUGE, RED COMMUNIST HAMMER & SICKLE on the car hood – like some kind of soft drink sponsor’s logo would appear.


My daughter let out a gasp when it appeared – she has been studying communist history in her home education studies …

I think she was more shocked than I was …

It was a very obvious yet subtle advertisement – I get it – it is not some innocent addition to the game.

Could you choose any national flags to decorate your car? NO …

The red hammer and sickle was the only recognizable symbol for decoration other than your run of the mill sports car type decorations.

Upon arriving home I did a search on the web for the game ModNation and communist symbol … I was shocked to see a large number of game sites with references –

But these were postings of kids arguing for and against communism …

Here are a few examples posted recently – (remember – these are KIDS)

Disgusting…might as well throw a swastika for us to mod our karts with if we are including the symbols of murderous regimes….just disgusting….probably gunna have to race around with a bunch of 13 year old communists who think its cool….*barfs*

All the more reason to blow them away amigo.

Why does it matter? You realize that the hammer and sickle is actually a symbol for unity between industry and agricultural systems? Which is what communism tried to do (I don’t argue that it failed). So the symbol itself is something that could be considered inspiring.

This jumped out at me too. If you’re not going to include a swastika in the game (and you shouldn’t), then the hammer and sickle shouldn’t be there either.

Oh well, at least it’s an easy way for idiots to self-identify online.

yes it is an easy way for idiots to self identify by getting their knickers in a knot of such a trivial thing. idiots that think the Swastika is an evil symbol.idiots that fear these 2 symbols for no reason need to learn a thing or two.The Hammer and sickle symbolises the unity between industrial and agricultural workers.

Ever heard of Lenin? The hammer and sickle actually represents a noble ideal, it wasn’t created by some random jerk who decided to kill all jews, if you think it’s a horrible symbol because of what Stalin then you obviously don’t know much about the birth of communism.

My mom and dad are from Russia, their parents and a lot of their family were murdered by Stalin’s regime. Communism is terrible and the Hammer and Sickle are very offensive. They barely escaped with their lives. Stalin is as bad as Hitler and you all don’t understand what he put the Russian people through with his mass murders.

you must be very uneducated to say the least. Haven’t we forgotten and gotten over millions being murdered? Hell, let’s just forget the 60+Million lives lost in the last great war on earth which is the reason for you to be able to live as you currently do–as a bozo and blowing farts on their memory. Shouldn’t we just get over all of them? Hell no, because once we do that’s when it will happen again. You’d be wise to remember that.

Seriously, do you people not realize the immense amount of BS that everyone in the world does. You will not find many symbols that are not frowned upon by some country or another. The america flag isnt known for its mass murders even though it was donned at the same time that Hitler and Stalin wore theirs. We dropped the A-bombs, we had the japs in concentration camps(not as severe as hitler but still) Why shouldnt the American flag be a symbolism of terror and horror if you look at the other flags as such, and the Rising Sun too cant use that either. Like everyone said, get over it. Thats the world we live in.

The symbols should be regarded as how they are meant to be regarded as. The people who took it for their symbol and used it for evil is a perversion and it should be looked at it as such. It all depends on the context.

I just have to make one thing clear: Japanese Americans were in relocation camps. Not concentration camps. Nobody was murdered or forced into slave labor. Some people may have died in the camps, but not because they were starved and worked all day.

5 bucks says we’ll be seeing topics like this if they include a cross sticker.

Ok lets look at a scenario. First we take a military force…what should we call them…hmmm I know we will call them Crusaders. Now they need a symbol, How about a crucifix. Now These Crusaders Slaughter millions of innocent people under the image of a Crucifix. now today in the modern world would the crucifix be seen as a sign of Fear and tyranny.

Oh wait that above scenario has happened…guess what The crucifix is seen to a lot off people as a good symbol. So what makes the hammer and sickle any different.

To me, this kind of rhetoric is chilling. A new generation of “useful idiots” are being cultivated in American living rooms on innocent video game consoles …

But isn’t it encouraging that some of the kids are standing up for the truth in history?

Winston Churchill made the best statement about the world we live in today:

“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”

I also had a conversation with a retired teacher / principal who was proud his little 4 year old grandson who was there was learning chinese in school.

That should make it a lot easier for the CHICOMS when they shout commands at his grandson in a couple of decades as he works on an assembly line under guards with machine guns.

You may think this is just reactionary. A lot of people believe that it is just silly to think that communism still exists in this modern “free” world we live in. Tyrrany never goes out of style to the tyrrants and ruling class …

As Benjamin Franklin said: “Small holes sink mighty ships”

The economics crisis

Dean Baker:

In a country with almost 15 million people out of work, it is amazing that any economists still have jobs. This one is their fault first and foremost. Economists are supposed to know about the economy and provide advice on how to avoid disasters before they happen and help us recover from the bad things happen in spite of good advice.

The economics profession has not done well on this simple scorecard. Remarkably, rather than improve their game, economists are now busy dampening down expectations so that the public will not hold them responsible for the state of the economy.


Having failed to prevent disaster, economists are now anxious to tell us that there is nothing that they can do to remedy the situation. The story they are pushing is that unemployment is structural, not cyclical – a refrain now echoed by op-ed columnists. This means that people are not unemployed because of a lack of demand in the economy, but rather they are unemployed because there is a mismatch between the available jobs and the skills and location of the available workers.

In short, there really is no evidence for a problem of structural unemployment. The problem is that because of bad policy, we don’t have enough demand in the economy. If there is any mismatch of jobs and skills, it is between economists’ positions and the people who fill them.

First off, don’t defer your judgment to someone because they’re “an economist” and sound like they know something.  That said, Dean Baker is an economist who has managed to publish a number of books, help draft legislation, and appear on the almighty television on a pretty regular basis despite his tendency to veer from the party line.  In the article quoted above, he links a study done by the Federal Reserve that concluded that economists could not have been expected predict the current financial crisis, citing him as one of the people who did predict it:

One of the first prominent housing pessimists was Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, who in 2002 wrote that:

“In the absence of any other credible theory, the only plausible explanation for the sudden surge in home prices is the existence of a housing bubble. This means that a major factor driving housing sales is the expectation that housing prices will be higher in the future. While this process can sustain rising prices for a period of time, it must eventually come to an end. (Baker 2002, p. 116).

However Dean Baker and the others that made surprisingly accurate predictions were actually wrong because:

The “Fundamental Theorem of Asset Pricing” implies that the evolution of asset prices is, to a first approximation, unpredictable.

That’s pretty offensive, but it gets even better in a footnote:

[E]conomists both inside and outside academia may have been reticent to make any sort of predictions, for fear of damaging their reputations if they were wrong.

However if they neglected to do so and there was a massive financial crisis, their reputations are just great and they shouldn’t shy away from making policy recommendations that will affect the livelihood of millions.  I’m not sure if it’s outright contempt for people, extreme insularity or both, but this is pretty clearly a problem.   They’ve divided themselves into camps on how to view the unemployment problem, which pushes policy predictions into the future so they can avoid a little embarrassment despite the predictable consequences on the most vulnerable.  It’s very telling that both camps have a point and bad policy could come out of either view though it’s absolutely certain for the ones that believe that the only solution to a “structural problem” is just sort of creating unpeople who are just going to have to use the income they don’t have to buy some bootstraps.

Drain Clogs – 09-14-2010

  • America’s toughest Sheriff, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, roasted a woman alive in the hot desert sun and no one is going to get punished at all.
  • Have you seen that movie Gasland? Well, the Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security thinks that makes you a criminal and now they’re tracking your movements and sending the information to gas companies. Isn’t it great all crime in Pennsylvania has been solved so now they can focus on what movies you watch?
  • Incessant wingnut whining about another issue (BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!) is causing the DOJ IG to investigate the New Black Panthers non-issue. I’m sure they’ll find just as much as they did on ACORN (that was nothing, btw)
  • Astroturf group FreedomWorks is setting up “DiversiTea“, an attempt to get more minorities at the tea parties than the same five or so people they bus all over the country. You see, gas prices are going up! I expect this will double the amount of minorities in the Tea Party to an even dozen!
  • Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Obama may follow a “Kenyan, anti-colonial” worldview.

    “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?

    Newt is undoubtedly speaking to the birther fringe with those comments. I don’t think he really believes Obama was born in Kenya, but Newt wants to be president and is trying to cozy up to the Teabaggers (who HATE him, btw)

  • Speaking of Newt, he has a new video with his wife where they say Islam is the most dangerous thing to happen to America since the sticking your fingers into light sockets fad of 1917. They still hate you, Newt and wife #3.
  • Andrew Breitbart admits he’s tricking people.
  • Besides the Koran events we reported on over the weekend, ThinkProgress has a good list of other events that show how awesomely scary the rhetoric has become. Highlights include burned and pooed on Korans and burned and shot Korans. Still waiting for some confused person to burn a Korn cd…
  • The best Koran event was in Amarillo, TX, where our old friends Repent Amarillo (who still send my fake email account long essays about wrongly interpreted passages of the bible) were going to burn a Koran in an event they didn’t bother to email me about. Passing by was 23-year-old skateboarder Jacob Isom, who snatched the Koran and said “Dude, you have no Quran!” and ran off. Now, we support the right of Repent Amarillo to burn the Koran if they so want to, but this is hilarious. Isom later gave the Koran to a Muslim guy at a nearby rally against the hate by Amarillo Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.
  • Cartoon of the Day:

On this 9-11, here is FreeRepublic burning a cd with a Koran.pdf on it


Cyber Liberty, member since 1998! At least no dogs were hurt in this incident (unless a dog breathed in the fumes…)

Also some moron burned a Koran at Ground Zero, I don’t know if he’s a Freeper yet or not:

Drain Clogs – 09-10-2010

  • Freedomworks head and Teabagger grifter Dick Armey thinks 3% of voters are dead and voting Democratic.
  • D.C. Douglas has a new video out about the Koran burning:

  • The Republicans are running homeless people on the Green Party to siphon off votes from the Democrats. This guy Steve May was on NPR defending this yesterday and he claimed he was friends with all these homeless people and they were real. He also wants to sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.
  • Arizona governor Jan Brewer can’t debate, but she sure can take $1.5 million from Timothy Mellon, a Wyoming millionaire to help defend her SB1070 law
  • Wifebeating racist cartoonist Mike Lester (who has been featured here as a Cartoon of the Day a few times) has gone all legal threats happy on a fellow cartoonist who dared to call Lester the racist he is!

    lease be aware that your comments are being monitored. Like all our readers, you are free to disagree w/ my cartoons. However, should you libel and or slander me or my newspaper publicly, we will seek legal remedy. We are also in possession of previous blog entries.


    Mike Lester

    Mr. Lester

    re: your hilarious and insane threat to sue me

    I appreciate your alerting me that my comments are being monitored. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but that is generally what people hope happen to their comments when they are posted on a website on the internet. I am glad to hear you are also in possession of previous blog entries. I too have internet access.

    As a professional courtesy, please consider spelling my name correctly when delivering any future baseless and ludicrous threats because your feelings were hurt. As a personal favor, please stop making racist, ignorant and illogical cartoons.

    -August J. Pollak

  • Iowa For Freedom is ticked over the gay marriage in Iowa and is trying to get a bunch of judges yanked. They are even lying about support from former SCOTUS judges to do it.
  • The Koran burning is on-again, off-again, with the tiny church pastor Terry Jones saying he’s not going to do it because the community center got moved, the community center not knowing what he’s talking about, and Donald Trump wandering in. And Fred Phleps is claiming he’ll burn Korans if the other guy chickens out. Who knows??? We’ll see tomorrow if things go up in flames.

    At Politisink, we agree the church has the right to burn the Korans because free speech is awesome, but free speech also gives us the right to call this shenanigan damn dumb. Because it is damn dumb.

  • Wonkette does our job for us (because Wonkette gets paid to do it, while we just update during lunch or after work) and posts a bunch of posts from wackos on Sarah Palin’s Facebook page that disagree with her on the Koran burning.
  • Our friends at Resistnet.com have freaked out over the Koran burning, by deleting every post that mentions it and even shutting down chat in an effort to stem the calls for Muslim Final Solutions that are appearing all over the site, probably because they know we’re watching them. Because we are. At the same time, the Resistnet Admins are going to New York with a petition to try to get the Community Center moved.
  • Already read Over the Cliff? Think American Taliban was keen? Enjoy people writing about how the Teabaggers are a bunch of suckers? Than this book (The Backlash by Will Bunch) might be interesting, but I haven’t read it yet so who knows?
  • Being in San Bruno when it explodes is not as fun as you might think. But Tanforan Mall stayed open extra hours for those of us trapped in traffic as the mountain nearby burned from the gas pipe explosion. At least 4 are dead and 38 homes completely destroyed with hundreds damaged.
  • Cartoon of the Day: