Conservative Think Tank Angry About Big Business, Uses Comic Sans to Avoid “Communist” Allegations

This is a little old by internet standards, but:

Something no one cares about called the “National Center for Public Policy Research” has something called the “Free Enterprise Project,” both of which can be distinguished by the fact that they are run by a handsome man with a mustache and have names that mean nothing at all.  The Free Enterprise Project recently called for the resignation of the CEO of GE, Jeffery Immelt.

Why? Because he is lobbying to get government money.  According to the press release, because “‘We the people’ have had enough of Obama’s government gone wild spending programs and CEOs such as Immelt that are seeking to profit from taxpayers,” said Deneen Borelli, full-time fellow with the National Center’s Project 21.””

Did you get that?  Its “we the people,” because this is a DEMOCRACY and we deserve to have a SAY in how BUSINESS ARE RUN says the “Free Enterprise Project.”  What?

“When you think of it, Immelt poses more risk to liberty than a progressive Senator. Immelt’s ability to affect public policy has no checks and balances and he is using the vast resources of GE to promote Obama’s agenda. It’s time ‘we the people’ hold Immelt accountable for undermining America’s economic sustainability and our free enterprise system,” added Tom Borelli.

Now, I agree 100% with this.  If corporations are allowed unlimited use of their “vast resources” to promote a political agenda, it is “more risk to liberty than a progressive Senator.”  But the problem is that The National Center for Public Policy Research basically signed away any right they had to complain about corporations using these “vast resources” to promote a political agenda when they signed this adorable amicus curiae where they said, basically, it is unconstitutional and discriminatory to tell corporations exactly what they’re asking Immelt to do.

Not only is this contradictory, but frankly, assuming that “we the people” have the right to demand anything of a corporation, even when coming from something called the Free Enterprise Project, sounds just a little socialist.  Just a little.  Which I’m fine with, but I wonder why they chose to take this risk right now?  Maybe the petition will help us understand:

Jeffrey Immelt
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
General Electric Company
3135 Easton Turnpike
Fairfield, CT 06828

June 22, 2010

Dear Mr. Immelt,

In the new world order of “too big to fail,” the responsibility for holding corporate leaders accountable now resides with “we the people.”  On that basis, I am urging you to resign as Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of General Electric because you have abandoned the tenets of free enterprise to profit from President Obama’s progressive political agenda.


  • You were a leading proponent of President Obama’s $ 787 billion economic stimulus bill, which failed to curb unemployment but added billions of dollars to our crushing national debt.
  • You are a leading advocate of President Obama’s cap-and-trade policy, which will raise the cost of gasoline, electricity, consumer products and export jobs overseas.
  • You allowed the MSNBC cable TV network to repeatedly hurl demeaning insults, often of a racial or sexual nature, at patriotic Americans who are peacefully challenging President Obama’s big-government policies.

Your work is a risk to the founding American values of liberty and free enterprise.  “We the people” urge you to resign.

The Free Enterprise Project

Oh.  They’re sick of being called white racist teabaggers.  HILARIOUS.

And the grudge against GE is longstanding.  In fact, if you look at the amicus curiae, they inexplicably say

“Contrary to Austin and McConnell, freedom of the press belongs not just to corporations like General
Electric, but rather to “the people.””

And I guess they put “the people” in quotes because they’re actually talking about corporations that are not GE.

If you search the phrase “general electric” on their site you get at least 100 hits going back to 1997.  Most of the ones I read seemed pretty angry with the company, except one from 2001, which, based on their claim that PCBs, some of the most poisonous compounds on earth, are not harmful, and that GE should not be held responsible for dumping them in the Hudson River.  I mean, I guess insisting that poor people get slowly poisoned by denying that the poison exists trumps everything.

Drain Clogs – 06-21-2010

The Texas Republican Party has released their new 25-page manifesto where they have gone more crazy than usual. It’s time to mess with Texas.

We recommend a national sales tax (which does not include a Value Added Tax) to replace all other Federal taxes once the I.R.S. is abolished and the Sixteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is repealed. However, until such time that the income tax is abolished, we support deductions for private and home schooling, home mortgages, and sales taxes.

We believe the Minimum Wage Law should be repealed.

We urge the Texas legislature in its next biennial session to enact legislation requiring a sonogram be performed and offered as part of the consent process to each mother seeking an elective abortion.

We oppose the legalization of sodomy.

We oppose the implementation of one world currency.

See a Census Worker not getting threatened? It is unusual.

Mosque fun in Tennessee…Tracey Steven, who also attended, said, “Our country was founded through the founding fathers — through the true God, the Father and Jesus Christ.

Marco Rubio – deadbeat.

Some lady from Northern Exposure is crazy.

Teabaggers are declaring Florida Tea Party candidates as plants, further proving they are nothing but the knuckle-dragging wing of the GOP

Cartoon of the Day – 1930 Edition!:

Those heat waves are part of the reason for the dust bowl. We need more cloud people in comics.

Corporate welfare and Princes in exotic destinations

Extending the corporate safety net: ARPA-e

Recognizing the need to reevaluate the way the United States spurs innovation, the National Academies released a 2006 report, “Rising Above the Gathering Storm”, that included the recommendation to establish an Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy (ARPA-E) within the Department of Energy (DOE). The America COMPETES Act (PDF 39 KB), signed into law in August of 2007, codified many of the recommendations in the National Academies report. Authorized but without an initial budget, ARPA-E received $400 million funding in April 2009 through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). ARPA-E is modeled after the successful Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the agency responsible for technological innovations such as the Internet and the stealth technology found in the F117A and other modern fighter aircraft. Specifically, ARPA-E was established and charged with the following objectives:

  1. To bring a freshness, excitement, and sense of mission to energy research that will attract many of the U.S.’s best and brightest minds—those of experienced scientists and engineers, and, especially, those of students and young researchers, including persons in the entrepreneurial world;
  2. To focus on creative “out-of-the-box” transformational energy research that industry by itself cannot or will not support due to its high risk but where success would provide dramatic benefits for the nation;
  3. To utilize an ARPA-like organization that is flat, nimble, and sparse, capable of sustaining for long periods of time those projects whose promise remains real, while phasing out programs that do not prove to be as promising as anticipated; and
  4. To create a new tool to bridge the gap between basic energy research and development/industrial innovation.

Would refraining from giving patents funded by public research to private corporations just this once really be that hard?  I know it’s the standard for how we do things in the U.S., but getting this technology out there is kind of important.

It looks like while Blackwater is being sold, Mr. Prince is running off to the United Arab Emirates:

Sources close to Blackwater and its secretive owner Erik Prince claim that the embattled head of the world’s most infamous mercenary firm is planning to move to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The Middle Eastern nation, a major hub for the US war industry, has no extradition treaty with the United States. In April, five of Prince’s top deputies were hit with a fifteen-count indictment by a federal grand jury on conspiracy, weapons and obstruction of justice charges. Among those indicted were Prince’s longtime number-two man, former Blackwater president Gary Jackson, former vice presidents William Matthews and Ana Bundy and Prince’s former legal counsel Andrew Howell.

Have fun with the corrupt Islamic monarchs!

Drain Clogs – 06-18-2010

Teabaggers are trying to take down Chris Matthews in an effort similar to what was done to Glenn Beck’s sponsors. FreedomWorks chief Dick Armey is also telling candidates not to go on MSNBC, but that’s less of a spiteful attack on Matthews and more of a fear that their nutball candidates will actually say things they believe and scare off voters.

“Buy solar. Get a gun.”

The Red Cross has been fined $21 million since 2003 over crappy blood screening, including the latest $16 million fine. Oh, and they also sell blood, which you probably didn’t know.
Disclaimer – I give money to the Red Cross disaster funds

Mother Jones has the 10 most ridiculous Congressional oil spill quotes.

Cartoon of the Day:
Enjoy the new comic Microman! It is Joe the Plumber approved. Buy it now, because this Teabagger gravy train won’t last after Obama is out in 2016.

Drain Clogs – 06-17-2010

Will the Department of Education crack down on for-profit colleges? Probably not, or at least not much.

Congressional candidate and teabagger hopeful Bill Randall (in NC-13’s primary race) has decided that the Federal Government and BP conspired to create the oil spill.

Maybe that’s why actual Congressman Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) apologized to BP’s CEO during hearings today. I am sure it is entirely a coincidence that Barton gets lots of campaign contributions from BP and other oil companies…
He has since apologized for his apology after getting blasted from both the right and left. That’s a lot of apologizing.

There is legitimate criticism of Obama’s recent speech, and then there is this garbage
Someone got paid to write this, and Paul J.J. Payack got paid to say it. Millions of other Americans are jobless.

Obama’s gutting reform to protect CEO pay! WOOOOoooOOOoOO!!
Oh, wait… that sucks! BOOOOOooooOOOOOooOOO!!!!

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-16-2010

The GOP is so proud of Rand Paul and Sharron Angle it is hiding them so they don’t become the new face of the GOP.

BP agrees to a $20 billion victims compensation fund. I will go out on a limb here and say it won’t be enough.

Crazy lady Michelle Bachmann is already screaming that the fund is a “redistribution of wealth”

YahooNews comments gave us this gem:


Dracubama is a new one.

And this:

BP should have told that freaking IDIOT!!! of a worthless President,
to go and F@#& himself along with the rest of his cronnies. When will
a company stand up and tell this administration, and tell them we’re not doing anything
anymore, and if you clowns keep on we’ll close up shop here in the Sates,
and go elsewhere to another country How you like that.

I think it would be hilarious if BP tried that, because the only response is to seize all American BP assets by the Federal government, which would be awesome. Too bad Obama would never do that.

BP is still barring access to the beaches.

Meg Whitman has now donated $91 million of her own money to run for CA governor. And she’s running as a fiscally responsible candidate.

World-o-crap takes down RenewAmerica’s Paul Craft

Real Patriots are squatters, apparently. I knew about this story by itself, but now that it is part of some sort of wingnut scam network it has taken a whole new twist.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-15-2010

Obama loves the blacks, hates the whites, so say Rep. Steve King, the worst thing to come out of Iowa ever. Be he’s totally not racist.

He was on a mission from God. Seriously.

An American carrying a sword and pistol who told police he was on a mission to kill Osama bin Laden has been arrested in a remote mountain forest in northern Pakistan.

Police said they detained Gary Brooks Faulkner, a construction worker from California, as he attempted to cross the border with Afghanistan in Chitral district.

Meg Whitman likes to shove people.

Depressing story of the day: A meeting with the Muslim American Society about the proposed Mosque in Staten Island turned into a bunch of people yelling and gave us this lovely slice of America:

But just 20 minutes earlier, as Bill Finnegan stood at the microphone, came the meeting’s single moment of hushed silence. Mr. Finnegan said he was a Marine lance corporal, home from Afghanistan, where he had worked as a mediator with warring tribes.

After the sustained standing ovation that followed his introduction, he turned to the Muslims on the panel: “My question to you is, will you work to form a cohesive bond with the people of this community?” The men said yes.

Then he turned to the crowd. “And will you work to form a cohesive bond with these people — your new neighbors?”

The crowd erupted in boos. “No!” someone shouted.

Sharron Angle is a wack-a-doodle, was a member of a fringe political party, and is now getting brought to DC so she can try to convince Republican bigwigs she isn’t an extremist wack-a-doodle.

The NRA gets an exemption from financial disclosure rules. Also, RedState whines the NRA isn’t conservative enough.

A Minutemen group co-founder Chris Simcox has a warrant out for him so he can get served a subpoena in regards to threatening his estranged wife and young children with a gun, and a rival MCDC guy – Stacey O’Connell – is serving up fake wanted posters of Chris Simcox to make things confusing. Chris Simcox was co-founder of MCDC – Minuteman Civil Defense Corps – and was a former advisor on the J.D. Hayworth senate campaign. Stacey O’Connell also has an injunction against him for harassing another guy!

Cartoon of the Day:

Wingnut Web – Cheering the Misfortunes of Americans Edition

We haven’t visited Resistnet for a while, let’s see how they are doing! Remember, Resistnet claims to value personal liberty and freedom for all Americans, so when something like this is posted:
You can bet the responses will be filled with people totally upset that American citizens are fleeing a US state under fear of persecution for their race and being lumped in with a bunch of criminals.

Like this one, the first response from Resistnet National Director Darla Dawald:
Wait a minute, the National Director is cheerleading American citizens fleeing for their safety???

Luckily the rest of Resistnet couldn’t be so cruel!

Oh, wait…

All Hispanics are illegal, and swarm like locusts

Hispanics – 100% Illegal Aliens who sit under trees and force all good White Americans to be recluses.

Wishing misfortune on parts of America = True Patriotism

Less Brown, it’s a win WIN!

We shoot all Brown People in Upstate New York!

When Resistnet’s South Dakota state director is the Unabomber, I think there is a problem

Country Music – the Devil’s Playground

That’s how you patriotically resist – you badly Photoshop pregnant men! George Washington Photoshopped at the Delaware River and singlehandedly won us the Revolutionary War, he did!

Ronald Reagan – giant communist!

One Final Word: Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell is a Communist, as is Office Space!

Elite Billionaires are Pure Communists who are part of the Agenda 21 Plan from the NWO. This is Patriotic Resistance.

I see Brown People at my nursing home!

There is a Secret 13th Amendment that says I am King of America, and also the US is a Corporation which is Communist!

Everyone, write crazy letters to random attorneys! IT IS THE ONLY WAY!

The Agenda 21 Plan is worse that Communism…it’s Communitarianism!

Alex Jones videos are known for their truthfulness.

Bill O’Reilly didn’t read my mom’s letter…thus…CONSPIRACY!!!!

And with her last post the nursing home cut off internet access…

Meet me at McDonald’s for Jesus.

We are down the rabbit hole now, and through the rabbit tunnel, across the rabbit bridge, and taking a rabbit rocket ship to rabbit outer space. Once there, we’ll find out the true meaning of the conspiracies, the awfulness of the UN’s Agenda 21 Plan and the Communitarianism Agenda of the Communist Billionaire Bankers who are all George Soros. But that is next time on Wingnut Web!

Drain Clogs – 06-14-2010

Glenn Beck’s new book The Overton Window is at bookstores now, and if you can’t make it to Border’s to read a copy at the cafe without buying it, Media Matters has the breakdown. The important thing to know is “don’t tease the panther.”

Johnson and Johnson hired fake shoppers to buy up bad Motrin so they didn’t have to do a public recall.

Is the Red Dawn remake being kept from theaters by a Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy? Yes, that conspiracy is the Free Market, because MGM is broke. Damn you, Free Market, you commie Marxist Nazi!

We are never leaving Afghanistan – Trillions of dollars of minerals in Afghanistan
Oh, wait, we knew about this crap years ago!

Paypal has cut off notorious crazy lady Pam Geller/Atlas Shrugs from taking any more donations. Thus, Paypal and Ebay are now Muslims or something. Hey, maybe you can show your worth on the Free Market now, Pam!

Teabagger and Republican hopeful Rick Barber, running for congress in a primary runoff in Alabama’s Second District, has a new commercial where he has a seance with the Founding Fathers and features pistol imagry and talk of gathering your armies to fight the IRS.

Barber said that using the phrase “gather your armies” and stroking revolutionary-era pistols could lead some to get the wrong impression of his message — but there’s nothing that can be done about that.

“You’ve always got some folks that could take it the wrong way,” he said.

NC Democratic Rep. Bob Etheridge beats up a “college student”, giving Andrew Breitbart’s Big Government project (via the Stage Right Show) another coup. Way to go, Rep Etheridge! I am sure rewarding Breitbart’s buddies by providing a reaction to their harassment techniques will prevent them from going even further in the future!

Cartoon of the Day:

Neoliberal technocrats openly endorse coloniaism

Before, they concealed it behind a veneer of expertise and formal institutions, but their truly stunning failures have apparently given rise to a desire to do things a little more hands on and behind the scenes.  The Atlantic has a new article about Paul Romer’s plan to force poor people around the world to behave how he wants them to.  The entire article is a stunning example of just how shameless some hacks that serve as self-appointed sources of “enlightened opinion” are, but I’m going to keep it short and try to focus on the proposal.

Paul Romer is promoting the idea of “charter cities” where people with enough money and certainty about their benevolent intentions would actually buy themselves colonies:

By building urban oases of technocratic sanity, struggling nations could attract investment and jobs; private capital would flood in and foreign aid would not be needed….Romer looks to the chief source of legitimate coercion that exists today—the governments that preside over the world’s more successful countries. To launch new charter cities, he says, poor countries should lease chunks of territory to enlightened foreign powers, which would take charge as though presiding over some imperial protectorate. Romer’s prescription is not merely neo-medieval, in other words. It is also neo-colonial.

There’s really a lot to appreciate just in the wording here, such as “oases of technocratic sanity” which might well be surrounded by barren deserts of democracy, but again, I’m going to have to resist the urge because there’s a lot to cover.

To drive home the importance of good rules to economic growth, Romer sometimes shows a photograph of Guinean teenagers doing their homework under streetlights. The line of hunched, concentrating figures presents a mystery, Romer says; from the photo it is clear that the teens are not dirt poor, and youths like these generally own cell phones. Yet they evidently have no electric light at home, or they would not be studying by the curbside. “So here is the puzzle,” Romer declares: Why do these kids have access to a cutting-edge technology like the cell phone, but not to a 100-year-old technology for generating electric light in the home? The answer, in a word, is rules. Because of misguided price controls in the teenagers’ country, the local electricity utility has no incentive to connect their houses to the power grid. Their society lacks the rules that make technological advance meaningful.

You might be tempted to wonder why he’s so fascinated by this when his own country has problems like massive unemployment being exacerbated by employers increasingly performing credit checks to determine if they should hire people who can’t buy things because they don’t have jobs.  A crucial requirement for enlightened foreign powers is that they never question their wisdom because it would pose a serious challenge to claims of enlightenment.  This brings me to a passage about Cuba:

It must have occurred to [Raúl] Castro, Romer says, that his island could do with its own version of Hong Kong; and perhaps that the Guantánamo Bay zone, over which Cuba has already ceded sovereignty to the United States, would be a good place to build one. “Castro goes to the prime minister of Canada and says, ‘Look, the Yankees have a terrible PR problem. They want to get out. Why don’t you, Canada, take over? Run a special administrative zone. Allow a new city to be built up there,’” Romer muses, channeling a statesmanlike version of Raúl Castro that Cuba-watchers might not recognize. “Some of my citizens will move into that city,” Romer-as-Castro continues. “Others will hold back. But this will be the gateway that will connect the modern economy and the modern world to my country.”

How Cuba ceded Guantanamo Bay provides a great deal of insight on how little has changed in colonialism.  US control stems back to a 1903 treaty imposed by force on a defeated Cuba at the end of the Spanish-American War.  Cuba had been a Spanish colony until the Cubans waged a war for independence that they were on the verge of winning when the United States declared war ostensibly against the Spanish, but in reality against a truly liberated Cuba.  Cuba contests this claim and has been refusing to cash checks for “rent” on the territory for quite some time.

Romer has apparently already tried to do this in Madagascar with very ugly results as “the idea of giving up vast swaths of territory to foreigners [became] increasingly unpopular.”

“Anything that involves land can be manipulated by people who want to rise up against a leader,” [Romer] began. “You have to find a place where there’s a strong enough leader with enough legitimacy to do this knowing that he’s going to get attacked. It narrows the options quite a bit. But we shouldn’t give up without trying a few more places.” In short, a disappointment with one client is no excuse for failing to pitch other ones. Any entrepreneur knows that.

To summarize the virtues of this scheme as seen by its proponents, I can’t really top direct quotes:

Rather than getting a vote at the ballot box, Romer is saying, the residents of a charter city would have to vote with their feet. Their leaders would be accountable—but only to the rich voters in the country that appointed them.


Romer is hardly the only person to doubt that democracy is a necessary condition for economic progress. And to the extent that opt-in charter cities offer a third way—something between pure democracy and pure authoritarianism—those who care for liberty might do well to embrace the experiment. Charter cities make it harder for authoritarians to claim that their system offers the only fast route out of poverty.