Drain Clogs – 06-03-2010

What do you do when citizens are taping cops using excessive force? Make it illegal to video tape cops! Is your state one of the three states of shame?

Let’s have for-profit prisons run by an all-Christian staff! Or maybe we shouldn’t have for-profit prisons….nah!!

A US citizen was among the dead on the Gaza flotilla. Expect lots of pundits and politicians to now explain how it is okay for Israel to kill US citizens. FreeRepublic and friends are already saying Furkan Dogan wasn’t American enough. Maybe next time you should have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a vagina, then maybe the teabaggers and/or Nancy Grace will care about you, Furkan!

Sorry, House Dems, I can’t support your attack on the ethics office. Maybe you should just be ethical, Martha Fudge!

Bobby Jindal still wants to Drill, Baby, Drill!

Paul Krugman proves once again that ACORN and low-income minorities did not cause the housing crash. But that won’t keep Limbagh, Beck, and the teabagging masses from claiming otherwise.

Cartoon of the Day:

Make sure you notice the mice in the teapot

Drain Clogs – 06-02-2010

Turncoat Rep. Parker Griffith got his butt beat in the Republican Primary last night. In the words of Baby Animal from Muppet Babies: Go bye-bye!

Former Florida GOP chair Jim Greer has been arrested and is charged with six felony counts of fraud, theft, and money laundering due to a shell company called Victory Strategies that he set up to skim money from his fundraising efforts. TPM has the affidavit if you want to read it for LOLs.

Palin is saying the Gulf Oil Disaster proves her Drill, Baby, Drill garbage was right! She also goes on to say that Jesse James and Tiger Woods prove marriage works.

Home sales soared in April, proving the economy is back on track. Or that people were rushing to buy homes before the tax credits expired and home sales will come crashing down when the May reports his. But, whatever, buy now or be priced out forever!

In the wake of Democratic Senate Candidate Richard Blumenthal lying about his military record, Republicans have come out of the woodwork to lie about their military records! IL Senate candidate Mark Kirk is a big fat liar, Rep. Gary Miller is a big fat liar, and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is a big fat liar about her dad.

Cartoon of the Day:

The terrorist flotilla

I happened to have been following this story closely for several days before the attack, so watching the response has been one of the most absurd spectacles I’ve ever seen the media go through–not a statement I make lightly.  This is actually the ninth, and by far the largest, attempt by the group that organized this.  This story necessarily starts long before the passengers were killed by Israeli commandos.  The website for the Free Gaza Movement has details on all of their trips (the first was in August 2008). On May 24th, as some of the ships were preparing to depart from Cyprus, the Sydney Morning Herald wrote a long story describing the groups latest trip that provides good background.

By May 27th, the Israeli navy was preparing to send commandos after several boats filled with unarmed human rights activists from around the world, including a Nobel peace laureate and a former UN Assistant Secretary General from Ireland, three German MPs, an Israeli Arab MK, a Swedish author, a former Prime Minister of Malaysia, a former diplomat and a retired Colonel (who, in his service, survived a previous run-in with the Israeli military) from the United States, a Holocaust survivor, and six to seven hundred others from over twenty countries.

It’s worth noting that there wasn’t exactly unanimous support for attacking the ships carrying aid to Israel,  nor is there unanimous support for the policies necessitating the aid in the first place.  Israeli organizations petitioned the government to allow the ships through, and a minority in the government held the same position, but the government’s insane right-wing majority was convinced that breaking the blockade was somehow a threat to Israel.  Haaretz columnist Gideon Levy wrote a damning column about the decision:

The Israeli propaganda machine has reached new highs its hopeless frenzy. It has distributed menus from Gaza restaurants, along with false information. It embarrassed itself by entering a futile public relations battle, which it might have been better off never starting. They want to maintain the ineffective, illegal and unethical siege on Gaza and not let the “peace flotilla” dock off the Gaza coast? There is nothing to explain, certainly not to a world that will never buy the web of explanations, lies and tactics.

Only in Israel do people still accept these tainted goods. Reminiscent of a pre-battle ritual from ancient times, the chorus cheered without asking questions. White uniformed soldiers got ready in our name. Spokesmen delivered their deceptive explanations in our name. The grotesque scene is at our expense. And virtually none of us have disturbed the performance.

The chorus has been singing songs of falsehood and lies. We are all in the chorus saying there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza. We are all part of the chorus claiming the occupation of Gaza has ended, and that the flotilla is a violent attack on Israeli sovereignty – the cement is for building bunkers and the convoy is being funded by the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood. The Israeli siege of Gaza will topple Hamas and free Gilad Shalit. Foreign Ministry spokesman Yossi Levy, one of the most ridiculous of the propagandists, outdid himself when he unblinkingly proclaimed that the aid convoy headed toward Gaza was a violation of international law. Right. Exactly.

The following day, a still unknown number of civilians were dead (likely somewhere between ten and twenty) and dozens more were wounded.  There was no turning back now.  The government and the military began a public relations campaign to try to minimize the fallout by selectively censoring the domestic media, severely restricting the foreign media, and feeding lies to the US media to be relayed more or less uncritically.  This is the point where the absurdity really begins.

It seems that the problem isn’t what happened, but how it will be perceived which is itself a very confusing issue (with overt racial overtones).

A columnist at the Jerusalem Post, where Wolf Blitzer began his career, fumes:

As expected, the provocation mounted by Muslim organizations in association with “peace activists” was successful beyond their wildest dreams: There were casualties. They can now continue pointing the finger at Israel and blaming it for everything under the sun. The organizers of the flotilla, a fanatic Turkish organization known under the initials IHH and its European partners, had repeatedly and explicitly declared before setting out that their purpose was to break the Gaza siege and embarrass Israel.

The humanitarian supplies brought on board were just a ploy to hide their avowed objective. Israel did all it could to stop it. Appeals to Turkey went unheeded and that country let the flotilla sail and gave its assistance. Israel offered to have all humanitarian supplies brought to the Ashdod port where they could then be sent to Gaza through our crossings. Israel also asked the “peace militants” to transmit a letter to captured IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, who has been in Hamas custody for almost four years. The militants were not interested in any humanitarian operation. They wanted to carry out their joint Arab-European propaganda offensive against Israel in order to delegitimize the Jewish state, deepen its isolation and provoke an international outcry.


Unfortunately we are the target of an Arab and international propaganda offensive characterized by the deliberate refusal to present the Israeli positions and indeed anything positive about that country. This is “political correctness” in its starkest expression. The organizers of the so-called humanitarian operation understood only too well that they could go on with their plans secure in the support of the Arab and European media.

A Haaretz story details how some Israelis (who probably haven’t been told the truth),  “brandished their keyboards and went to war, fighting to save Israel’s image” on Facebook and Twitter.

On the floor of Israel’s legislative body, the Knesset, a legislator who was aboard one of the ships (and treated the wounded) is denounced by a member of the governing party:

MK Miri Regev (Likud) said Zoabi is “responsible for a double crime: Joining terrorists, and a moral crime against the state of Israel.” Regev then called at her in Arabic: “Go to Gaza, you traitor.”

“She sat here over a year ago and pledged allegiance to the state of Israel and its laws,” Regev claimed. “I have no intention of stifling free speech, but in the case of MK Zoabi – it is not freedom of speech. The Gaza flotilla was a terrorist flotilla and MK Zoabi needs to be punished. We don’t need Trojan horses in the Knesset.”

This narrative is extremely familiar to our own right-wing nuts and they’ve carried this narrative over to the United States seamlessly. Michelle Malkin has dubbed it the “thug flotilla” and hopes the Israelis kill the passengers on the remaining boat carrying the thuggish 1976 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire.

Former Reagan Assistant Treasury Secretary Paul Craig Roberts explains the mentality of his estranged ideological allies:

Many Christian evangelicals, brainwashed by their pastors that it is God’s will for Americans to protect Israel, will believe the Israeli story, especially when it is unlikely they will ever hear any other. Conservative Americans, especially on Memorial Day when they are celebrating feats of American arms, will admire Israel for its toughness.   Here in north Georgia where I am at the moment, I have heard several say, admiringly,  “Them, Israelis, they don’t put up with nuthin.”

Conservative Americans want the US to be like Israel. They do not understand why  the US doesn’t stop pissing around after nine years and just go ahead and defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan.  They don’t understand why the US didn’t defeat whoever was  opposing American forces in Iraq. Conservatives are incensed that America had to “win”  the war by buying off the Iraqis and putting them on the US payroll. Israel murders people and then blames its victims. This appeals to American conservatives, who want the US to do the same.

Coincidentally, another former Reagan official was on one of the boats and has been interviewed by NPR:

“We awakened to have the commandos already on board. They’d come up very quietly in their little boats, their Zodiacs. There was just enough time to get a small passive resistance effort started — tried to keep them out of the wheelhouse and away from the engine room. Some people got roughed up, punched and kicked, and you know, arms twisted, and some cuts and bruises and things along that line. Nothing critical at that point.”

“We had talked about what to do and how to be non-violent because the last thing you want to do is provoke armed soldiers. I’ve seen three newspapers since the plane landed in New Jersey, and several times the Israelis have been quoted as saying that their guys were armed with paint guns. Well, indeed they were, as well as pistols and automatic rifles and stun(?) grenades and pepper spray.”

“It was a humanitarian aid mission. And I cannot speak for anybody on that trip except me and the people that I was associated with in going over there. And our hope was that the Israelis come to the conclusion that what they should do, which would avoid the kinds of things that have happened now, was to let the materials come in.”

“Well, you now, nobody wants anything bad to happen to Israel, understand, and I’m certainly in that category. But I fear that bad things are going to happen if they keep doing what they’re doing. And not just to Israel, bad things are going to happen to Palestinians and to Americans, because of what is happening in Palestine and also because of what is NOT happening in Palestine. All three groups are going to suffer.”

I never imagined I’d be wanting people to listen to a former Reagan diplomat so badly.

Drain Clogs – 06-01-2010

Remember when we kicked the South’s butt and ended slavery? It didn’t take. Over 1000 slaves freed since 1997.

CrooksandLiars has a good rundown of the recent spree of Rightwing nuts mainstreaming violent talk against Progressives.

Speaking of CrooksandLiars, their book comes out today!

Barack Obama’s election to this nation’s highest office was an historic achievement in American politics. His victory brought the best out in many Americans, but sewed the seeds of venom and hatred in many, many others.

In the first two weeks of Obama’s presidency, more than 200 hate crimes were committed throughout the United States, including assault, arson, and murder. And within a few months, a seemingly new right wing populist faction called the Tea Party Movement invaded the political landscape.

In a groundbreaking new book, Over the Cliff: How Obama’s Election Drove the American Right Insane (PoliPoint, June 2010), blogosphere pioneers John Amato and David Neiwert carefully document the aftermath of Obama’s victory in chilling fashion.

Amato and Neiwert explain that this “movement” was not the organic uprising it was made to appear, but rather was kick-started by Roger Ailes’ FOX News and follows in a long tradition of movement conservative activism that harkens back to the street theater days of Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed and Grover Norquist…

Over the Cliff puts the finger on the driving force behind this descent into madness: the extremist Radical Right, where the Tea Party movement’s most unhinged ideas originate, and the conservative pundits and politicians who were willing accomplices to a divisive politics of resentment.

Primaries today in three states – Alabama, Mississippi, and New Mexico. I think we’ll be saying goodbye to turncoat Rep. Parker Griffith.

Memo to media: Do not trust Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 05-31-2010

First off, Happy Memorial Day to all those who’ve served bravely and continue to serve in our nation’s armed forces, protecting the United States and our way of life from those would would seek to destroy it or are otherwise jealous of how awesomely bad-ass our country and our military are. Now go enjoy a parade and BBQ and some beaches!

Surprise! 78% of the internet believes that FOX News anchor Greta Van Susteren is stupid! Protip Greta: never ask the internet for their opinion on anything. This is how the Tea Parties got started:

Hey, someone found an old BP advertisement from 1999 when the oil giant was just beginning to tap into US pipelines. Who would have thought a mere decade or so later they would have ruined beyond repair some of our nation’s most fragile ecosystems!

Israeli Army commandos stormed a Palestinian aid vessel carrying supplies and food bound for Gaza. UK reports suggest 16 or so Palestinians aboard the “floatilla” have been killed.

The Atlantic asks, “Has the Tea Party done anything for the GOP?“. Besides teaching conservative protesters how to spell their signs incorrectly, the answer is: “NO!”.

Cartoon of the holiday weekend:

Wingnut Web – Resistnet and the two legged bottom feeding scum sucking slugs Edition

In our rush to get Politisink set up and have a variety of information and targets, we have neglected our favorite target, Resistnet.com! That oversight will now be corrected as Resistnet.com gets slammed in our latest Wingnut Web! We got racists, not racists, FEMA camp discussion, Kagan freakouts, Oil Rig Conspiracies, Obama’s gonna murder us all conspiracies, and several posters who don’t seem to be posting in English. Which is odd, as they seem to be against people not speaking English.

Totally not racist!

Is that the same Robert Robertson who is the militia dude who runs one of the sites having a spat with the WRAM nutballs?

I just discovered giant companies are evil, and it is somehow the fault of illegal immigrants!

Let’s blame illegals for this instead of the American-owned slaughter houses doing all the unsafe practices! That sounds like the logic of someone with cysts in the brain.

No. And Why Are You Capitalizing Every Word In The Sentence?

When Obama speaks all I hear are Ke$ha songs!

I’ll just make up some stuff about Mexico to try to fearmonger you into believing me, all while saying it is the other side doing the fearmongering!

This guy must think that all Mexicans are covered in BP oil spill crud or something

Let’s take advice from Iran and China! And isn’t it great that the State Director for South Dakota can’t even speak English right?

This is what happens when you go on the internet while drunk and stupid.

P Diddy was literally going to kill every black person who didn’t die, and every black person is only days away from African violence-fest 2010. but not racist! The movie this moron is talking about is famous 1966 exploitation “documentary” Africa Addio, which is as racist as you would expect.

FEMA camps and World War 11 (which wasn’t as cool as World War 10)

1LT Overthrow The President!

The terrible secret is most progressives had never heard of Alinsky, Cloward, or Piven until Beck and his buddies wouldn’t shut up about them. And while the Alinksy book is a good read, they serve a far greater function as invisible boogeymen to scare the Right (along with SOROS!!!)

Al Sharpton – Devil Preacher

Illegals are now going to be like a swarm of locust and move from state to state devouring state budgets. But not racist!

How dare they allow people the right to vote! Especially….Brown Americans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Garry Newby does a good summary here of all the blatant lies conservatives actually believe about Barack Obama. Except he actually believes all of them, probably because his brain fell out in the late 1980s. I also enjoy the 56 Meg .WAV file attached to this post for no reason!

Illegals have murdered more Americans than there are Americans! My house is the entire country which is why I shoot everyone illegal I see. Or even those that look slightly illegal (brown) or got a tan at the beach!

By “AMERICAN CITIZENS” she means teabaggers, because everyone else doesn’t count!

Making Puerto Rico a state PROVES Barack Obama was born in Kenya! Trust me, I’m a Marvel comics character!

Commies caused the drill spill! Not my precious giant multinational corporations, who love me!

It’s the pot calling the orange tree black!

The cracks were made by Godzilla!

They are saying….THAT I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE SPILL…and just make up my own FEAR MONGERING!

The Communist Muslims are behind everything that happens ever as part of a secret plot to make Obama look inadequate with a lame response to the spill, to have the NY bomber caught with no problems, and to make a mine owner who fails dozens of safety checks to look bad.

We must be willing to destroy ourselves to ensure that rich people get more money! Come on, patriots, ruin you life! Do it! USA! USA! USA!!

Obama’s gonna kill us all!

When will people learn that I just made up the definition of terms and thus invalidated Obama all by myself? Take that, Obama!

I agree you are pathetic. You’ll be even more pathetic in 2012, and it will be awesome.

Disappointed 69% of America isn’t crazy!

More like the Phoenix Coats!

Look out, MLB, some bald guy is writing about you on the internet!

The Major League Baseball Players Association Union – the most dangerous threat to America today!

What are Hillary Swank, Michelle Malkin, and Nancy Kerrigan going to do to Mom?

Wickipedia is the official Wiki of the Wicked Musical

Obama will murder all athletes because they are against the AZ law…huh??

Let’s ignore the fact we called ourselves teabaggers first until we found out what it meant!

Hey, look, someone calling themselves Teabaggers in this very thread!

dan taylor is too busy huffing paint to be bothered to type in English or even hit the Shift key.

Wait, Mexico is communist now?

White people are so oppressed! Not racist

And now for Resistnet Chat Theater! Today on Resistnet Chat Theater, Resistnet discusses slugs!

Donald Plumb – not a scientist or engineer, but an avid guy who makes crap up he knows nothing about!

Where is Kagan’s birth certificate?

Anyone brown = illegals to SD State Director JEFF

If we clone them, we’ll outbreed those illegals!

Gordon wins the Politisink Award for WTF Are You Talking About? for this Wingnut Web entry!

Gordon has Gay Marriage Tourettes, causing him to have loud outbursts about gay marriage when the subject has nothing to do with gay marriage.

Trust us, we got more! If Resistnet was to go offline today, we’d have enough Wingnut Web updates to make it through the next three months. But Resistnet won’t be going away, there is too much money to make off of poor suckers who think they are “patriots”! So until next time, Remember the Knights Templar!

Drain Clogs – 05-28-2010

Teabagging Nevada Senate candidate Sue Lowden dodges questions about her Civil Rights Act stance. Maybe she thinks Black people should trade chickens for civil rights!

Puerto Rican Man Almost Deported To Mexico – No, it wasn’t in Arizona!

Republican NV State Candidate Dennis Nolan Accused Of Bribing Rape Victim’s Sister

Glenn Beck mocks his intellectual equal – a little girl

More than 113 census takers have been the victims of assaults or attacks this month, the U.S. Census Bureau said late Wednesday.

Alabama Democrat-turned Republican Rep. Parker Griffith has been failing left and right to get support from the Republican establishment, who oddly enough still hate Parker Griffith and aren’t fooled by his party-switching to save his job. But he did get support from Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist. And he also hired a Gilchrist-ally’s consulting firm. Meanwhile, primary challenger Mo Brooks said that Jim Gilchrist refused to endorse him unless Brooks hired Gilchrist’s buddy’s consulting firm. Hmmmm……

Politisink hit over 1000 uniques in our first month! Good job, everyone. This just proves we are awesome!

Cartoon of the Day:

Frank, Fiddy, and The FOX Nation

Oh boy, if you thought a four day Memorial Day weekend was a nice present to receive on a Friday then you probably aren’t as cynical as I am since I was browsing The FOX Nation today and found, not one, but TWO horrible, stereotypical, and bigoted stories that the usual Einsteins over at that last bastion of ‘Fair and Balanced’ opinion decided to pick up on. And even better, one story is about every Conservative’s favorite Congressman from Massachusetts (who just happens to be gay) and the other concerns every Conservative’s favorite Vitamin Water spokesperson and bad-ass rap star (who just happens to be black). Try guessing what the common thread is in the comments on both posts (hint: it’s a disease that only homosexuals and black people can get apparently!).

The first FOX Nation post concerned Rep. Barney Frank making a hilariously off-hand statement about newly elected Hawaiian Rep. Charles Djou. Since apparently Hawaii is the bottleneck through which every Kenyan-born illegal Communist alien pours through and infects this country with their disgusting foreignness Frank suggested that perhaps the press should be putting a little bit of effort into tracking down Djou’s birth certificate, cause, ya know, he could be an EVIL USURPER! The FOX Nation was not amused:

Karen Rogers lays down out her diagnosis for Barney Frank, “useing your appendage for the correct, opposite sex body part”. Get that man 500cc of vagina STAT!

HE HE HO HO!!!!! indeed!

Honey, you haven’t needed a license to operate a dress and fake boobs in Boston since the 1970s.

Wait that whole rent boy thing was being run out of Barney Frank’s house?


Batnam has a preoccupation with Frank’s “disgusting POL”

It’s not like the man’s been in Congress since the 1980s or anything.

Damn I need to move to Mass. it sounds like Barney throws some of the best parties in town.

Your comment must have been PRETTY RIDICULOUS if The FOX Nation found it necessary to moderate it! Not like they do a good job of doing that anyway (that’s why Politisink is here).

Our next story focuses on the star of ’50 Cent: Blood on the Sand’, semi-successful rap artist, and wildly successful beverage salesman 50 Cent! Fiddy has been flying under the radar recently working on his budding film career. For his latest role in the movie “Things Fall Apart”, 50 Cent will be playing a football player who is diagnosed with cancer. Because Hollywood special effects have not yet come to the point where we can digitally retouch actor’s faces and appearance, Fiddy lost a shocking amount of weight to properly portray his character in the film:

OMG he’s like REALLY sickly looking! Does he have like cancer or AIDS or did he get a Ballerectomy or something? Can the people at The FOX Nation even bother to read the two sentence excerpt from the three sentence post on 50 Cent’s website? The answer to every question you have is “Nope!”:

Everyone was keen on the money puns for this story (since black people shouldn’t be allowed to have money ROFLMAOLOL!)

You know AIDS is transmitted by pork chops, right?

50 Cent does porno? What industry HASN’T this man curb-stomped every last dollar out of?


President Bush PERSONALLY gave 50 Cent AIDS. You heard it here first.

Pot calling the kettle black? Black people smoke pot. Smoke is what happens when there’s a fire. Fire is primarily orange and red. Mao’s Communist manifesto is bound in a red cov– OH MY FUCKING GOD 50 CENT IS A COMMUNIST! Go read a book!

Why can’t it be all 3?

See you thought I was kidding about the puns!

And there you have it readers. The FOX Nation: still a horrible cesspool of stay-at-home moms and unemployed NASCAR fans with exactly no comment moderation whatsoever and enough brain power between the 300 or so comments on each story to come up with the same tired gay jokes and AIDS puns we read on in their comments last week.

EDIT: Made a slight correction, thanks for the note TC (I for one blame all the gold I’ve been stockpiling).

The sanctity of Ground Zero

The Right has been throwing a fit about a mosque to be built at “Ground Zero” in New York.   As the NYT notes,

Since long before the Islamist terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, a storefront mosque has been sitting on West Broadway in TriBeCa, a dozen blocks from the World Trade Center. No one seems to have ever minded its being there.


No one is known to have protested the fact that three blocks from ground zero, on Murray Street off West Broadway, there is a strip joint. It prefers to call itself a gentlemen’s club. A man stood on the street corner the other day handing out free passes to willing gentlemen.

On Church Street, around the corner from where Cordoba House would rise, there is a store that sells pornographic videos and an assortment of sex toys. A few doors east of the planned Islamic center, there is an Off-Track Betting office.

So what is all the fuss about? Starting with the mainstream on this, Bret Stephens at the WSJ enlightens us:

Opponents also argue that building the center so close to Ground Zero is an insult to the memory of the victims of 9/11. Germany has spent six decades in conspicuous and mainly sincere atonement for Nazi crimes. But it surely has no plans to showcase the tolerant society it has become by building a cultural center down the road from Auschwitz. Japan is no doubt equally disinclined to finance a Shinto shrine in the vicinity of the Pearl Harbor memorial.

Actually, Auschwitz is in Poland and the Poles turned it into a memorial site in 1947. As for the second example, the US has caused all sorts of problems with military bases on Okinawa since the end of World War II.  For what it’s worth, Okinawa is something like a Japanese colony where one of the most horrifying battles in human history took place between the US and Japan, with Okinawans caught in the middle.  The Japanese military forced many of them to commit mass suicide with grenades so they wouldn’t be captured.

Okinawa today:

Recently, Okinawans had been fighting to get a single one of these moved away until the Japanese military recently caved to US pressure.  Freepers rejoice:

WSJ readers hold similar opinions:

Which I guess puts one of the columns Bret Stephens cited into perspective:

One only need look at the current situations in Muslim-majority countries today, where non-Muslim minorities suffer human rights violations sanctioned under Shariah law, which dominates the constitutions of those nations. The reality of a supremacist system within Islamic culture should be enough to preclude any dialogue with those who live by the U.S. Constitution and subscribe to the modern culture of New York City.

The bases are maintained under a treaty called a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) which effectively put US personnel in Okinawa (and elsewhere) above the law:

In Asia, the SOFA is a modern legacy of the nineteenth-century imperialist practice in China of “extraterritoriality”-the “right” of a foreigner charged with a crime to be turned over for trial to his own diplomatic representatives in accordance with his national law, not to a Chinese court in accordance with Chinese law. Extracted from the Chinese at gun point, the practice arose because foreigners claimed that Chinese law was barbaric and “white men” engaged in commerce in China should not be forced to submit to it. Chinese law was indeed concerned more with the social consequences of crime than with establishing the individual guilt or innocence of criminals, particularly those who were uninvited guests in China.

Following the Anglo-Chinese “Opium War” of 1839-42, the United States was the first nation to demand “extrality” for its citizens. All the other European nations then acquired the same rights as the Americans. Except for the Germans, who lost their Chinese colonies in World War I, Americans and Europeans lived an “extraterritorial” life in China until the Japanese ended it in 1941 and Chiang Kai-shek’s Kuomintang stopped it in 1943. But men and women serving overseas in the American armed forces still demand that their government obtain as extensive extraterritorial status for them as possible. In this modern version, extrality takes the form of heavy American pressure on countries like Japan to alter their systems of criminal justice to conform with procedures that exist in the United States, regardless of historical and cultural differences.

Rachel Cornwell and Andrew Wells, two authorities on status of forces agreements, conclude, “Most SOFAs are written so that national courts cannot exercise legal jurisdiction over U.S. military personnel who commit crimes against local people, except in special cases where the U.S. military authorities agree to transfer jurisdiction.” Since service members are also exempt from normal passport and immigration controls, the military has the option of simply flying an accused rapist or murderer out of the country before local authorities can bring him to trial, a contrivance to which commanding officers of Pacific bases have often resorted. At the time of the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington in September 2001, the United States had publicly acknowledged SOFAs with ninety-three countries, although some SOFAs are so embarrassing to the host nation that they are kept secret, particularly in the Islamic world. Thus, the true number is not publicly known.

Drain Clogs – 05-26-2010

Will Folks, the blogger not married to SC Republican gubernatorial candidate Nikki Haley who claims he was getting naughty with her, has released text messages that he says proves the affair. They certainly prove that texting was done.

James O’Keefe, fake ACORN pimp, got a slap on the wrist for his federal wiretapping crimes today. It helps to commit illegal acts with the son of a powerful district attorney. Keep in mind that is O’Keefe was brown, Republicans would be on TV calling for his summary execution without trial. O’Keefe has vowed to continue his “undercover work”, and is probably continuing it right now by breaking into your house and going through your wife’s underwear drawer.

Rand Paul is even ticking off Libertarians

Cartoon of the Day: