Uh-oh! It looks like the latest Birther lawsuit has been thrown out like every other Birther lawsuit. You know what that means – FreeRepublic posters gone wild! And here is our Death Threat of the Day!
This is a real ad from a guy running for Congress
“Turn This Ship Around” is a real ad from Mark Oxner, who is battling Alan Grayson in Florida.
Help turn this ship around! Go to http://MarkOxnerForCongress.com to stop Obama and his pet progressive parrot, Alan Grayson! Share with everyone to give Grayson the bird 🙂
Drain Clogs – One Ding-a-ling to Rule Them All Edition…
- Alabama State Senator Shadrack McGill (R, of course!) thinks the Bible says we should give teachers crappy pay. He doesn’t think that about Alabama State Senators, as he voted for his own 67% salary increase. Like Jesus would do.
- A 14-year-old home schooled girl asked the Maryland state lawmakers to ban same-sex marriage for her birthday. Then her mom showed up in the ThinkProgress comments and began yelling at everyone
- RNC Chairman Reince Priebus compared President Obama to the captain of the crashed Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia, the guy who ran off and abandoned people to die. The comment was so bad, even Michael Steele was shocked!
- In other Eliminationist news, Michael Reagan called liberals termites “eating away at the foundations” of America.
- War Criminal US Representative Allen West (R, of course!) says Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the chairman of the Democrat National Committee [Debbie Wasserman-Schultz] need to “get the hell out of the United States of America.”
- Florida State Representative Rachel Burgin (R, of course!) forgot to remove the ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) boilerplate from the pre-written legislation they sent her to submit! But only a fool would think she was bought and sold by these goons.
- Pity the poor Koch Brothers…
- When Is White History Month dot Tumblr
- Things are getting stupid all over…
A new requirement enacted in North Dakota mandates that the health education provided in the state include information on the benefits of abstinence “until and within marriage.”
- Iowa US Senator Chuck Grassley (R, or course!) goes nuts on the Senate floor over Obama’s recess appointments.
- North Carolina State Representative Larry Pittman (R, of course!) says we need to bring back public hangings, starting with abortion providers.
- Info about all of Mitt Romney’s offshore accounts
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R, of course!) said “The fact of the matter is, I think people would have been happy to have a referendum on civil rights rather than fighting and dying in the streets in the South,” while referring to a gay marriage initiative, causing much criticism.
- This is an actual shirt:
- China made their own bootleg Ford F-150
- Cartoon of the Day:
The Muppets attack Fox News!
It’s a good day when a major media company gets into a war of words with some puppets, and that day is upon us as Fox News’s attacks that the Muppet movie has a liberal agenda against oil companies gets a succinct and direct assessment by Miss Piggy.
Drain Clogs – Women killed the Mammoths Edition
- Conservatives have turned to murder and mutilation of cats in order to threaten Democrats:
NSFW for Dead Cat Photo - These gun target signs put up on the doors of Missouri Democrats are totally peaceful surveyor symbols and not a threat the FBI should deal with!
- And another conservative calls for murdering the President to save Israel…
- Here’s some crazy from reddit:
- Hollywood bigwigs have become giant babies because they were unsuccessful in buying Obama over SOPA/PIPA.
- Apple doesn’t manufacture iPhones in the US because of our pesky anti-slavery laws.
- Self-Deport!
- Cartoon of the Day:
FreeRepublic 2012 Purge – Newt or Die!
It’s a day that ends in Y, so it must be time for another purge on FreeRepublic! This time, temperamental site owner Jim Robinson has decided that Free Republic is going to endorse Newt Gingrich!
Sure, the former Speaker of the House is totally a Washington outsider in the same mold as the tea party. That makes perfect sense.
But the real meat of the story is the purge now happening on anyone who doesn’t tow the FreeRepublic line. At first, JimRob has just been zotting supporters of Mitt Romney, while yelling FUMR and similar things. Now, the zot has been extended to everyone who isn’t 100% Newt! And the usual FR sycophants are lined up right behind JimRob, reporting anyone with a dissenting opinion. And I bet he’s wondering why this round of the Freepathon is taking so long…
I sure hope Jim Robinson doesn’t zot this guy who posted in November, because that would be awkward!
Drain Clogs
- Newt Gingrich believes in socialism of his penis, but his then-wife was not impressed.
- Lamar Smith and the MPAA are giant babies, but the SOPA and PIPA protest had an effect as supporters flee the bill like Italian cruise line captains flee their stranded vessels.
- Megaupload has been shut down by the FBI, despite the business and company heads not being American. And the day after the SOPA protests.
- Obama has 273K less government employees than Reagan had, somehow is still a big government commie socialist unlike St. Reagan the Sinless.
- Farm Animals get 80% of the antibiotics sold in the US. And if you think that isn’t a problem, you’re part of the problem!
- Reason to Hate Wall Street of the Day.
- Rick Santorum actually won Iowa, is still awful. Remember, Republicans are totally “transparent” on voting but can’t even get this right.
- Cartoon of the Day:
Obama Asks Betty White To Release Long Form Birth Certificate
Drain Clogs – 01-12-2012
- US Coast Guard to escort grain ship as the military is now being used against striking workers. This is the first time since 1970 and Nixon ordered troops during the postal strike. Between that and the indefinite detention, it’s a proud time to be an American!
- Conservative Huttese Gangster Rush Limbaugh defended attacks against Mitt Romney in regards to Bain Capital, but failed to mention that Bain Capital owns Clear Channel Media, and thus is paying Limbaugh $400 million
- The New York Times – Should we check facts occasionally? They’re seriously asking people that, instead of going “Of course we should, we apologize for sucking so much the past 25 years!”
- It turns out having a sign by your pool saying “Whites Only” IS racist!
- SOPA author Lamar Smith steals images
- Don’t like the service of your waitstaff? If you’re a rich bastard like John Castle, just break their finger and call them a schmuck!
- Angry people tweet Michelle Obama
- Cartoon of the Day:
I can never read this guy’s name…