The Statue of Liberty is UnAmerican!

Yes, Right Wing Nuts are actually saying this! Oklahoma City-based pastor John Benefiel, the head of the Heartland Apostlic Prayer Network and friend of Texas governor Rick Perry (who is also going to Perry’s big Day of Prayer event)

Libertas is also called the Freedom Goddess, Lady Freedom, the Goddess of Liberty. You know there’s a statue in New York harbor called the Statue of Liberty. You know where we got it from? French Free Masons. Listen folks that is an idol, a demonic idol, right there in New York harbor. People say, ‘well no it’s patriotic.’ What makes it patriotic? Why is it? It’s a statue of a false goddess, the Queen of Heaven. We don’t get liberty from a false goddess folks, we get our liberty from Jesus Christ.

Source: RightWingWatch via MotherJones

Wingnut Web – PatriotActionNetwork loves well-done atheist Purple Lip Lovers Edition

Wingnut Web is not dead, it was just caught in the various hard drive explosions. But thanks to the constant stream of Right wing craziness, we’ll never stop having new content! So here is some fun racism and drama from the former, Patriot Action Network! Will PANetwork still be full of violent and racist dicks? Duh! Read on, good citizens!

Jim Soden starts us off with some non-racist racism:

Aren’t you glad he finds PatriotActionNetwork so warm and welcoming of his blatant racism?

Continue reading

Yup I’m a Racist – the Tea Party shirt your dad will be wearing soon

Remember, the Democrats are the real racists, so proudly declare that you are a racist. Uh…..

Yup Im a Racist
Greg Skilling interviewed some of the morons:

Some of them think this shirt is dumb as well, so there’s hope.

Yup Im A Racist Shirt

He's obviously an ACORN Operative!

William Temple’s a Hessian with no aggression

William Temple of Brunswick, GA (leader of the Tea Party Founding Fathers group) is one of the faces of the Tea Party movement due to his cosplay as a Revolutionary War soldier. Temple also claims to be the pastor of a small African-American church in Georgia. But what is odd about Temple’s outfit, is that he doesn’t look like an American Revolutionary War soldier. His outfit looks like the outfits of the Hessian Jaeger troops. You know, the mercenaries hired by the British to fight the Americans! That’s very patriotic of him…or telling…YOU MAKE THE CALL!

Tea Party William Temple

Pictures of Hessian Jaeger uniforms from a reenactment group

And don’t worry, the teabaggers will have their own “jamboree” to determine which Republican these “independents” will vote for

Tea Party Fan Films have arrived

With the band new direct-to-VD Tea Party fan series about colonial life with totally Conservative values! Like un-wed mothers…

The official site for Courage, New Hampshire

Americans need their story!

The bald truth of the matter is that we don’t get enough of it. A handful of major feature films have been made about the American Revolution and very very few about the formative years from Jamestown to Bunker Hill. America, even today, is still very much about those five generations who braved the New World in the fearful decades between Roanoke and Lexington.

They were a sturdy lot of men and women who dreamed of a city built on a hill. Their struggle to create that city and to sustain a republic dedicated to the rare notion of individual freedom and “unalienable rights” has outlived them, but there’s a side of their story we don’t often study: what made them strong enough to fight?

Courage, New Hampshire is the chronicle of a shire town on the western border of New Hampshire. In those days, the inn keeper was often the justice of the peace as well, and neighborly disputes were moderated at the local public house or tavern. Starting with the winter of 1770, we will be telling the seasonal story of the great events of the era, as seen from a country town distant from the colonial capitals. Each new season of this decade, will take the audience on the road to revolution, along with the citizens of “Courage.”

You can help us tell that story by joining the colony.

..Because one or two movies every twenty years isn’t enough! We want a dramatic series — something you can watch every week.
Let’s get started!

Those one or two moves every twenty years are Red Dawn and Red Dawn (remake), btw!

Drain Clogs – 06-20-2011

Hahn’s Homeboyz

Nothing I say will be as ridiculous as this ad from Turn Right USA for CA-36, described as Willie Horton on Steroids. Don’t forget to visit the accompanying website Hahn’s

CA-36 features Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn (D) against Teabagger businessman Craig Huey.

Drain Clogs – 06-07-2011