Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, until I get an email from Darla D! Resistnet.com ruins everything. It seems that Darla Dawald is using 9-11 as a chance to act all sad that Resistnet.com, home to racist hatemongers, has been taken over by racist hatemongers! It’s ironic! I had the brew she had the chronic, which is what Darla must be smoking to have not noticed the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many racism and hate incidents we’ve spotted there. Just check out our archives here and back at the TarsTarkas.NET Blog!
But here’s her email…
Disappointment from Darla
Dear Patriots:
I write this letter to you this morning with a heavy heart. As I sit and look out my hotel window on Ground Zero and as I listen to the bagpipes play patriotic music many people are walking around Ground Zero paying their respects and keeping their promise that we will not forget.
I have to admit though, that in the midst of this atmosphere I have received reports from our admins that many people have basically been openly breaking our No Tolerance Policy, spewing hate, and working against everything we are attempting to do. I completely understand the anger toward the Islamic terrorists that brought down the towers and killed so many 9 years ago today. What I do NOT understand is why you will not follow our guidelines that the Constitution has afforded us as a private business. Your right to speech is guaranteed to you toward your government….that’s it. The 1st amendment does not give the right to any individual to infringe on their rights as a privately owned business or organization.
We appreciate so many of our members those who have attempted to reason with the individuals determined to argue, demean, incite violence, and infringe upon our rights. In my absence I have instructed the admins to issue warnings, shut down these discussions that have been out of control, and suspend those who will not listen to our warnings. Apparently, this is still an issue. So it is with great sadness that I must write this letter and inform you that if you break the rules we will not warn you, we will simply ban your account. We will not tolerate a mutiny and we will enforce our policies.
It may not be popular but it is necessary. We must protect the integrity of this site and the members who regularly abide by our terms of service.
Today is a reminder of the tragedy we have experienced at the hands of terrorists, let us not fight one another.
God Bless the families of victims and all Americans affected by this date.
Well, I’m sure Resistnet couldn’t be so full of racism before 9-11 that it makes this entire email laughable….let’s check!
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