Hey so I was looking though USA Carry the other day after Tars Tarkas brought it to my attention and realized it was mostly full of conservative crazies who hate everything that doesn’t represent an idealized version of the 1950’s that the users collective envision. At one point, one of the posters just writes “I want the America I grew up in back” which seems to be what this whole post could be summed up as. Anyway, onto the crazy people:
This is in response to that fake story where some 11 year old girl who is also a skeet shooting champion kills two illegal immigrant home invaders before they can rape and kill her.

Time for some witty word play about what the ACLU could stand for. Also a nice little call for a new Crusade is tucked into the first post.

And from the same thread. You know your tactics are working if everyone is calling you a racist. The logic there is just astounding.

Here is a post to round out your right wing talking point bingo card. It contains about five.

The “cowboys and Muslims” thing is pretty prevalent around the site. It’s their little joke way of saying “kill all brown people”.

In case you were wondering what the Bill of Rights was really about, it is about spreading the word of God.

Why is gay sex so horrible? Because God said it was worst than every other sin combined. Having sex with a dude (if you’re a dude) or a chick (if you’re a chick) is like a super ultimate sin that trumps all other sins even if you combine other sins. This post also answers the question “could God make a sin so terrible it makes him sick”.

“Hello, My name is Sheldon and I am officially offended by the latest ad you sent me”
“I’m sorry sir, why are you offended by our ad” – comcast employee
“English was not the most prominent language on the ad. In America I want all my marketing in English.”
“I’m sorry sir, I really have no control over the marketing…”
“Well you tell whoever is in charge that if I get another piece of Spanish in my ad I will cancel my subscription”
*sheldon promptly runs and post about this on the internet*

Argggggg! Spanish is everywhere now! Why can’t I just buy jell-o with English only instructions?

These are a little old but this dude really hated the idea of a day of protest where people who are gay or support gay marriage don’t come into work.

We should probably classify homosexuality as a mental illness and try to treat it as such. Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before?

All aboard the horrible logic train. Choo-Choo!

A) I read this dude’s name as fetus for the longest time.
B) This guy just used the “I’m gonna tell my dad” argument when talking about God.

I am a legal American citizen and don’t understand much about anything.

uh…I tried to come up with something funny to say about this post but really the crazy in it stands on its own.

Anothony_I_Am is asking the hard hitting questions about negros.

Marriage, since long before the time of Christ, has been sanctified by the Church

Maybe you’re just a racist man.

Why am I not uniting under Obama? Because I am big crazy loon.

This is Sheldon. He actually used “stop acting like a democrat as an insult”. You’ll see more of him in a second.

*walks into a McDonalds*
*punches a guy and takes his food and french kisses the guys wife*
*gets arrested*
“But your honor. This is America where I can do what I want, when I want wherever I want”.

And now for the post that inspired me to make this update.

Now here is a small sampling of the crazy that is Sheldon. First up are some posts from the thread about the Christians being arrested at the Arab American festival.

And now he lets us know what is and isn’t a militant (hint: Christian no, Muslim yes)

And Sheldon weighs in on the timeline of the world and a fanboy weighs in also to reinforce Sheldon’s crazy.

And finally I leave you with a response one of the liberal posters posted on there that I think sums up conservatives motives on the internet. And don’t forget, all of the above people own guns and want to use them.