via @adventuresofrob
We’ll get you, Bruce Dackler, if it’s the last thing we do!
If you missed the latest of the many many boring Republican presidential debates (I don’t blame you!), then you missed the Tea Party crowd at the CNN/Tea Party Express (bleh!) Debate cheering for a hypothetical 30 year old productive worker with no health insurance to die. Party of life, indeed! Let’s see how many of those angry mob members themselves don’t have health insurance.
Sarah Palin finally showed up on Dancing with the Stars, got booed.
Crazy Teabagger Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is on government health care.
Swiftboating Birther Jerome Corsi wants Obama to “Renounce Lucifer”
Tea Party Patriots got a $1 million anonymous donation from someone horrible. Grass roots millionaires! Remember that Tea Party Patriots was the “grassroots” teabagger group formed by Freedomworks and Washington insider Dick Armey, who still secretly run TPP despite claiming not to.
Health insurance companies decide that they aren’t going to insure kids only anymore. Thank goodness we don’t have single payer, because…..uh…socialism, I guess. Little Billy we be happy as he dies since his mom can’t afford to insure both him and herself.
Senator Saxby Chambliss’s staffers spend their days writing hate comments on websites.
Obama and Biden both are trying to shore up the base by insulting them. Thanks a lot, losers, I’ll use my campaign donations elsewhere.