Happy Veteran’s Day!
The Google Logo for today is making dumb people dumber:

Anyone take a look at google’s salute to Veteran’s Day?
Posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:41:45 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by bgill
I know many of you don’t click over to google.com but just take a look. At first glance, the flag is nice but look a bit closer and you’ll see the red crescent. I’m not buying that it is yet another optical illusion.
crescent=Muslim, for those of you who don’t know.
The G has always looked to me a little bit communist, like a hammer and sickle.
4 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:43:39 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by Genoa (Put the kettle on!)
You can’t spell Gun without G! Guns are communist!
If it IS a secret signal to communists, take note that Old Glory is way ON TOP of the crescent, and the sun is shining in approval.
As I mentioned on another thread, at least they showed the flag on Veteran’s day and did not commemorate some obscure event or birthday.
9 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:45:48 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by DBrow
Yes, and while it’s fine for others to disagree, there is a tone from some of, “you are crazy, stop talking about this, blah blah blah”. I don’t like that at all.
12 posted on Thu Nov 11 2010 11:53:19 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) by brytlea (Jesus loves me, this I know.)
In China, an activist who organized a support group for other parents whose children were sickened from tainted milk has been sentenced to two years in jail for having the audacity to help people.
Teabaggers are dumb. Case #1 – Teabaggers protest a local community’s trash policies as “communist”
Case #2 – Teabaggers protest safe drinking water laws. Hope you like that teabag cancer!
Wall Street F’s over America again.
Criminal and new Florida governor Rick Scott is breaking the law again.
That catfood commission report is dumb and dumb and dumb. Check out dm’s two part analysis here and here.
Cartoon of the Day:
Garfield hates the troops!