Glenn Beck has started his own HuffPo ripoff site, The best part of this is that it will probably kill Tucker Carlson’s DailyHowler, but will still putter along. allows comments, so expect it to show up on a Wingnut Web once free time becomes something I have.
Retired Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney has gone Birther, and is now supporting court martialed birther Lt. Col. Terry Lakin. McInerney works for FoxNews, who will undoubtedly fire him. And by fire him, I mean have him on much more!
We’re getting threatened again, this time by our old pal Helene. You remember her? Her husband invented everything ever.
One thing he didn’t invent was a way to have us not make fun of her, thus she’s gone tattling to Dreamhost (our webhosting company) and “the property government authorities” – Looks like the jig is up! So here is her comment in full (found in the above link)
Hi Frankie,
You caught me. Bet I had you going for a minute didn’t I?
In any event, I have contacted Dreamhost and the property government authorities about your posts. I’m sure you will understand since you love our government nowadays and would love to be a part of their enslavement.
Remember when Anthem Blue Cross decided to raise rates a ridiculous amount and pretty much got the Health Care Reform passed because of it, then backed off? Well, they’re gonna raise the rates again!
Riots in the USA! Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the USA, even if it isn’t a state.
Check out this awesome excessive force action!
Remember the Anonymous Tarp Wife who whined about being embarrassed because her husband’s crappy company destroyed the economy of the entire planet? Well, she’s Liz Peek, and now she thinks she can give financial advice. I’m no expert, but I have a feeling she’s completely and utterly wrong about everything.
This WND dude used to love America more when it was a fictional country. But what do you expect from the author of Liberals: America’s Termites or It’s A Shame That Liberals, Unlike Hamsters, Never Eat Their Young. I think he needs a longer book title.