Wake up in the morning feeling like P-Diddy, until I get an email from Darla D! Resistnet.com ruins everything. It seems that Darla Dawald is using 9-11 as a chance to act all sad that Resistnet.com, home to racist hatemongers, has been taken over by racist hatemongers! It’s ironic! I had the brew she had the chronic, which is what Darla must be smoking to have not noticed the many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many many racism and hate incidents we’ve spotted there. Just check out our archives here and back at the TarsTarkas.NET Blog!
But here’s her email…
Disappointment from Darla
Dear Patriots:
I write this letter to you this morning with a heavy heart. As I sit and look out my hotel window on Ground Zero and as I listen to the bagpipes play patriotic music many people are walking around Ground Zero paying their respects and keeping their promise that we will not forget.
I have to admit though, that in the midst of this atmosphere I have received reports from our admins that many people have basically been openly breaking our No Tolerance Policy, spewing hate, and working against everything we are attempting to do. I completely understand the anger toward the Islamic terrorists that brought down the towers and killed so many 9 years ago today. What I do NOT understand is why you will not follow our guidelines that the Constitution has afforded us as a private business. Your right to speech is guaranteed to you toward your government….that’s it. The 1st amendment does not give the right to any individual to infringe on their rights as a privately owned business or organization.
We appreciate so many of our members those who have attempted to reason with the individuals determined to argue, demean, incite violence, and infringe upon our rights. In my absence I have instructed the admins to issue warnings, shut down these discussions that have been out of control, and suspend those who will not listen to our warnings. Apparently, this is still an issue. So it is with great sadness that I must write this letter and inform you that if you break the rules we will not warn you, we will simply ban your account. We will not tolerate a mutiny and we will enforce our policies.
It may not be popular but it is necessary. We must protect the integrity of this site and the members who regularly abide by our terms of service.
Today is a reminder of the tragedy we have experienced at the hands of terrorists, let us not fight one another.
God Bless the families of victims and all Americans affected by this date.
Well, I’m sure Resistnet couldn’t be so full of racism before 9-11 that it makes this entire email laughable….let’s check!
[adrotate banner=”1″]by Tony Rollo, Resistnet.com
Here is a spooky experience my daughter and I had …
Last night my family made our weekly trip to get necessities.
At a big box store, my 9 year old daughter made a bee line to the WII demo setup as I was checking out computer hardware.
After I found what I needed, I went over to see what games were on demo that my daughter was checking out.
I am a fan of racing games. I am always looking for a good one for my ten minute vacations I take a few times a day.
My daughter was trying out one called “ModNation” for the WII … she was excited to show me the features.
One section was like a garage where you can choose a car design. A lot of cool car designs and graphics.
There were a lot of “ban the bomb” / peace movement (peace sign) symbols everywhere – but those have again come into vogue and are everywhere on everything these days … I can tolerate them.
But then – my daughter choose the next car design and THERE IT WAS –
A HUGE, RED COMMUNIST HAMMER & SICKLE on the car hood – like some kind of soft drink sponsor’s logo would appear.
My daughter let out a gasp when it appeared – she has been studying communist history in her home education studies …
I think she was more shocked than I was …
It was a very obvious yet subtle advertisement – I get it – it is not some innocent addition to the game.
Could you choose any national flags to decorate your car? NO …
The red hammer and sickle was the only recognizable symbol for decoration other than your run of the mill sports car type decorations.
Upon arriving home I did a search on the web for the game ModNation and communist symbol … I was shocked to see a large number of game sites with references –
But these were postings of kids arguing for and against communism …
Here are a few examples posted recently – (remember – these are KIDS)
Disgusting…might as well throw a swastika for us to mod our karts with if we are including the symbols of murderous regimes….just disgusting….probably gunna have to race around with a bunch of 13 year old communists who think its cool….*barfs*
All the more reason to blow them away amigo.
Why does it matter? You realize that the hammer and sickle is actually a symbol for unity between industry and agricultural systems? Which is what communism tried to do (I don’t argue that it failed). So the symbol itself is something that could be considered inspiring.
This jumped out at me too. If you’re not going to include a swastika in the game (and you shouldn’t), then the hammer and sickle shouldn’t be there either.
Oh well, at least it’s an easy way for idiots to self-identify online.
yes it is an easy way for idiots to self identify by getting their knickers in a knot of such a trivial thing. idiots that think the Swastika is an evil symbol.idiots that fear these 2 symbols for no reason need to learn a thing or two.The Hammer and sickle symbolises the unity between industrial and agricultural workers.
Ever heard of Lenin? The hammer and sickle actually represents a noble ideal, it wasn’t created by some random jerk who decided to kill all jews, if you think it’s a horrible symbol because of what Stalin then you obviously don’t know much about the birth of communism.
My mom and dad are from Russia, their parents and a lot of their family were murdered by Stalin’s regime. Communism is terrible and the Hammer and Sickle are very offensive. They barely escaped with their lives. Stalin is as bad as Hitler and you all don’t understand what he put the Russian people through with his mass murders.
you must be very uneducated to say the least. Haven’t we forgotten and gotten over millions being murdered? Hell, let’s just forget the 60+Million lives lost in the last great war on earth which is the reason for you to be able to live as you currently do–as a bozo and blowing farts on their memory. Shouldn’t we just get over all of them? Hell no, because once we do that’s when it will happen again. You’d be wise to remember that.
Seriously, do you people not realize the immense amount of BS that everyone in the world does. You will not find many symbols that are not frowned upon by some country or another. The america flag isnt known for its mass murders even though it was donned at the same time that Hitler and Stalin wore theirs. We dropped the A-bombs, we had the japs in concentration camps(not as severe as hitler but still) Why shouldnt the American flag be a symbolism of terror and horror if you look at the other flags as such, and the Rising Sun too cant use that either. Like everyone said, get over it. Thats the world we live in.
The symbols should be regarded as how they are meant to be regarded as. The people who took it for their symbol and used it for evil is a perversion and it should be looked at it as such. It all depends on the context.
I just have to make one thing clear: Japanese Americans were in relocation camps. Not concentration camps. Nobody was murdered or forced into slave labor. Some people may have died in the camps, but not because they were starved and worked all day.
5 bucks says we’ll be seeing topics like this if they include a cross sticker.
Ok lets look at a scenario. First we take a military force…what should we call them…hmmm I know we will call them Crusaders. Now they need a symbol, How about a crucifix. Now These Crusaders Slaughter millions of innocent people under the image of a Crucifix. now today in the modern world would the crucifix be seen as a sign of Fear and tyranny.
Oh wait that above scenario has happened…guess what The crucifix is seen to a lot off people as a good symbol. So what makes the hammer and sickle any different.
To me, this kind of rhetoric is chilling. A new generation of “useful idiots” are being cultivated in American living rooms on innocent video game consoles …
But isn’t it encouraging that some of the kids are standing up for the truth in history?
Winston Churchill made the best statement about the world we live in today:
“The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”
I also had a conversation with a retired teacher / principal who was proud his little 4 year old grandson who was there was learning chinese in school.
That should make it a lot easier for the CHICOMS when they shout commands at his grandson in a couple of decades as he works on an assembly line under guards with machine guns.
You may think this is just reactionary. A lot of people believe that it is just silly to think that communism still exists in this modern “free” world we live in. Tyrrany never goes out of style to the tyrrants and ruling class …
As Benjamin Franklin said: “Small holes sink mighty ships”
Wifebeating racist cartoonist Mike Lester (who has been featured here as a Cartoon of the Day a few times) has gone all legal threats happy on a fellow cartoonist who dared to call Lester the racist he is!
lease be aware that your comments are being monitored. Like all our readers, you are free to disagree w/ my cartoons. However, should you libel and or slander me or my newspaper publicly, we will seek legal remedy. We are also in possession of previous blog entries.
Mike Lester
Mr. Lester
re: your hilarious and insane threat to sue me
I appreciate your alerting me that my comments are being monitored. I am not sure if you are aware of this, but that is generally what people hope happen to their comments when they are posted on a website on the internet. I am glad to hear you are also in possession of previous blog entries. I too have internet access.
As a professional courtesy, please consider spelling my name correctly when delivering any future baseless and ludicrous threats because your feelings were hurt. As a personal favor, please stop making racist, ignorant and illogical cartoons.
The Koran burning is on-again, off-again, with the tiny church pastor Terry Jones saying he’s not going to do it because the community center got moved, the community center not knowing what he’s talking about, and Donald Trump wandering in. And Fred Phleps is claiming he’ll burn Korans if the other guy chickens out. Who knows??? We’ll see tomorrow if things go up in flames.
At Politisink, we agree the church has the right to burn the Korans because free speech is awesome, but free speech also gives us the right to call this shenanigan damn dumb. Because it is damn dumb.
Our friends at Resistnet.com have freaked out over the Koran burning, by deleting every post that mentions it and even shutting down chat in an effort to stem the calls for Muslim Final Solutions that are appearing all over the site, probably because they know we’re watching them. Because we are. At the same time, the Resistnet Admins are going to New York with a petition to try to get the Community Center moved.
In the past few weeks some stories have slipped by due to work leaving me solo, so here we’re catching up on one and using it as an excuse to post more Resistnet caps. Remember Tea Party Express racist Mark Williams? He wrote a fake letter to the NAACP by a “slave” that was denounced by pretty much everyone with a nanogram of common sense. Then the Tea Party Express kicked him out. He disappeared…for a few weeks, and is now back hyping up the new Citizens Reclaiming Constitutional Liberties PAC. So that’s the new scam! Donate today, Mark Williams needs some new white sheets!
As Williams revealed his new plans he also took a swipe at the Tea Party movement for not being able to move beyond “the cheerleading stage.”
Williams revealed, first to CNN, that he is helping to form a political action committee that will channel “Tea Party passion” into electing conservative candidates.
Williams said the effort will be called the “Citizens Reclaiming Constitutional Liberties PAC.” He told CNN that paperwork is currently being filed to establish the group and that it should be up and running by August 16. From there, the PAC will proceed in raising seed money and finding candidates it deems conservative enough, Williams said.
“We’ll be looking for…conservative young people who have something to offer, something to say and don’t identify, in some cases, with either party,” Williams told CNN in an exclusive interview.
Below the fold is some Resistnet screencaps of all their Tea Party Express mentions, because, why not?
So I was hanging out in Resistnet chat being awesome when suddenly Resistnet chat decided to go all racial holy war. You see, the posters on Resistnet long for the day they can shoot all the Mexicans and Blacks, because they’re crazy racists who are crazy. Especially dan taylor, who has been featured in many many many of our Wingnut Webs. And he gets no moderation or discipline by the Resistnet moderators at all. Because what he says must not be offensive to them! But don’t take my word for it, take the words of the Resistnet chatters themselves!
Blacks are gonna start something!
dan taylor says just machine gun those blacks!
dan taylor also thinks we don’t need Mexicans because we already have all those troublesome blacks!
all cultures are not equal – some get drunk and run over white people, while white people never get drunk and drive!
dan taylor is already at war
dan taylor thinks we could take over Mexico in two days, while suddenly someone brings up the Machete movie again
dan taylor is hoping beyond hope that Machete will make whites declare their mastery over all other races again
Mexicans are so easy to defeat a caveman could do it. Continue with someone suddenly getting scared that their lovely war will disrupt their medical supplies
help me please kill mexicans!
A Mexican ate my rabbit!
Brian Hill then goes all conspiracy theory!
If you go to Resistnet.com you can get recruited to the race war today! dan taylor is in chat all the time, and it’s obvious that no one is bothered by his call for racial holy war. I guess that means Resistnet is totally fine with it! Good to know!
Boy was Resistnet mad when Arizona’s sb1070 was partially overturned by a federal judge. They got so made, they forgot they were supposed to be the peaceful resistance and just became the angry mob. Luckily, Politisink.com was there with our handy PrintScreen button and captured the action for all to see. Thrill as Real Patriots try to outdo each other for how eager they are to overthrow the country! It’s amazing, especially when the moderator tells them to stop yet doesn’t bother to delete or punish anyone and even joins in on parts of the discussions! That’s why Wingnut Web is here!
Resistnet starts off with a bang calling for the death of Senator Barbara Boxer because she’s proud of her job…
James Gragg then declares that if the Arizona Immigration Law isn’t left standing, it is WAR! He means it, he posted a terrible drawing!
Resistnet now allows you to say “wetbacks” with no penalty! Thanks, Resistnet!
Fluoride in the water and Chemtrails? I think I’m getting close to winning Conspiracy Theory Bingo!
We’re kicking it conspiracy old school with some modern twists! We got our good old fashioned Zionist conspiracy mixed with the Rothschilds, and sprinkle on some Rockfellers, the Fed, card games, Dark Knight imagery, and we got us a hearty stew of conspiracy theory junk! And Resistnet is kind enough to help us get to the bottom of the conspiracy with no one bothering to refute any part of it!
Resistnet Poster EricktheRed9 posts this junk from Henry Makow, and then adds his own crazy at the end.
Sorry, Libs, y’all are just being used…by the Satanic Communists!
Richard Rodriguez is totally getting insulted here, but the thing to watch out for is LOOK IN THE EYES OF THE DEMON JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER. Extra bonus Rothschild Cabalist Man and a total slam on Pocahontas! Continue reading →
Walter Fitzpatrick a bigwig of the American Grand Jury, which is basically Fitzpatrick and a few other guys who sit around, declare themselves a Grand Jury, and file charges against Barack Obama and basically everyone in Congress and the Supreme Court claiming they are committing fraud and treason as Barack Obama is really one Barry Soetoro, noted guy who isn’t an American.
To succeed in this plan, Fitzpatrick must get the Monroe County Tennessee officials to agree to charge Obama with treason and fraud, because just declaring yourself a Grand Jury doesn’t mean anyone will listen to you. So you would think Fitzpatrick would have a good working relationship with the local officials. Instead, Fitzpatrick becomes increasingly belligerent against the local officials, who don’t take his hand-written claims seriously, and soon Fitzpatrick declares that the Monroe County are part of the vast conspiracy.
Fitzpatrick’s blog – JAG Hunter – Now moved to The JAG Hunter – contains lots of random rants at how the Man is keeping him down in his quest to overthrow the president.
Fitzpatrick was allowed to testify for around two hours before officials in August, who declined to take action, prompting Fitzpatrick to claim they forced them out of the courthouse. Things escalated from there as Fitzpatrick became more and more convinced there was a vast conspiracy against him and his battle for the truth of Barry Soetoro exposure.
Walter Fitzpatrick walked into the Monroe county courthouse in Madisonville, Tenn., and approached Grand Jury foreman Gary Pettway. “I’m charging you with official misconduct,” Fitzpatrick calmly told Pettway. “I’m placing you under arrest. You must now come with me.
He did not in fact go with Fitzpatrick, and Fitzpatrick himself got arrested and spent several days in jail:
But then the story got spread to right-wing blogs via
Carl Swensson – http://www.riseupforamerica.com/ – another American Grand Jury guy –
and a few others posted all over the place asking for help! And the call was answered…
Commissioner Walt Fitzpatrick, who’s trying to dissolve the district because he claims it is collecting taxes for no purpose, dialed 911. He wanted Commissioner Steve Hoffman removed from the meeting because Hoffman didn’t file for office in the last election, in which he ran unopposed. That, says Fitzpatrick, means according to port bylaws, Hoffman’s no longer a commissioner.
Because the third commissioner, Roy Lee Anderson, didn’t show up, Fitzpatrick tried to stop the meeting – which never officially started – because it couldn’t be conducted with just one commissioner.
Kitsap County Sheriff’s Deputy Dave Anderson arrived and informed the group that the county Prosecutor’s and Auditor’s offices agree that Hoffman is duly elected.
“”We’re not going to make him leave,”” Anderson said. “”He is a commissioner recognized by the county.””
Most of the 15 citizens in attendance clapped.
Fitzpatrick claims that port bylaws, which read “”each member must be elected from each of the three membership districts,”” trump state law.
Resident Tom Carmichael agreed. “”It doesn’t make any difference what anybody says, the state, county or anybody. That (bylaws) is the controlling document, and we’re stuck with it,”” he said.
“”And you’re out,”” Fitzpatrick said to Hoffman.
Hoffman said he didn’t run for re-election because it would cost the port about $700 to be on the ballot. He checked with the county to make sure it was OK.
“”How come everyone in the county says I’m elected but you?”” Hoffman asked Fitzpatrick.
Despite the deputy’s message, Fitzpatrick still wouldn’t let the meeting proceed. Fitzpatrick, Hoffman, the residents and a few people who dropped by for the entertainment sat and argued for an hour.
Hoffman told Fitzpatrick several times that he can’t appoint himself port president and chair, as he did last month. At that meeting, Fitzpatrick declared that Hoffman wasn’t duly elected and three times offered Fitzpatrick’s positions to Anderson. Anderson declined, so Fitzpatrick, the newest commissioner, claimed the posts.
Thursday, the debate deteriorated to personal shots directed at Fitzpatrick by younger residents. It elevated to the point that one man asked Fitzpatrick to step outside.
This article was discovered via Bad Fiction, which is a pretty good blog and is getting linked here.
You back? So it wasn’t Treason, just the Tooth Fairy? At least you got a quarter for your efforts!
While I was typing this up, Monroe Country hit the news again for another tragic reason. Monroe County Election Commission Chairman Jim Miller was found dead inside the trunk of a burning car. Jim Miller was active in the Republican party in the country and has ties to many local officials as well as the business community. The TBI are still investigating the murder.
A site I had never heard of called RightSideNews was quick to try to blame the Democrats based solely on the fact a commentor quickly blamed the birthers.
Moments after the story broke on the Internet – a poster by the name Eugene at the following IP address – posted the following public threat against Fitzpatrick –
“So Huff and Walter have already started their violent revenge that they promised against election and court officials in Monroe County… You have just started a civil war and we WILL destroy you thug birthers. No one will be on your side when they see what murderous thugs you are.”
The IP address is not registered to a Eugene. It is registered to someone named “John Smith” in Washington State.
Then they followed with
As a Republican Party conservative, it is ludicrous to suggest that any so-called “right-winger” was involved, though I have little doubt that every effort will be made to pin the event on some poor unsuspecting “right-winger” somewhere. This is the (MO) of today’s political left, as indicated by another left-wing poster named Jean Gibson…
“Darren Huff (a militia member of the “Restore America Plan”) (the group that sent all the threatening letters to state governers – is likely involved in this murder. I have been monitoring far right-wing militia groups for years and have noticed a LOT of threats coming from them and birthers torward politicians in Monroe County because the courts there wouldn’t hear Walter Fitzpatricks rigged jury “indictment” of Obama … Go do some research, you’ll see that Huff and Fitzpatrick threatened revenge on Monroe County. It’s not conspiracy theory it’s fact.” – 7/19/2010 3:31 PM EDT on WBIR.com
Obot’s are immediately on the story and immediately looking to pin this on a “right-winger” when in fact the man murdered was himself a “right-winger.” The facts support nothing they say or believe, but that has never interfered with Obot propaganda.
Of course, RightSideNews would enver stoop so low as to…
Many of the insane online posts from Obots have already been removed or deleted from the news blogs, and rightfully so. They are groundless and dangerous… putting many lives at risk in Monroe County, not the least of which is Fitzpatrick.
This is what corruption looks like in Obot-land.
My heart goes out to the Miller family. Mr. Miller appears to be one of the “good guys” in Monroe County. The people of Monroe County must take great care to watch as events continue to unfold.
LCDR Fitzpatrick is scheduled for trial in November, after yet another election of course. The nation will be watching to see what the “investigation” into Mr. Miller’s murder turns up.
This was a Chicago style slaying if ever there was one. The people will want to know who is really responsible and why…
Oh..yeah…I guess Obama just came to Tennessee to murder some random guy and leave him in a burning trunk. And no rightwingpersonhaskilledanyone!
Now, our old friends at Resistnet.com have been big proponents of this American Grand Jury, Birther, and driving your truck full of guns to Monroe County nonsense! Here is a random sampling of their posts with comments as usual:
The spat between the NAACP and the Tea Party groups exploded into a bigger mess than I thought it would. You see, despite the fact that we spend hours each week pouring over right wing sites and reading all sorts of awful things, we at Politisink are still decent people, and thus, don’t automatically think about how awful a backlash of racism will be against groups that have been demonized for months on Glenn Beck. Our mistakes. But, besides Mark Williams’s awesome letter that totally proved the NAACP’s point better than they could themselves, Resistnet’s commentors have also been weighing in on this issue. And, being Resistnet, they’ve been weighing in as a bunch of racists.
Miles is our douchebag of the day, because his story is frakking insane. Besides the obvious lies about how much money a family gets and the pre-1994 welfare reform arguments about families spending generations on welfare, there are more spelling errors than if you threw 1000 Scrabble pieces at random on the ground.
Wow, Lynn Bryant DeSpain is a moron. The NAACP fought against Wilson and his racist segregation policies, and the “entitlements” crap he is talking about is probably a reference to things FDR started, not Wilson. This is what happens when you get history lessons from Glenn Beck and Jonah Goldberg. But “seven babies, seven fathers” is totally not racist! Why do the blacks not like us?
Tea Party Express bigwig Mark Williams took the Teabagger/NAACP spat a bit further…to the INSANO ZONE! He upped this “letter” on his webpage! It is a fake letter from a black guy to President Lincoln.
Dear Mr. Lincoln
We Colored People have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to that whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves, and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much to ask of us Colored People and we demand that it stop!
In fact we held a big meeting and took a vote in Kansas City this week. We voted to condemn a political revival of that old abolitionist spirit called the ‘tea party movement’.
The tea party position to “end the bailouts” for example is just silly. Bailouts are just big money welfare and isn’t that what we want all Colored People to strive for? What kind of racist would want to end big money welfare? What they need to do is start handing the bail outs directly to us Colored People! Of course, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is the only responsible party that should be granted the right to disperse the funds.
And the ridiculous idea of “reduce[ing] the size and intrusiveness of government.” What kind of massa would ever not want to control my life? As Colored People we must have somebody care for us otherwise we would be on our own, have to think for ourselves and make decisions and if you do not agree than there is not enough Colored in your People, as we labeled Ken Gladney [source]
The racist tea parties also demand that the government “stop the out of control spending.” Again, they directly target Colored People. That means we Colored People would have to compete for jobs like everybody else and that is just not right.
Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government “stop raising our taxes.” That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society?
Mr. Lincoln, you were the greatest racist ever. We had a great gig. Three squares, room and board, all our decisions made by the massa in the house. Please repeal the 13th and 14th Amendments and let us get back to where we belong.
Precious Ben Jealous, Tom’s Nephew National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Head Colored Person
I would just like to point out that Resistnet is best buddies with the Tea Party Express. The rest of this letter…I’ll just let it speak for itself.