Drain Clogs – 10-11-10

Drain Clogs – 09-28-2010

Sarah Palin finally showed up on Dancing with the Stars, got booed.

Crazy Teabagger Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle is on government health care.

Swiftboating Birther Jerome Corsi wants Obama to “Renounce Lucifer”

Tea Party Patriots got a $1 million anonymous donation from someone horrible. Grass roots millionaires! Remember that Tea Party Patriots was the “grassroots” teabagger group formed by Freedomworks and Washington insider Dick Armey, who still secretly run TPP despite claiming not to.

Health insurance companies decide that they aren’t going to insure kids only anymore. Thank goodness we don’t have single payer, because…..uh…socialism, I guess. Little Billy we be happy as he dies since his mom can’t afford to insure both him and herself.

Senator Saxby Chambliss’s staffers spend their days writing hate comments on websites.

Obama and Biden both are trying to shore up the base by insulting them. Thanks a lot, losers, I’ll use my campaign donations elsewhere.

Cartoon of the Day:

Who are these Teabagger candidates, anyway? – Sharron Angle Edition

We’re going to start a series on the Teabagger candidates filling this election with hilarity and scariness. And we’ll get to them in roughly the order they appeared on the national scene (skipping Marco Rubio for now), thus first up is Nevada senate candidate Sharron Angle.

Sharron Angle defeated fellow crazy candidate Sue Lowden, who lost largely due to her hilarious comment about bartering with chickens to get health care. Senator Harry Reid was scoring low in the polls until Angle appeared, shocking everyone with how awful she was. Her first few media appearances were nothing short of embarassing, and the GOP leadership called her to DC to try to work on her image. Or at least get her out of the limelight for a while. Angle worked hard to try to convince the GOP she wasn’t nuts, but they got distracted by other candidates saying nuttier things.

It should come to no surprise Sharron Angle didn’t spring from the ground, but was in fact a force in crazy politics for decades. In the 1990s, she was a member of the fringe rightwing Independent American Party, which is a Libertarian/NWO conspiracy party. The IAP published an anti-gay flier in the 90s that has been uploaded to the web.

Sharron Angle’s gaffes and awful statements have been a Godsend to Harry Reid, who up until that point was looking to be collecting unemployment after the election. Despite the fact many voters on both sides wish they had better choices, Harry Reid has regained the lead in Nevada polling and the race is now running close to dead even.

Sharron Angle then upped the rhetoric and appealed to the violent gun-clutcher wing of the GOP by saying “2nd Amendment Remedies” were the “Cure” for the “Harry Reid Problems”. The 2nd Amendment Remedies quote took on a chilling new meaning when Sharron Angle went on the radio and agreed with a host who said we had “domestic enemies” in Congress

MANDERS: You know I talk often about this oath that they give and it is to defend the Constitution and all that. But one of the things that is very important to me in this oath that they give is that they will defend against foreign and domestic enemies.

ANGLE: Yes. Yes.

MANDERS: We have domestic enemies. We have home-born homegrown enemies in our system. And I for one think we have some of those enemies in the walls of the Senate and the Congress.

ANGLE: Yes. I think you’re right, Bill.

audio here

Who are these Domestic Enemies? Like all the Republicans who say such things, no one is naming names.

Harry Reid even went off on her over this latest statement, but Sharron Angle refuses to back down.

Sharron Angle is not a friend of the media (to the point where local stations were literally begging with her to give interviews) and she’s shut out the Hispanic media almost entirely. And Angle has stoked Illegal Immigration fears by calling Harry Reid the “illegal immigrant’s best friend”

Sharron Angle wants to wipe out all federal funding for education, and the methods she refers to will also eliminate all state funding of education, destroying every public school. She also wants to eliminate Social Security, which she has repeatedly referred to as an “entitlement”

The greatest Sharron Angle story of them all is how she hates the color black. It seems she started quoting all sorts of Bible verses to stop football players from wearing black jerseys.

Drain Clogs – 08-20-2010

Alternet has a list of 10 young Right Wingers who are the future of the conservative movement. Read up because they’ll be saying horrible crap on a tv near you soon enough!

A scam company is using a Bill O’Reilly interview to pretend he endorses them to scam more people! Ever wonder why scams are so popular with Right Wing news advertisers? It’s almost if they think the audience is stupid…why could that be? For his part, BillO is pissed. But NewsMax is the group promoting this junk along with scam organizer Bill Spetrino, who turns his 60-day “trial” account for his system into a $99/year payday.

Teabagger Republican Nevada Senate Candidate Sharron Angle – “Black is Evil!”

Professor HM Orly Taitz TE got smacked down by the Supreme Court (again) and is trying to appeal. Expect that to go nowhere fast. Taitz is also claiming she has new evidence Obama is not a citizen because she’s seeing things in videos posted on the WhiteHouse.gov site. Yeah.

So Dr. Laura will be ending her show after her now-legendary N-word rant. Luckily, Sarah Palin supports her and tells her to reload! I guess, yell the n-word even more? And she was against the n-word a few months ago. I’m totally confused, but who would have though Sarah Palin would back racist rants?

Wingnuts go insane on a juror in the Blago trial, blaming her for being the loan holdout that got Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich convicted on only one count. Their evidence? She’s black, worked for the state, and listens to NPR! Shirley Sherrod 2.0

Juror # 106, a black female believed to be in her 60s, is a retired state public health director who has ties to the Chicago Urban League. She has handed out campaign literature for a relative who ran for public office. She listens to National Public Radio and liberal talk radio shows.

Who would have though the Wingnuts would destroy the life of a black woman?

The anti-Mosque hysteria might cost the GOP a big name donor! Who would have though the Wingnuts would be racist against Muslims?

This is a good read about the Tea Party Exchange: One man came up with a scheme for a Tea Party discount card, and the businesses that signed up suddenly had a lot of angry customers that didn’t want to do business with supporters of crazy Teabaggery. Now the whole thing has collapsed and the guy is going to lose all the sweet sweet money he made of the back of hard working local businesses.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-27-2010

Drain Clogs – 07-13-2010

China news is claiming that the Taliban are training monkeys to kill US troops. True or not, it’s hilarious.

Diaper Dan Vitter is a Birther!

For those of you who aren’t scientists, there is a big cabal that controls access to journals. The company that owns Nature is hiking its access fees by 400%. That is ticking off the UCs. This is exciting enough it probably deserves its own entry one day when I am not pressed for time.

I hope the GOP does this.

Sharron Angle thinks Bob Bennett has “outlived his usefulness”

Republican Pennsylvania governor candidate Tom Corbett says unemployed people just sit there. He really did!

“The jobs are there, but if we keep extending unemployment, people are just going to sit there,”

Automated debt collection has gone crazy and is finally ticking off some state legislatures enough they’re demanding more proof of debt. But not enough state legislatures.

If you spend any time like I do on Righwing sites, you probably saw dozens of morons praising bobby Jindal for giving the Feds the finger and going ahead and building sand booms to block the oil. Except those sand booms were freaking stupid and they all washed away during the first storm. And the company that was hired to build them was Jindal’s number 3 donor! More here.

The Teabaggers were 100% in favor of this.

Real Men beat their wives for having a abortion. Liberal pussies put an end to that. – Female WND pundit Jill Stanek

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-07-2010

Iran has a robot. Iran, the new Japan.
It's a Mecca-nical Man!

Mitt Romney is a moron, and gets destroyed by Fred Kaplan

Harry Reid put the Sharron Angle website back up, so props to Harry Reid!

I was gonna do an article on this before I saw it linked on Kos, and may still do one, but this is the worst opinion column of the year.

Besides pimping garbage about vaccines causing autism, HuffPo is now hosting a creationist and editing out criticism to said creationist from its own writers.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 07-06-2010

We’re getting threatened again, this time by our old pal Helene. You remember her? Her husband invented everything ever.

One thing he didn’t invent was a way to have us not make fun of her, thus she’s gone tattling to Dreamhost (our webhosting company) and “the property government authorities” – Looks like the jig is up! So here is her comment in full (found in the above link)

Hi Frankie,

You caught me. Bet I had you going for a minute didn’t I?

In any event, I have contacted Dreamhost and the property government authorities about your posts. I’m sure you will understand since you love our government nowadays and would love to be a part of their enslavement.

Boots. Shaking.

In the future world of 2010, rogue debt collecting companies can destroy your life with nothing more than a piece of paper.

Remember when Anthem Blue Cross decided to raise rates a ridiculous amount and pretty much got the Health Care Reform passed because of it, then backed off? Well, they’re gonna raise the rates again!

Republican John Oxendine paid his former campaign manager’s consulting firm to dispatch Christian teenage volunteers from TeenPact door-to-door promoting his bid for Georgia governor. But I’m sure this is all in the up and up, except for the fact that the group TeenPact is a non-profit with tax-exempt status that isn’t suppose to be doing that and can be fined and stripped of their status.

Wanna cover the BP oil leak and not go exactly where BP tells you to go? Pay $40,000 and go to jail! FUBP.

Who is lamer? Sharron Angle for sending a cease-and-desist letter to the Reid campaign after they quoted her old campaign website (full of crazy stuff) or Harry Reid for his campaign complying with the cease-and-desist letter?

Real Patriots sue the fire department

A Republican a member of an all-white country club? Shocks of shocks!

Riots in the USA! Yes, Puerto Rico is part of the USA, even if it isn’t a state.
Check out this awesome excessive force action!

Remember the Anonymous Tarp Wife who whined about being embarrassed because her husband’s crappy company destroyed the economy of the entire planet? Well, she’s Liz Peek, and now she thinks she can give financial advice. I’m no expert, but I have a feeling she’s completely and utterly wrong about everything.

Living wages are cool, unless you’re a jerk. Hey, there are lots of jerks in New York!

This WND dude used to love America more when it was a fictional country. But what do you expect from the author of Liberals: America’s Termites or It’s A Shame That Liberals, Unlike Hamsters, Never Eat Their Young. I think he needs a longer book title.

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-30-2010

DailyKos is having words with their pollster Research 2000, who they are accusing of fabricating data. Research 2000 is pushing back by declaring DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas will face “criminal sanctions”. I guess that’s better than releasing your raw data to prove you didn’t just make stuff up…oh, wait, no it’s not. Way to look guilty, Research 2000! At least this drama has given me a reason to read FiveThirtyEight again after getting sick of Nate Silver’s sperglording.

Got raped by dad? God’s plan! – Sharron Angle.

Joe Scarborough called John Boehner a barhopper

Dem Rep. Pete Stark vs Minutemen

“The Minutemen want to have something to say,” Stark says, as one of the border security advocates begins to ask a question. “Who are you going to kill today?”

After brushing off the congressman’s remark, the activist said, “I want to know why the federal government is not doing anything more to seal the borders of this country.”

“Well, we can’t get enough Minutemen armed,” Stark answered. “We’d like to. Get all the Minutemen armed so they can stop shooting people here.”

“We’ll try to get you some more arms and get you down there,” the congressman added.

Stark then tried to move on to the next question, but the man cut in to ask why his hadn’t been answered.

“The question is, why is the federal government leaving our borders porous for anybody to come in?” the man said.

“Our borders are quite secure, thank you,” Stark responded. “How would you secure it? … Tell me, I’m not the government.”

The man then interrupted Stark, telling the congressman, “This a very serious matter, and you’re sitting there making fun of it.”

“I don’t have to make fun of you, sir,” Stark responded. “You make a fine job [of it] all by yourself.”

Republicans hate the troops, especially homeless troops.

Please welcome new writer Frank Delicious to Politisink.com!

Cartoon of the Day:

Drain Clogs – 06-16-2010

The GOP is so proud of Rand Paul and Sharron Angle it is hiding them so they don’t become the new face of the GOP.

BP agrees to a $20 billion victims compensation fund. I will go out on a limb here and say it won’t be enough.

Crazy lady Michelle Bachmann is already screaming that the fund is a “redistribution of wealth”

YahooNews comments gave us this gem:


Dracubama is a new one.

And this:

BP should have told that freaking IDIOT!!! of a worthless President,
to go and F@#& himself along with the rest of his cronnies. When will
a company stand up and tell this administration, and tell them we’re not doing anything
anymore, and if you clowns keep on we’ll close up shop here in the Sates,
and go elsewhere to another country How you like that.

I think it would be hilarious if BP tried that, because the only response is to seize all American BP assets by the Federal government, which would be awesome. Too bad Obama would never do that.

BP is still barring access to the beaches.

Meg Whitman has now donated $91 million of her own money to run for CA governor. And she’s running as a fiscally responsible candidate.

World-o-crap takes down RenewAmerica’s Paul Craft

Real Patriots are squatters, apparently. I knew about this story by itself, but now that it is part of some sort of wingnut scam network it has taken a whole new twist.

Cartoon of the Day: