- Newt Gingrich believes in socialism of his penis, but his then-wife was not impressed.
- Lamar Smith and the MPAA are giant babies, but the SOPA and PIPA protest had an effect as supporters flee the bill like Italian cruise line captains flee their stranded vessels.
- Megaupload has been shut down by the FBI, despite the business and company heads not being American. And the day after the SOPA protests.
- Obama has 273K less government employees than Reagan had, somehow is still a big government commie socialist unlike St. Reagan the Sinless.
- Farm Animals get 80% of the antibiotics sold in the US. And if you think that isn’t a problem, you’re part of the problem!
- Reason to Hate Wall Street of the Day.
- Rick Santorum actually won Iowa, is still awful. Remember, Republicans are totally “transparent” on voting but can’t even get this right.
- Cartoon of the Day:
Drain Clogs